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Edward O. Wilson papers, 1931-2015

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Writings, 1931-2008 (continued)
BOX 249 "The Earliest Known Ants: An Analysis of the Cretaceous Species and an Inference Concerning Their Social Organization," Paleobiology
BOX 249 1988, "The Diversity of Life: Its Origin and Future," National Geographic Magazine
BOX 249 1989, "The Coming Pluralization of Biology and the Stewardship of Systematics," BioScience
BOX 249 1990, "The New Environmentalism," Chronicles
BOX 249 1990-1991, miscellaneous
BOX 249 1991, "Rain Forest Canopy: The High Frontier," National Geographic Magazine
BOX 249 1992-1995, miscellaneous
BOX 250 1993, "Is Humanity Suicidal?," New York Times Magazine
BOX 250 1995, "Biodiversity: Back from the Brink?," Time International
BOX 250 1996-1998, miscellaneous
BOX 250 1998
BOX 250 Atlantic Monthly articles
BOX 250 "Back from Chaos," March issue (a copy of the "The Biological Basis of Morality" in the April issue was not found in the collection)
BOX 250 Letters to the editors
(6 folders)
BOX 250 "The Consilience Proposal: An Exchange Between Edward O. Wilson and Loyal Rue on Science and Religion," Boston Book Review
BOX 250 "Is Everything Relative? A Debate on the Unity of Knowledge," Wilson Quarterly
BOX 250 "Science in Culture," Daedalus
BOX 251 1999
BOX 251 "Hardwired for God: Is Our Search for Divinity Merely a By-Product of Evolution?"
BOX 251 Miscellaneous
BOX 251 2000
BOX 251 "On the Future of Conservation Biology," Conservation Biology
BOX 251 "Vanishing Before Our Eyes," Time
BOX 251 "The Writing Life" column, Washington Post
BOX 251 2000-2002, miscellaneous
BOX 251 2002, "What Is Nature Worth?," Wilson Quarterly
BOX 251 2003, miscellaneous
BOX 251 2004-2005, miscellaneous
BOX 251 2005
BOX 251 "Alien Invaders from Planet Earth"
BOX 251 "All of Man's Troubles Arise"
BOX 251 "A Brave New World," Cosmos
BOX 251 "Eusociality: Origins and Consequences," with Bert Hölldobler, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
(2 folders)
BOX 251 "Kin Selection as the Key to Altruism: Its Rise and Fall," Social Research
BOX 251 "Reflections on the Future of Life," in Roads to Reconciliation, edited by Amy Benson Brown and Karen Poremski
BOX 251 "The Rise of the Ants: A Phylogenetic and Ecological Exploration, with Bert Hölldobler, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
BOX 251 2006
BOX 251 "Let's Accept the Fault Line Between Faith and Science," USA Today
BOX 252 Miscellaneous
BOX 252 2006-2007, "What Drives Eusociality?," with Bert Hölldobler
(6 folders)
BOX 252 2007
BOX 252 Miscellaneous
BOX 252 "The Nature of Human Nature," inBiophilic Design: The Theory, Science, and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life, edited by Stephen R. Kellert, Judith H. Heerwagen, and Martin L. Mador
BOX 252 "Rethinking the Theoretical Foundation of Sociobiology," with David Sloan Wilson, Quarterly Review of Biology
BOX 252 (1 folder)
BOX 253 (5 folders)
BOX 253 "Science versus Religion: The Third Way"
BOX 253 2008, "One Giant Leap: How Insects Achieved Altruism and Colonial Life," BioScience
BOX 253 Undated
(2 folders)
BOX 253 Forewords, prefaces, and introductions
BOX 253 1983-2002
(2 folders)
BOX 254 2003-2008, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 254 Letters to editors, 1975-1987
(2 folders)
BOX 254 Miscellaneous, 1991-2006
BOX 254 Statements and joint letters, 1981-2007
BOX 254 Writings by others
BOX 254 "A" general, 1934, 1976-1985, 2003
BOX 254 "B" general, 1978-1992, 2001
BOX 254 Ba-Be
(2 folders)
BOX 255 Bl-Bu
(2 folders)
BOX 255 "C" general, 1976-1991, 2004-2007
BOX 255 Ca
BOX 255 Cameron, Donald
BOX 255 Caplan, Arthur L. te encodinganalog="245$f">
BOX 255 Ch-Cs
(2 folders)
BOX 255 "D-E" general, 1973-1985
BOX 255 "F" general, 1970-1990, 2005
BOX 255 Fa-Fe
BOX 256 Fetzer, James H.
BOX 256 Fi-Fr
(2 folders)
BOX 256 "G" general, 1956, 1976-1994, 2004
(3 folders)
BOX 256 "H" general, 1948, 1983-1984, 2003-2005
BOX 256 Ha-Hu
BOX 256 Heiner, Ronald A.
BOX 257 "I" general, 1982, 1998
BOX 257 "J" general, 1978-1985, 2002-2005
BOX 257 Ja-Jo
BOX 257 Johnson, Julie
BOX 257 Ju
BOX 257 "K" general, 1931, 1976-1987
BOX 257 "L" general, 1976-1985, 1995, 2005
BOX 257 La
BOX 257 Lacy, Richard C.
BOX 257 Le-Ly
BOX 258 "M" general, 1958, 1974-1985, 1996-2007
BOX 258 Ma
BOX 258 Maleski, David J.
BOX 258 Mc-My
BOX 258 "N-O" general, 1978-1985, 2002
BOX 258 "P-Q" general, 1978-1985, 1998, 2005
BOX 258 The Panama Biota, 1972
BOX 258 "R" general, 1968-1988, 1999, 2007
BOX 258 Ra-Ru
BOX 258 Reibstein, Rick
BOX 259 Richards, Guy
BOX 259 "S" general, 1973-1984, 2004-2005
BOX 259 Sa-Sc
BOX 259 Segerståle, Ullica Christiana Olofsclotter
(3 folders)
BOX 259 Sh-Sz
(2 folders)
BOX 260 Snell, George D.
(4 folders)
BOX 260 "T-U" general, 1969, 1983-1985
BOX 260 "V" general, 1983, 2002, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 261 "W" general, 1975-1989, 2003-2007
BOX 261 Wa-Wr
(2 folders)
BOX 261 Watson, James D.
(2 folders)
BOX 261 "Y-Z" general, 1980-1982, 2007
BOX 261 No author listed, 1972-1984
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