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Henry Spira papers, 1906-2002

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Digital Files, 1985-1993 (continued)
Yam, John (Procter and Gamble), 1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_013
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service roundtable, 1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_022
Corporate surveys, 1988
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Directors of Toxicology meeting, 1987
Digital ID: mss84743_115_013
Draize test, 1987, 1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Digital ID: mss84743_115_022
Financial contributions to Animal Rights International, 1988-1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Homelessness, 1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_022
Digital ID: mss84743_115_025
Digital ID: mss84743_115_025
Digital ID: mss84743_115_026
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Digital ID: mss84743_115_027
Digital ID: mss84743_115_028
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Veal Calf Protection Act, 1987
Digital ID: mss84743_115_017
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Digital ID: mss84743_115_017
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Digital ID: mss84743_115_013
Digital ID: mss84743_115_017
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Digital ID: mss84743_115_022
Reports of Animal Rights International
Accomplishments, 1988 June
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Coordinator's report, 1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Summary, 1988 Dec.
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
By Spira
Digital ID: mss84743_115_025
Digital ID: mss84743_115_017
Digital ID: mss84743_115_028
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Digital ID: mss84743_115_017
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Digital ID: mss84743_115_022
By others
Fowler, Susan, 1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Grandin, Temple, 1987
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
Molbegott, Elinor, 1989
Digital ID: mss84743_115_019
Singer, Peter, 1993
Digital ID: mss84743_115_018
BOX R340 Restricted, 1944-1956
Printed matter and correspondence.
Organized and described according to the series, container, and folders from which the items was removed.
BOX R340 Political File
BOX R340 Original copy, Negroes in the Post-War World by Albert Parker, 1944 (Container 81, Same title)
BOX R340 Three original copies, The Coming American Revolution by James P. Cannon, 1947 (Container 89, Same title)
BOX R340 Original copy, Every Cook Can Govern: A Study of Democracy in Ancient Greece; also, Negro Americans and American Politics, 1956 (Container 89, Same title)
BOX R340 Original copy, La lutte des Trotskystes sous la terreur Nazi, undated (Container 89, Same title)
BOX R340 Original copy, Go Forward Singing, published by the Socialist Workers Party, 1945 (Container 90, Same title)
OV 1-OV 6 Oversize, 1973-1998
Posters, protest signs, advertisements, drafts, and newspaper clippings.
Organized and described according to the series, container, and folders from which the items were removed.
Personal File
BOX OV 1 Rolodex, undated (Container 10, Contacts)
Animal Rights International File
BOX OV 6 Handmade sign announcing animal rights meeting, circa 1989-circa 1991 (Container 100, Meetings)
Laboratory Animal Welfare File
Photographs and signs, 1976-1977 (Container 117, Protest and demonstration)
BOX OV 2 Three photographs of a protest outside the American Museum of Natural History
BOX OV 4 Two handmade signs protesting use of cats in experiments conducted by the American Museum of Natural History
BOX OV 2 Two advertisement drafts for the "Do our schools give A's for Cruelty?," dissection campaign, circa 1991 (Container 118, Campaign advertisements)
BOX OV 4 Two handmade signs protesting use of frogs in classroom dissections, circa 1991 (Container 120, Resistance)
BOX OV 2 Photographs, newspaper clippings, and hand drawn advertisement drafts for the Draize campaign targeting Revlon, circa 1980 (Container 129, Campaign advertisements)
BOX OV 6 Poster relating to visiting a research laboratory, 1992 (Container 158, National Institutes of Mental Health)
Farm Animal Welfare File
BOX OV 2 Eleven advertisements targeting the United States Agricultural Department's practice of face branding Mexican cattle, 1994-1995 (Container 165, Advertisements)
BOX OV 2 Twenty advertisements and five photographs advocating non-violent food, 1993-1998 (Container 179, Advertisements)
BOX OV 3 Advertisement relating to the campaign targeting PepsiCo and Kentucky Fried Chicken, 1997 (Container 183, Campaign)
Advertisements drafts, posters, and photograph relating to the campaign targeting Perdue Farms, 1989-1993 (Container 184, Advertisements by Animal Rights International)
BOX OV 2 Advertisement drafts, posters, and a photograph, 1991-1993
BOX OV 3 Four advertisements and one poster, 1989
BOX OV 3 Three advertisements featuring Frank Perdue and Perdue Farms, 1990 (Container 186, Advertisements by Perdue Farms)
BOX OV 4 Chickens' Lib poster relating to boycott of turkey meat, circa 1990s (Container 194, Laying hens)
BOX OV 3 Two hand drawn advertisement drafts relating to veal crating, circa 1987-circa 1991 (Container 200, Advertisements)
Animal Welfare Organizations File
BOX OV 4 Five handmade signs protesting slaughter of chickens, circa 1994 (Container 207, ASPCA)
BOX OV 3 Eight posters relating to animal testing and cruelty, circa 1980 - circa 1998 (Container 208, Animal Aid)
BOX OV 3 Three posters relating to factory farming and the food animal industry, circa 1992-circa 1994 (Container 214, CEASE)
BOX OV 4 Poster relating to dairy cows, circa 1989-circa 1994 (Container 214, Compassion in World Farming)
BOX OV 3 Poster relating to veal crating, circa 1990s (Container 216, Farm Sanctuary)
BOX OV 3 Three posters relating to animal testing, 1985 (Container 219, Humane Society of the United States)
BOX OV 4 Chickens' Lib poster relating to broiler systems, circa 1990s (Container 226, Miscellaneous grassroots organizations, B-C)
BOX OV 3 League of Wildlife Protectors poster relating to fur, undated (Container 226, Miscellaneous grassroots organizations, I-L)
BOX OV 3 Two Nordic Society against Painful Animal Experiments posters, undated (Container 226, Miscellaneous grassroots organizations, M-O)
BOX OV 3 Poster relating to animal testing, circa 1982 (Container 227, Mobilization for Animals)
BOX OV 3 Poster relating to animal testing, circa 1973-circa 1985 (Container 227, National Anti-Vivisection Society)
BOX OV 3 Three posters relating to dog adoption, circa 1993-circa 1997 (Container 235, Progressive Animal Welfare Society)
BOX OV 4 Poster relating to caring for mice, circa 1980s (Container 236, Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
BOX OV 4 Poster relating to an anti-fur campaign, circa 1989 (Container 240, World Society for the Protection of Animals)
Alphabetical File
BOX OV 4 Two posters created by the Anti-Cruelty Society, circa 1979 (Container 258, Brown, Robert A.)
BOX OV 4 Poster relating to animal testing on dogs, 1982 (Container 283, Great Britain)
BOX OV 4 Poster relating to elimination of nuclear weapons, circa 1978 (Container 301, Mobilization for Survival)
Posters relating to animal cruelty and protest signs, undated (Container 313, Posters and signs)
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