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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Political File, 1906-1998 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX 87 | Resumes, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 87 | "Save our ships, save our jobs" campaign, 1969-1971 | ||||||||||||
BOX 87 | Spira maritime documents, 1949, 1961-1968 | ||||||||||||
BOX 87 | Village Voice article, 1970 | ||||||||||||
BOX 87 | New York City, N.Y., 1969-1977 | ||||||||||||
BOX 88 | Political ephemera, 1946, 1955, 1969-1987 | ||||||||||||
BOX 88 | Prisoners of war, 1955-1976 | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Reference and research | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | American Stalinism and Anti-Stalinism by James Patrick Cannon, 1947 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | American Workers Need a Labor Party by Joseph Hansen, 1944 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | America's Road to Socialism by James Patrick Cannon, 1953 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Class Struggles in America by A. M. (Algie Martin) Simons, 1906 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | The Coming American Revolution by James Patrick Cannon, 1947 See also Restricted, Original copies | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 1939 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | The Dangers of Libel: A Summary for Newsmen by the Associated Press, 1969 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Dead Horse and the Featherbird by Paul Jacobs, 1962 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International, 1946 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Defense Policy in the Minneapolis Trial by James Patrick Cannon and Grandizo Munis, 1942 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | In Defense of Socialism: the official court record of Albert Goldmans's final speech for the defense in the famous Minneapolis "sedition" trial by Albert Goldman, 1944 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Every Cook Can Govern: A Study of Democracy in Ancient Greece; also, Negro Americans and American Politics, 1956 See also Restricted, Original copy | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | The Irregular Movement of History: The Marxist Law of the Combined and Uneven Development of Society by George Novack, 1957 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | La lutte des Trotskystes sous la terreur Nazi by Parti communiste internationaliste, undated See also Restricted, Original copy | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Miscellaneous publications, 1910, 1938-1947 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | A Plea for Captain John Brown by Henry David Thoreau, 1971 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Poems of war resistance, 1967 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | A Political Biography of Walter Reuther by Beatrice Hansen, 1969 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Role of the Individual in History by George Plekhanov, 1940 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Socialism on Trial by James Patrick Cannon, 1944 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | The Socialist Workers Party: What It Is, What It Stands For by Joseph Hansen, 1958 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Two Pages from Roman History by Daniel De Leon, 1962 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Vigilante Terror in Fontana: The Tragic Story of O' Day H. Short and his Family by Myra Tanner Weiss, 1946 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Vote for Socialism in 1956: Farrell Dobbs for President, Myra Tanner Weiss for Vice-President, 1956 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Women Against Myth by Betty Millard, 1948 | ||||||||||||
BOX 89 | Women and Society by Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, 1938 | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Resist (newsletter), 1968-1974 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Resistance, 1968-1980 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Song books | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | The Bosses Songbook: Songs to Stifle the Flames of Discontent, 1959 | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Go Forward Singing, published by the Socialist Workers Party, 1945 See also Restricted, Original copy | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Miscellaneous protest songs, 1941-1946, 1963, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | The People's Song Book edited by Waldemar Hille, 1948 | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Rebel Song Book: Eighty-seven Socialist and Labor Songs for Voice and Piano, 1935 | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Sing!, 1951, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Sing!: Labor and Socialist Songs, 1945 | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Sit-in Songs, 1962 | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Six Songs for Democracy by Paul Robeson, 1940 | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Young Peoples Socialist League Song Book, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Trotsky, Leon | ||||||||||||
BOX 90 | Articles and essays, 1940-1957, 1964-1974 | ||||||||||||
BOX 91 | Publications and pamphlets, 1947, 1954-1969, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 91 | Unions, 1961-1967, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 91 | United States Marine Corps training and education, 1956-1958 | ||||||||||||
BOX 91 | Vietnam War, 1963-1977 | ||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 91 | War resistance, 1968-circa 1969, 1998 | ||||||||||||
BOX 91-105 | Animal Rights International, 1976-2002 | ||||||||||||
Material documenting to the administrative functions of Animal Rights
International (ARI), the non-profit animal welfare advocacy organization founded
by Spira in 1974. Annual progress reports compiled by Spira detailing ARI's
significant campaigns and accomplishments are included in this series, as are
annual diaries and calendars recording Spira’s daily appointments and actions.
Notes, clippings, and writings chronicle Spira's ideas for organizational strategy
and planning from 1980 to 1994. Also included is evidence of contributions from
consultants, part-time assistants, an advisory committee he nicknamed "Troika,"
and regular collaborative meetings with other animal welfare activists. To a
lesser extent, administrative matters such as the organization’s name registration
dispute, postage privileges, various contact lists, staffing, and funding matters
can also be found within this series. Researchers should note that information
detailing ARI's targeted media campaigns and advertisements can be found in the
Laboratory Animal Welfare File, Farm Animal Welfare File, and Alphabetical
File. Annual reports, notes, calendars, diaries, and correspondence. |
Arranged alphabetically by topic. | |||||||||||||
BOX 91 | Activities and achievements, 1987-1991 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 92 | Advertising, 1978-1981, 1989-2002 See also Container 241, Same title ; See also Container 281, Graham, Mark | ||||||||||||
BOX 92 | Advisory Committee, "Troika," 1986-1988 See also Digital Files, Correspondence | ||||||||||||
BOX 92 | Calendars, 1984-1994 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 92 | Contacts, 1978-1998 | ||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 93 | (7 folders) | ||||||||||||
BOX 94 | (2 folders) | ||||||||||||
BOX 94 | Dear colleague letters, 1986-1988 | ||||||||||||
BOX 94 | Diaries | ||||||||||||
BOX 94 | 1979-1982 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 95 | 1983-1985 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 96 | 1986-1988 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 97 | 1989-1991 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 98 | 1992-1994 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 99 | 1995-1996 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 99 | Financial records, 1985-2000 | ||||||||||||
BOX 99 | Grants and proposals, 1986-1998 | ||||||||||||
BOX 99 | Lists, 1984-1990 | ||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 100 | (1 folder) | ||||||||||||
BOX 100 | Meetings, 1985-1991 See also Container OV 6, Handmade sign | ||||||||||||
(6 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 101 | (3 folders) | ||||||||||||
BOX 101 | Name registration dispute, 1983 | ||||||||||||
BOX 101 | Organizational history and profiles, 1978- circa 1999 | ||||||||||||
BOX 101 | Postage privileges, 1988-1991 | ||||||||||||
BOX 101 | Progress reports See also Digital Files, Animal Rights International reports | ||||||||||||
BOX 101 | 1981-1986 | ||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 102 | 1986-1988 | ||||||||||||
(8 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 103 | 1988-1998 | ||||||||||||
(10 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 104 | Staffing, 1990-1995 | ||||||||||||
BOX 104 | Strategy and planning | ||||||||||||
BOX 104 | 1976-1987 | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 105 | 1987-1997 | ||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 105-160 | Laboratory Animal Welfare, 1956-1998 | ||||||||||||
Material documenting the strategies Spira and Animal Rights International employed
to discourage institutional reliance on animals for product testing and
experimentation and to encourage adoption of non-animal alternatives. Files
reflecting Spira's and Animal Rights International's many campaigns and coalitions
targeting specific tests and the use of animals in laboratories comprise the bulk
of this series. Campaigns of note include the Coalition to Stop Draize Rabbit
Blinding Tests, which targeted Revlon and its use of the Draize test on rabbits;
the Coalition to Abolish the Metcalf-Hatch Act, which resulted in the repeal of
New York State’s Public Health law allowing use of unclaimed dogs and cats in
shelters for research experiments; and the Coalition the Abolish the LD50, which
challenged the relevancy of several major corporations’ use of the acute toxicity
“death test” to determine lethal dosage of household chemicals. Material
documenting Spira’s demonstration against the American Museum of Natural History
and its experiments using cats is also included. Files containing correspondence,
printed matter, shareholder information, and notes detailing the operations and
functions of multinational corporations such as Procter & Gamble Company,
Bristol-Myers Company, and Colgate-Palmolive Company illustrate the ways in which
Spira and Animal Rights International sought to track animal experimentation and
identify targets for campaigns. Files relating to the Cosmetic, Toiletry and
Fragrance Association, Soap and Detergent Association, and the Johns Hopkins
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing document Spira's efforts to establish
alternatives to animal testing. Correspondence, notes, printed matter, newspapers clippings, advertisements, photographs, drafts, surveys, and Freedom of Information Act requests. |
Arranged alphabetically by topic. | |||||||||||||
BOX 105 | Alternatives See also Container 310, Photographs | ||||||||||||
BOX 105 | Conferences | ||||||||||||
BOX 105 | 1980-1989 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 106 | 1990-1997 | ||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 106 | General, 1973-1997 | ||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 107 | (6 folders) | ||||||||||||
BOX 107 | Industrial In Vitro Toxicology Group, 1988-1996 | ||||||||||||
BOX 108 | Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Baltimore, Md. | ||||||||||||
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