The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  William Hoppen papers, 1831-1998
Some or all content stored offsite.
Regional Lunch (Fields A-B), 1945-1994 (continued)
News clippings, 1969-1992 (continued)
(4 folders)
BOX 25 Havasu Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Calif., 1968-1969
BOX 25 Hawaii, lists, 1971-1972
BOX 25 Hawk Mountain Association, Toms River, N.J., 1967
BOX 25 Health, lists, 1969
BOX 25 Hempstead Town Lands Resources Council, Point Lookout, N.Y., 1965-1967
BOX 25 Henderson, Hazel, 1968-1969
BOX 25 High Rock Conservation Center, Staten Island, N.Y., 1967-1968
BOX 26 Highway Trust Fund, lists
BOX 26 General, 1973 -1978
(2 folders)
BOX 26 Addendum, 1972-1975
BOX 26 List of organizations, 1973
BOX 26 Miscellaneous, alphabetical, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 26 Highways
BOX 26 Beautification, 1963-1974
BOX 26 England, lists, 1974
BOX 26 Hearings, 1969-1973
BOX 27 Highway Trust Fund, 1957-1981
(5 folders)
BOX 27 Lawyers, Environmental Defense Fund Highway Law Conference, 1975
BOX 28 Lists, general, 1970, 1978-1982
BOX 28 Mailgram to Jimmy Carter, 1979
BOX 28 Historic Panel, 1969-1972
BOX 28 Historic Preservation, lists, undated
BOX 28 Honey Hollow Watershed Association, New Hope, Pa., 1969
BOX 28 Hopewell I-95 Committee, 1969
BOX 28 Hudson County, N.J., 1966-1974
BOX 28 Hudson River and valley
BOX 28 Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, 1973
Hudson River Expressway, Citizens Committee for the Hudson Valley, undated
BOX 28 Hudson River Fishermen's Association, 1971
BOX 28 Hudson valley, legislation, 1967-1978
BOX 28 Hudson Valley Audubon Society, 1976
BOX 28 Lists, 1967-1976
(2 folders)
BOX 28 Hugg, Ethel M.
BOX 28 Lists, 1970-1971
BOX 28 Powerlines, 1969
BOX 28 Humane revolution, 1968
BOX 28 Hunterdon-Somerset Jetport Association, Stanton, N.J., 1967-1968
BOX 28 Idaho, lists, 1971-1975
BOX 28 Illinois, lists, 1971, undated
BOX 28 Independent Citizens Research Foundation, Ardsley, N.Y., 1968-1975
BOX 28 Independent Phi Beta Kappa Environmental Study Group, New York, N.Y., 1969-1976
(2 folders)
BOX 28 Industry, lists, 1967
BOX 28 INFORM research group
BOX 28 General, 1974-1982
(2 folders)
BOX 29 Regional Lunch list, 1974
BOX 29 Information, lists, undated
BOX 29 Information systems, lists, 1971, undated
BOX 29 Initiative, referendum, and recall, 1971
BOX 29 Interfaith Council for Action, 1968
BOX 29 Inter-League Committee for the Connecticut River Basin, League of Women Voters, 1967-1968
BOX 29 Intermunicipality Committee of New Rochelle and Scarsdale Neighborhood Associations, 1966-1968
BOX 29 Internal pollution, 1971
BOX 29 International
BOX 29 General, 1969-1983
(3 folders)
BOX 29 Earth Society and Sea Citizen, 1973-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 29 International Biological Program, 1968
BOX 29 International Group for Preservation of the Environment, 1971-1984
(2 folders)
BOX 29 International House, New York, N.Y., 1972-1977
BOX 29 International League for the Rights of Man, 1970
BOX 29 International Panel, 1970-1971
BOX 29 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1965-1971
(2 folders)
BOX 29 International Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1967-1969
BOX 29 Lists
BOX 29 General, 1970-1978
BOX 30 World Directory of Environmental Organizations, 1976
BOX 30 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, Declaration on the Human Environment, 1968-1972
(9 folders)
BOX 31 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, Declaration on the Human Environment, 1968-1972
(1 folder)
BOX 31 World Life Center, Doris Duke proposal, 1974
BOX 31 Interstate Route 87, Bedford, N.Y., 1965-1976
(2 folders)
BOX 31 Iowa, lists, 1973
BOX 31 Italy, lists, 1972-1973
BOX 31 Jericho Turnpike, 110 Taxpayers Survival Association, Huntington, N.Y., 1967-1968
BOX 31 Jet Noise Abatement Council of Westchester, 1967
BOX 31 Joint Civic and Taxpayers Council, Town of Babylon, N.Y., 1967-1968
BOX 31 Jordan, Pat (Mrs. Frank J.), 1967-1969
BOX 31 Journal of Environmental Systems, Raymond Maurice article, 1971
BOX 31 Joyce Kilmer Wilderness Advocates, lists, 1972
BOX 31 Kansas, lists, undated
BOX 31 Kirkland Bird Club, Clinton, N.Y., 1970
BOX 31 Knickerbocker Community Civic Association, 1969
BOX 31 Koch, Edward I., 1969
BOX 31 Labor and the environment, lists, 1973
BOX 31 Labor Panel, 1971-1973
BOX 31 Lake Erie, 1970
BOX 31 Lake Michigan, 1970-1972
BOX 31 Lake Tahoe, Calif., 1969
BOX 31 Land-use planning, 1969-1977
(3 folders)
BOX 32 Land-use planning, 1969-1977
(1 folder)
BOX 32 Larchmont, N.Y., 1966-1969
BOX 32 Lawrence, N.Y., 1968
BOX 32 League of Women Voters, 1966-1983
BOX 32 Lee, Percy Maxim, 1967
BOX 32 Lee, V. T., 1968-1969
BOX 32 Legislation, 1970-1971
BOX 32 Legislative Birdwatchers, 1971
BOX 32 Leonia Citizens Committee to Save Highwood Hills, Leonia, N.J., 1967
BOX 32 Lichtensteiger, Frank, 1973-1979
(2 folders)
BOX 32 Lindenwald Preservation Committee, Kansas City, Mo., 1966-1969
BOX 32 Litch, Robert B., 1970-1979
BOX 32 Litigation, lists, 1970-1973
BOX 32 Litigation Panel, 1968-1972
BOX 32 Lloyd Harbor nuclear plant, Huntington, N.Y., 1967-1976
BOX 32 Lobbying, lists, 1973
BOX 32 Local Intervention for Environment, 1970
BOX 32 Long Beach Island Conservation Society, Barnegat, N.J., 1967-1968
BOX 32 Long Island, N.Y.
BOX 32 General, 1964-1988
(2 folders)
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