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Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman papers, 1909-1997

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Part II: Lists, 1974-1993 (continued)
Five-hundred-dollar contributor letter, undated
Strauss-Clifford-Kling letter, 1984
Lobbyists, undated
Long, Russell B. See Part II: Oversize
Louisiana, undated
Lundine, Stan, 1986
Mailing lists, circa 1981
General, 1978
Harriman contacts, 1983
Lobbyists, 1983
BOX II:292 Massachusetts, Harriman contacts, 1983
Master list, 1982
Mayors, 1981-1990, undated
(2 folders)
Metzenbaum, Howard M., 1982
Miscellaneous, 1979-1990 See also Part II: Oversize
Mississippi, undated
Moffett, George, 1979, undated
Mondale, Walter F.
(2 folders)
BOX II:293 Undated
General, 1983-1984
Harriman contacts
(2 folders)
BOX II:294 1983
(2 folders)
Harriman project, 1982
(2 folders)
BOX II:295 (2 folders)
Muskie, Edmund S., 1981
Nathan, Robert, 1984
National Democratic Club, undated
National Democratic Institute awards and press list, 1986
Nelson, Gaylord, 1979
BOX II:296 New Jersey, Harriman contacts, 1983
New York
Donor list, 1986
(3 folders)
BOX II:297 1985-1989
(5 folders)
BOX II:298 1989-1990, undated
(3 folders)
Harriman contacts, 1983-1984
(2 folders)
BOX II:299 (1 folder)
Newsletter address lists, 1982-1988, undated
(3 folders)
Nonprofit groups and public interest law, 1981
Nunn, Sam See Part II: Oversize
General, 1975-1981
Harriman contacts, 1983
BOX II:300 Oil and gas companies, 1982
Op-ed article mailing list, undated
General, undated
Harriman contacts, 1983
Pharmaceutical lobbyists, 1979
Phone bank, undated
Political action committees
Business, 1979-1981
(2 folders)
Business and progressive, 1985
By organization, 1979
Donating over five-hundred dollars, 1988
BOX II:301 Donating to Democratic Senate candidates, 1989
Donating twenty-five percent or more to Democrats, 1986
Federal Election Commission
(3 folders)
BOX II:302 1989
General, 1980-1992, undated
(5 folders)
BOX II:303 Generic list, undated
Issue-oriented, undated
Labor, progressive, and Israel, 1986-1990
Political Christmas card address list (1983), 1982-1983
Pollin, Irene, 1982
Pollsters, 1991, undated
Potomac Group, 1982-1983
Presidential contributions, 1988
BOX II:304 Press
Addressed envelopes, undated
General, 1981-1985, undated
(2 folders)
VIP and personal, 1987, undated
BOX II:305 Republican Senate-House Dinner Committee, 1981
Rockefeller, John D., IV, 1983-1984, undated
Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y., board of trustees, undated
Rolodexes, photocopies, undated
(2 folders)
BOX II:306 Small black
Sanford, Terry
Individuals, 1992
Political action committees, 1992
Simon, Paul (1928-2003), 1983-1985 See also Part II: Oversize
Small donors
General, 1990, undated
Harriman contacts, 1985
Sports, 1981-1982
Tax coalitions, undated
Telephone source, 1985, undated
General, 1978-1983, undated
(2 folders)
BOX II:307 Harriman contacts, 1982-1983
Trade, undated
U.S. Senate Democratic Leadership Circle, 1985
VIPs, 1985, undated
(3 folders)
General, 1986
Harriman contacts, 1983
Registered lobbyists, 1983
BOX II:308 West Virginia and Virginia, 1992
White House, 1981
White House lists of key Americans, 1978-1979
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