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Walter Sullivan papers, 1929-1997

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Alphabetical File, 1929-1995 (continued)
BOX 196 Morton, Howard, undated
BOX 196 Nature (magazine), 1961-1963
BOX 196 Nazca lines, 1986
BOX 196 Nebulas, 1989
BOX 196 Neptune (planet), 1988
BOX 196 Nerve regeneration, 1970-1989, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 196 Neutron stars, 1974-1980, 1987, undated
BOX 196 New Hebrides, 1980, undated
BOX 196 New York water tunnels, 1984
BOX 196 New Zealand
BOX 196 Army Board publications, 1943-1945
BOX 196 Government publications
BOX 196 Agriculture Department, 1946, undated
BOX 197 Health care and benefits, 1946
BOX 197 Maori, circa 1946
BOX 197 Miscellany, 1943-1947
BOX 197 Rehabilitation Department, 1945-1946, undated
BOX 197 "Shape of Things to Come," circa 1946
BOX 197 Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Council, 1944-1945
BOX 197 Tourism, 1946, undated
BOX 197 War related, 1943-1946
BOX 197 Miscellany
BOX 197 1940-1947, undated
BOX 198 1942-1947
BOX 198 Photographs, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 198 North Pole debate, Frederick Albert Cook and Robert E. Peary, 1965-1970
BOX 198 Ocean drilling program, 1986-1993, undtaed
(2 folders)
BOX 199 Ocean mining, 1975-1987
BOX 199 Oceana, 1969, 1978-1982, undated
BOX 199 Oceanography
BOX 199 General, 1936, 1941, 1970-1990, undated
BOX 199 Tomography, 1985-1990
BOX 199 Oil spills, 1974-1985
BOX 199 Olbers' paradox, 1984-1989
BOX 199 Opiates, 1977
BOX 199 Otters, 1959-1960, 1988, undated
BOX 199 Oxygen revolution, 1981-1986
BOX 199 "P" miscellany, 1966-1969, 1977-1981, undated
BOX 199 Panama Canal, 1968-1977, undated
BOX 199 Paranoia, 1972-1977
BOX 199 Paranormal, 1975-1978, 1984-1987
BOX 199 Parity, 1966, 1981, 1989-1990
BOX 200 Parkinson's disease, 1979-1988
BOX 200 Particles, 1962, 1975, 1985-1991, undated
BOX 200 Pests, 1971, 1981-1983
BOX 200 Petroleum, origin of, 1977-1986
BOX 200 Petroleum reserves, 1986-1987, undated
BOX 200 Pheromones, 1981
BOX 200 Photographs
BOX 200 Captions, undated
BOX 200 Miscellaneous prints and slides, 1945, 1957, 1981-1982, undated
BOX 200 Photosynthesis, 1975-1989, undated
BOX 200 Physics, general, 1982, 1985
BOX 200 Pictures of land, undated
BOX 200 Planets
BOX 200 General, 1969-1972, 1978-1984, 1994-1995
BOX 200 Missing, 1978-1984, 1991
BOX 200 Outer planets, 1965-1973, 1981-1985
BOX 201 Plate motions, Christopher Scotese, 1987-1989 See also Digital Files, same title
(2 folders)
BOX 201 Plutonium, 1972-1979, undated
BOX 201 Polar bears, 1976, 1982-1988, undated
BOX 201 Pollution, 1963-1981, 1987, undated
BOX 201 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 1981, 1987, undated
BOX 201 Population dynamics, 1965, 1972-1987, undated
BOX 201 Population growth, 1974-1990
BOX 202 Prions and scrapie, 1979-1995, undated
BOX 202 Privacy, 1968-1986
BOX 202 Primate shortages, 1969-1972, 1981, undated
BOX 202 Pulsar binaries, 1969-1975
BOX 202 Pulsars, 1968-1975, 1982-1988
BOX 202 Quantum theory, 1986-1994, undated
BOX 202 Rabies, 1975-1988, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 202 Race, 1969-1978
BOX 202 Radar astronomy, 1965-1967
BOX 202 Radiation
BOX 202 Beir reports, 1979-1982
BOX 202 Electromagnetic, 1968-1987, undated
BOX 202 Low-level effects, 1978-1990, undated
BOX 202 Radon, 1978-1987
BOX 203 Radiation hazards, 1969-1981, 1987, undated
BOX 203 Radio astronomy
BOX 203 Long baseline interferometry, 1975-1988, undated
BOX 203 Observatories, 1963-1964, 1970-1986, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 203 Very long array, 1974-1978, 1985, undated
BOX 203 Radio galaxies, 1966, 1975-1981
BOX 203 Radioactive waste
BOX 203 Disposal, general, 1975-1989
BOX 203 Geologic disposal, 1983-1987
BOX 203 Low level, 1982-1986
BOX 204 Oceanic disposal, 1977-1987
BOX 204 Vitrification, 1981-1988
BOX 204 Rainforest, 1987
BOX 204 Raw materials, 1973-1987, undated
BOX 204 Rebirth of a Planet and Hollow Earth Mysteries by Ruth A. Leedy (Floria Benton), 1981-1983
BOX 204 Red shift controversy, 1995
BOX 204 Red shift debate, 1956, 1964-1987, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 204 Red tides, 1975-1986, undated
BOX 204 Remote sensing, 1979-1985
BOX 204 Rescue, satellite, 1984
BOX 204 Ribosomes, undated
BOX 204 Rip currents, 1973-1975
BOX 204 Risk assessment, 1976-1979, undated
BOX 204 River diversion, 1979-1980
BOX 204 Rivers, 1975, 1981-1982, undated
BOX 205 Robots, 1979-1988, undated
BOX 205 "S" miscellany, 1968, 1978-1989
BOX 205 Sailing ships, 1979-1987
BOX 205 Salmon, 1976-1985, undated
BOX 205 Saturn (planet)
BOX 205 Miscellany, 1980-1982
BOX 205 Phoebe (moon), 1967, undated
BOX 205 Saxe, Robert L., 1973-1977
BOX 205 Schistosomiasis, 1972-1987
BOX 205 Schizophrenia, 1977-1988
BOX 205 Science advising, 1968, 1974-1981, 1991
BOX 205 Science court, 1976-1977, 1986, undated
BOX 205 Sea level changes, 1977-1991
BOX 205 Sea rise, 1988-1990
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