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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Writings, 1931-2008 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX 249 | "The Earliest Known Ants: An Analysis of the Cretaceous Species and an Inference Concerning Their Social Organization," Paleobiology | ||||||||||||
BOX 249 | 1988, "The Diversity of Life: Its Origin and Future," National Geographic Magazine | ||||||||||||
BOX 249 | 1989, "The Coming Pluralization of Biology and the Stewardship of Systematics," BioScience | ||||||||||||
BOX 249 | 1990, "The New Environmentalism," Chronicles | ||||||||||||
BOX 249 | 1990-1991, miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 249 | 1991, "Rain Forest Canopy: The High Frontier," National Geographic Magazine | ||||||||||||
BOX 249 | 1992-1995, miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | 1993, "Is Humanity Suicidal?," New York Times Magazine | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | 1995, "Biodiversity: Back from the Brink?," Time International | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | 1996-1998, miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | 1998 | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | Atlantic Monthly articles | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | "Back from Chaos," March issue (a copy of the "The Biological Basis of Morality" in the April issue was not found in the collection) | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | Letters to the editors | ||||||||||||
(6 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 250 | "The Consilience Proposal: An Exchange Between Edward O. Wilson and Loyal Rue on Science and Religion," Boston Book Review | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | "Is Everything Relative? A Debate on the Unity of Knowledge," Wilson Quarterly | ||||||||||||
BOX 250 | "Science in Culture," Daedalus | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 1999 | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "Hardwired for God: Is Our Search for Divinity Merely a By-Product of Evolution?" | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 2000 | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "On the Future of Conservation Biology," Conservation Biology | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "Vanishing Before Our Eyes," Time | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "The Writing Life" column, Washington Post | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 2000-2002, miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 2002, "What Is Nature Worth?," Wilson Quarterly | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 2003, miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 2004-2005, miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "Alien Invaders from Planet Earth" | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "All of Man's Troubles Arise" | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "A Brave New World," Cosmos | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "Eusociality: Origins and Consequences," with Bert Hölldobler, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "Kin Selection as the Key to Altruism: Its Rise and Fall," Social Research | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "Reflections on the Future of Life," in Roads to Reconciliation, edited by Amy Benson Brown and Karen Poremski | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "The Rise of the Ants: A Phylogenetic and Ecological Exploration, with Bert Hölldobler, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | 2006 | ||||||||||||
BOX 251 | "Let's Accept the Fault Line Between Faith and Science," USA Today | ||||||||||||
BOX 252 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 252 | 2006-2007, "What Drives Eusociality?," with Bert Hölldobler | ||||||||||||
(6 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 252 | 2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 252 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 252 | "The Nature of Human Nature," inBiophilic Design: The Theory, Science, and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life, edited by Stephen R. Kellert, Judith H. Heerwagen, and Martin L. Mador | ||||||||||||
BOX 252 | "Rethinking the Theoretical Foundation of Sociobiology," with David Sloan Wilson, Quarterly Review of Biology | ||||||||||||
BOX 252 | (1 folder) | ||||||||||||
BOX 253 | (5 folders) | ||||||||||||
BOX 253 | "Science versus Religion: The Third Way" | ||||||||||||
BOX 253 | 2008, "One Giant Leap: How Insects Achieved Altruism and Colonial Life," BioScience | ||||||||||||
BOX 253 | Undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 253 | Forewords, prefaces, and introductions | ||||||||||||
BOX 253 | 1983-2002 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 254 | 2003-2008, undated | ||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 254 | Letters to editors, 1975-1987 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 254 | Miscellaneous, 1991-2006 | ||||||||||||
BOX 254 | Statements and joint letters, 1981-2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 254 | Writings by others | ||||||||||||
BOX 254 | "A" general, 1934, 1976-1985, 2003 | ||||||||||||
BOX 254 | "B" general, 1978-1992, 2001 | ||||||||||||
BOX 254 | Ba-Be | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 255 | Bl-Bu | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 255 | "C" general, 1976-1991, 2004-2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 255 | Ca | ||||||||||||
BOX 255 | Cameron, Donald | ||||||||||||
BOX 255 | Caplan, Arthur L. te encodinganalog="245$f"> | ||||||||||||
BOX 255 | Ch-Cs | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 255 | "D-E" general, 1973-1985 | ||||||||||||
BOX 255 | "F" general, 1970-1990, 2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX 255 | Fa-Fe | ||||||||||||
BOX 256 | Fetzer, James H. | ||||||||||||
BOX 256 | Fi-Fr | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 256 | "G" general, 1956, 1976-1994, 2004 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 256 | "H" general, 1948, 1983-1984, 2003-2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX 256 | Ha-Hu | ||||||||||||
BOX 256 | Heiner, Ronald A. | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | "I" general, 1982, 1998 | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | "J" general, 1978-1985, 2002-2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | Ja-Jo | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | Johnson, Julie | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | Ju | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | "K" general, 1931, 1976-1987 | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | "L" general, 1976-1985, 1995, 2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | La | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | Lacy, Richard C. | ||||||||||||
BOX 257 | Le-Ly | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | "M" general, 1958, 1974-1985, 1996-2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | Ma | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | Maleski, David J. | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | Mc-My | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | "N-O" general, 1978-1985, 2002 | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | "P-Q" general, 1978-1985, 1998, 2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | The Panama Biota, 1972 | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | "R" general, 1968-1988, 1999, 2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | Ra-Ru | ||||||||||||
BOX 258 | Reibstein, Rick | ||||||||||||
BOX 259 | Richards, Guy | ||||||||||||
BOX 259 | "S" general, 1973-1984, 2004-2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX 259 | Sa-Sc | ||||||||||||
BOX 259 | Segerståle, Ullica Christiana Olofsclotter | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 259 | Sh-Sz | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 260 | Snell, George D. | ||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 260 | "T-U" general, 1969, 1983-1985 | ||||||||||||
BOX 260 | "V" general, 1983, 2002, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 261 | "W" general, 1975-1989, 2003-2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 261 | Wa-Wr | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 261 | Watson, James D. | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 261 | "Y-Z" general, 1980-1982, 2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 261 | No author listed, 1972-1984 | ||||||||||||
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