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Edward O. Wilson papers, 1931-2015

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Miscellany, 1932-2008 (continued)
BOX 274 Carter, Jimmy, 1977
BOX 274 General, 1952, 1976-2007, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 274 Gingrich, Newt, circa 1995
BOX 274 Horton, Kathleen, 1970
BOX 274 International Congress of Entomology, Montreal, Canada, 1956
BOX 274 Lumsden, Charles J., 1980
BOX 274 Proposed weekly schedule, 1979
BOX 274 Slides, 1961-1972, 1983, 1985, undated
BOX 274-284 Papers of Others, 1931-1992
Correspondence, research data, writings, reports, memoranda, and printed matter comprising the papers of entomologist Arthur C. Cole, myrmecologist William Steel Creighton, and biodiversity advocate Joe D. Pratt. The series, specifically the papers of Cole and Creighton, illustrates the evolution of myrmecology, the study of ants, in the early to mid-twentieth century. The correspondence documents the interpersonal relationships with the foremost entomologists and myrmecologists of their time as well as their projects and trips. The Arthur C. Cole papers and William Steel Creighton papers span a similar time frame, 1930s-1970s, and the two groups of correspondence give many complete conversations by providing the letters of both sender and receiver. Commentary on Wilson’s graduate education at Harvard and his early career is found frequently in the correspondence and suggests Wilson’s growing reputation in the field. The Joe D. Pratt papers contain a sampling of his work from the late 1980s to early 1990s promoting biodiversity as a close associate of Wilson.
Arranged alphabetically by collection title and alphabetically therein by topic or type of material.
BOX 274 Arthur C. Cole papers
BOX 274 Andrei Cal-95 data sheets, undated
BOX 274 Andrei data sheets, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 274 Andrei G-27 data sheets, undated
BOX 274 Colorado pogonomyrmex gregg, 1954-1958
BOX 274 Conomyrma dorymyrmex, 1966-1969
BOX 274 Correspondence about ants
BOX 274 1931-1953
(4 folders)
BOX 274 1962-1964
BOX 274 (3 folders)
BOX 275 (4 folders)
BOX 275 1964-1970
(10 folders)
BOX 275 Correspondence with
BOX 275 Buren, William F., 1941-1956
BOX 275 Creighton, William Steel, 1940-1958
BOX 275 (2 folders)
BOX 276 (2 folders)
BOX 276 Gregg, Robert E. (Robert Edmond), 1940-1958
(2 folders)
BOX 276 Kennedy, Clarence Hamilton, 1940-1952
BOX 276 Knowlton, George F., 1939-1954
(2 folders)
BOX 276 Smith, Marion R. (Marion Russell), 1946-1958
(5 folders)
BOX 276 Wilson, Edward O., 1951-1957
(2 folders)
BOX 276 Lariversi data sheets, undated
BOX 276 Lobognathus data sheets, undated
BOX 276 Lobognathus Nev-807 data sheets, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 276 Lobognathus Nev-812 data sheets, undated
BOX 277 Lobognathus Nev-815 data sheets, undated
BOX 277 Pogonomyrmex, Pogonomyrmex Harvester Ants, 1955-1973
(8 folders)
BOX 277 Joe D. Pratt papers, 1987-1992 See also Digital Files, mss78062_132_010
BOX 277 William Steel Creighton papers
BOX 277 Correspondence
BOX 277 Blum, Murray S., 1967-1973
(2 folders)
BOX 277 Brown, William L., Jr., 1938-1955
BOX 277 (1 folder)
BOX 278 (2 folders)
BOX 278 Buren, William F., 1941-1973
(2 folders)
BOX 278 Cole, Arthur C., 1938-1973
(6 folders)
BOX 279 General, 1935-1973
BOX 279 A-S
(12 folders)
BOX 280 T-Z
(8 folders)
BOX 280 Gregg, Robert E., 1944-1973
BOX 280 (3 folders)
BOX 281 (9 folders)
BOX 281 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1949-1959, 1972
(2 folders)
BOX 281 Mallis, Arnold, 1936-1939
BOX 282 Miller, C. D. F., 1955-1968
BOX 282 National Science Foundation, 1955-1960
BOX 282 Ross, Wilda S., 1943-1950
BOX 282 Smith, Marion R., 1938-1973
BOX 282 (8 folders)
BOX 283 (1 folder)
BOX 283 Snelling, Roy R., 1963-1973
(4 folders)
BOX 283 Wheeler, George C., 1932-1973
(4 folders)
BOX 283 Wilson, Edward O., 1949-1972
(2 folders)
BOX 284 Fire ant committee material, 1958-1967 See also Container OV 3, Map
(3 folders)
BOX 284 Report on the imported fire ant in Alabama to Alabama Department of Conservation, 1949
DF Digital Files, 1957-2007
Audio and video files and other digital content stored on compact discs, DVDs, and other media found in the collection. Included are audio recordings of interviews with Wilson as well as a digitized copy of a recording of one of his lectures during his first year of teaching in 1957. Video recordings of Wilson include lectures and book talks at the Université de Montréal, Arizona State University, Utah Museum of Natural History, and other places, as well as his appearance in 2007 at a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference after winning a TED Prize. Other digital content in the series was sent to Wilson from various sources, including the American Prairie Foundation, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, New York Botanical Garden, Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Australia, and Barry Bolton who sent Wilson drafts of his keys to world subfamilies and genera of ants in 1991. Analog sound recordings and film of Wilson have been transferred to the Library’s Motion Picture, Broadcast, and Recorded Sound Division where they are identified as part of this collection.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders in which the digital media were found.
DF General Correspondence
DF Documentary video on the American Prairie Reserve, narrated by Tom Brockaw, undated (Container 8, American Prairie Foundation)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_002
DF Photographs from the ant course sent by Lloyd Davis, 2005 (Container 9, Ant course)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_001
DF Brisbane, Australia, “Terrestrial Invertebrate Status Review” report with data spreadsheets, by the Queensland Museum in partnership with the Brisbane City Council, 2005 (Container 15, “Bris-Brn” general)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_029
DF Documentary viedo about Diana Beresford-Kroeger, undated (Container 20, Beresford-Kroeger, Diana)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_028
DF Keys to world subfamilies and genera by Barry Bolton, 1991 (Container 24, Bolton, Barry)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_027
DF Audio recording of a British Broadcasting Corporation radio program, Rebuilding the Ark: Animal Night, containing an interview with Wilson, 2005 (Container 27, British Broadcasting Corp.)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_013
Digital ID: mss78062_132_014
Digital ID: mss78062_132_015
Digital ID: mss78062_132_016
DF Essay, exhibit checklist, and images from the microBiophila exhibit curated by Susan Hagen, 2007 (Container 29, Bucks County Community College)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_005
DF Press packet of photographs about the birth of a Sumatran rhino, 2004 (Container 40, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_006
DF Audio recording of interview with Stefan P. Cover about the Museum of Comparative Zoology’s ant collection, 2005 (Container 44, Cover, Stefan P.)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_001
DF Religion on Trial, by Chester Dolan, 2007 (Container 48, “Del-Doy” general)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_003
DF Nomination packets for the Indianapolis Prize for extraordinary contributions to conservation, 2005 (Container 93, Indianapolis Prize)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_004
DF Overviews of six research projects by New York Botanical Garden scientists, 2005 (Container 126, New York Botanical Garden)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_007
DF Video of Costa Rican insects, created by Richard Whitten and titled “One of a Kind: Rain Forest Wonders,” undated (Container 168, “Wb-Wi” general)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_008
DF Subject File
DF Digitized audio recording of a lecture by Wilson on instinctive behavior from his first year of teaching, 1957 (Container 188, Natural Sciences 8)
Digital ID: mss78062_132_009
DF Speaking Engagements
DF Video of an interview of Wilson as part of a study of creativity directed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, University of Chicago, 1994 (Container 193, 1994, May-Dec., miscellaneous)
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