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Joe Stephens papers, 1978-2013

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Classified, 1996-2004 (continued)
BOX CL 1 Abu Ghraib prison photographs, circa 2003 (Container 2, same heading)
(6 folders)
BOX CL 2 (5 folders)
BOX CL 2 "Article 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade," circa 2004 (Container 2, same heading)
BOX CL 2 "Body Hunters," Trovafloxacin (Trovan)
BOX CL 2 Anonymous mailings, 1996-2000 (Container 47, same heading)
BOX CL 2 Anonymous package, 1996 (Container 47, same heading)
BOX CL 2 Copies, 1998-2001 (Container 47, same heading)
BOX OV 1-OV 2 Oversize, 1999-2009
Charts, graphics, articles, spreadsheets.
Arranged and described according to the series and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Investigative Files
BOX OV 1 Afghanistan reconstruction, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), general, Charts, “Clinic Projects Summary Status” and “School Projects Summary Status,” 2005, May 3 (Container 9, same heading)
BOX OV 2 "Big Green," Washington Post articles, graphics, 1999-2003 (Container 32, same heading)
BOX OV 2 National Book Program, Egypt, Newspaper articles from El Osboa, 2007, Mar. 12 and Apr. 2 (Container 85, same heading)
BOX OV 2 "Subway Series," Tri-State Oversight Committee, Data (Container 105, same heading)
BOX OV 2 "Tri-State Oversight Committee Accident/Incident Tracking Database, printed 12/7/2009," 2009
BOX OV 2 "WMATA 2007 Triennial Review Corrective Actions Plans as of 11/20/09," 2009
BOX OV 2 "WMATA 2007 Triennial Review Corrective Actions Plans as of 12/09/09," 2009
BOX OV 2 "WMATA Master List of Corrective Actions Plans as of 11/20/2009" (Larger), 2009
BOX OV 2 "WMATA Master List of Corrective Actions Plans as of 11/20/2009" (Sorted by "Open"), 2009

Contents List