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Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman papers, 1909-1997

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Part II: Oversize, 1976-1988 (continued)
Dinners (Container II:266)
BOX II:OV 10 1978-1979
(3 folders)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 1981-1985 (Container II:273)
Democrats for the 80's
Address lists, 1985 (Container II:276)
(2 folders)
BOX II:OV 11 (2 folders)
Fund-raising master galley, 1986
(2 folders) (Container II:277)
BOX II:OV 12 Galley lists (Container II:277)
(4 folders)
BOX II:OV 13 1986
(2 folders)
High donors, 1983 (Container II:277)
Not donors, 1985 (Container II:277)
Small donors, 1985 (Container II:277)
(1 folder)
BOX II:OV 14 (4 folders)
BOX II:OV 15 State-by-state run, 1983
(2 folders)
VIP tape, 1986
(2 folders) (Container II:277)
BOX II:OV 16 Unidentified, undated (Container II:277)
District of Columbia political donations, Democratic and Republican, 1982 (Container II:279)
Dodd, Christopher J., 1979-1980 (Container II:279)
BOX II:OV 17 Gore, Al, and John D. Rockefeller, IV, 1983-1984 (Container II:284)
Inouye, Daniel K., 1985-1986 (Container II:288)
Kennedy, Edward M., 1980-1981
(3 folders) (Container II:288)
BOX II:OV 18 Long, Russell B., 1985 (Container II:291)
Miscellaneous, 1979-1987
(5 folders) (Container II:292)
BOX II:OV 19 Nunn, Sam, 1983-1985 (Container II:299)
Simon, Paul (1928-2003), 1983-1984 (Container II:306)

Contents List