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Roger W. Wilkins papers, 1861-2012

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Family Papers, 1861-2007 (continued)
General, 1967-1992, 2005-2006 (continued)
(2 folders)
BOX 2 Minnesota, 1990-2005, undated
BOX 2 Claytor, Robert W. (stepfather), 1976, 1989
BOX 2 Family history, 1861, 1884, 1936, 1952, 1985-1992, 2002, undated
BOX 2 General, 1928, 1949-1953, 1960, 1987-1990, 2002-2007
BOX 2 Jackson, Zelma (aunt), 1952, 1960, 1978, 1994, 2004, undated
BOX 2 King, Patricia Ann (wife), 1992
BOX 2 Photographs, 1918-1923, 1936, 1982, 1996-2000, undated
BOX 2 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1951-1952, 1993, 2004-2006
BOX 2 Wilkins, Earl W. (father), 1917, 1926-1934, 1940-1941, 1978, 1986-1992
BOX 2 Wilkins, Roy (uncle)
BOX 2 Correspondence, 1953-1955, 1972, 1981-1982, 1988, undated
BOX 2 General, 1982, 1988, 1994, 2001, undated
BOX 3 NAACP, 1944, 1955-1971, 1977-1986, 2000-2003
(2 folders)
BOX 3 Obituary, 1981
BOX 3 Photographs, 1953, 2003, undated
BOX 3 Roy Wilkins Chair and Center in Human Relations and Social Justice, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1989-1995, undated
BOX 3 Tributes, 1977, 1981
BOX 3 Writings, 1932, 1964-1982, 1988-2002
(2 folders)
BOX 4-16 Professional File, 1958-2010
Awards, correspondence, legal documents, memoranda, minutes, newspaper clippings, notebooks, reports, research material, scrapbooks, teaching and lecture material, transcripts, printed matter, and other papers.
Arranged alphabetically by organization or place of employment.
BOX 4 Community Relations Service, Justice Department
BOX 4 Activities, eastern and southern region, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 4 Annual report, 1968
BOX 4 Appointment book, 1965
BOX 4 Black elected officials, 1968
BOX 4 Civil rights, 1966-1970, 2005 See also Classified
(3 folders)
BOX 5 Correspondence
BOX 5 1964
(2 folders)
BOX 5 1965
(7 folders)
BOX 6 (1 folder)
BOX 6 1966-1967
(8 folders)
BOX 6 1968
(1 folder)
BOX 7 (2 folders)
BOX 7 1969
BOX 7 General, 1965-1969, 1991
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Interagency Youth Committee, 1964-1966, undated See also Classified
(4 folders)
BOX 7 Memoranda to the president and vice president, 1962-1968
BOX 7 "Military and Domestic Tranquility" by Jack Rosenthal, 1968
BOX 7 National conference, 1968
BOX 8 Notebooks, 1967-1968
BOX 8 Police investigation, Los Angeles, Calif., 1965
BOX 8 Report of the Civil Rights Task Force, 1966
(2 folders)
BOX 8 Scrapbooks, 1966-1969
BOX 8 Summer review, 1968 See also Classified
(2 folders)
BOX 8 Third International Conference on Black Power, Phildelphia, Pa., 1968
BOX 8 Transcript of Wilkins's interview, 1967
BOX 9 Delson, Levin, and Gordon
BOX 9 Cases, 1958-1962
(4 folders)
BOX 9 Correspondence, 1958-1962
BOX 9 General, circa 1959
BOX 9 Ford Foundation, correspondence, 1968-1970
(4 folders)
BOX 10 (3 folders)
BOX 10 George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.
BOX 10 Awards, 1990-1994, 2003
BOX 10 Correspondence
BOX 10 From students, 1989-2011
(3 folders)
BOX 10 General
BOX 10 1986-1990
(3 folders)
BOX 11 1991-2006
(9 folders)
BOX 12 2007-2008, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 12 Course descriptions, 2002-2007
BOX 12 Courses
BOX 12 Conceptions of Self, 2004
BOX 12 Contemporary Society in Multiple Perspectives, 1999
BOX 12 Politics and the Mass Media, 1991-1993
(3 folders)
BOX 12 Exams, 1990, 1996-2007
BOX 12 General, 1991-2008
BOX 12 Invitation to teach, 1986-1987
BOX 12 Lecture notes, 1991-2006
(2 folders)
BOX 13 Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., 1982-1991
(3 folders)
BOX 13 NAACP, Crisis magazine
BOX 13 Board of directors, 1996-2001, 2009
BOX 13 Correspondence, 1996-2009
BOX 13 General, 2003-2010, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 13 National Public Radio, 1990-1995
BOX 14 New York Times
BOX 14 Correspondence
BOX 14 From readers, 1972, 1978-1979, 1993-1994
BOX 14 General, 1978-1979
BOX 14 Deposition, 1979
BOX 14 General, 1974-1979, 1986-1987
BOX 14 Report of the Committee on Safeguarding the Integrity of our Journalism, 2003
BOX 14 Spectrum,Columbia Broadcasting Systems radio program
BOX 14 General 1978-1983
BOX 14 Transcripts, 1980-1983
(3 folders)
BOX 14 United States Agency for International Development
BOX 14 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 14 1962
BOX 14 1963 See also Classified
(1 folder)
BOX 15 (2 folders)
BOX 15 1964 See also Classified
(4 folders)
BOX 15 Personnel projects, 1961-1964
(2 folders)
BOX 15 Washington Post
BOX 15 General, 1983, 1990-1993, undated
BOX 16 Letters from readers, "A Black at the Gridiron Dinner," 1970
(6 folders)
BOX 16 Washington Star, 1980-1981
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