The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joe Stephens papers, 1978-2013
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Investigative Files, 1978-2013 (continued)
BOX 14 Dow Chemical Co., 2002-2003
BOX 14 Dow Chemical Co.; Plaquemine, La., 2001-2002
BOX 14 Ecotrust, 2001-2002
BOX 14 Editorials, 2003-2004
BOX 14 Federal and state registers, 1999-2002
BOX 14 Freedom of Information Act requests
BOX 14 Council on Environmental Quality, 1997-2002
(2 folders)
BOX 14 Energy Department, 1998-2002
BOX 14 Environmental Protection Agency, 1995-2002
(1 folder)
BOX 15 (6 folders)
BOX 15 General, 2002
BOX 16 Tennessee Valley Authority, 1997-1999
BOX 16 General Motors Corp., 2002-2003
BOX 16 Georgia-Pacific Corp., 2002
BOX 16 Guatemala, 2001-2002
BOX 16 Hawaiian Electric Industries; Taketa, Kelvin and Watanabe, Jeff, 1997-2002
BOX 16 Johnson, Huey; Resource Renewal Institute, 2002
BOX 16 Komodo, Indonesia, 2001-2004
BOX 16 Land Trust Alliance listserv, 2003
BOX 16 Legislation; Charity Aid, Recovery, and Empowerment Act of 2003 (CARE), 2003
BOX 16 Miscellany, 2000-2004
BOX 16 Morine, David, 1991-1995, 2002-2003
BOX 16 National Coal Council, 2001-2002
BOX 16 Nature Conservancy See also Containers 62-64, Conservation easements
BOX 16 Adopt-a-Bison, 2002
BOX 17 Advertisements, 2001-2003, undated
BOX 17 Audits, 1994, 2000-2002
BOX 17 Awards, 1995-2002
BOX 17 Board of Governors, 2002-2003
BOX 17 Brazil, 2002
BOX 17 Conference, "Trustee-to-Trustee: Sharing Ideas that Work," Minneapolis, Minn., 2002, Oct. 2-4
(2 folders)
BOX 17 Conflicts of interest, 1999-2003
(2 folders)
BOX 17 Conservation Beef, 2000-2003
BOX 17 Dinkins, Carol E., 1995, 2003
BOX 17 Financial information, 2000-2003
BOX 18 Graham, Chisholm, loan, 2003
BOX 18 Internal documents, 1999-2003, undated
(8 folders)
BOX 19 (5 folders)
BOX 20 (3 folders)
BOX 20 Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 2002-2004
BOX 20 "Last Great Places" campaign, 2002
BOX 20 Lawsuits, 2002
BOX 20 Leadership Council, 2002-2003
BOX 20 Lobbying, 1997-2002
BOX 20 Logo sales, 2002
BOX 20 "Managerial and Operational Review and Planning Process: Conservation Assessment," 2002
BOX 20 McCormick, Steve, 2001-2003
(2 folders)
BOX 21 Membership, 2002
BOX 21 Membership and interactive marketing, 2000-2003
BOX 21 Memoranda, 1997-2003
(4 folders)
BOX 21 Merrill Lynch and Co., 2001-2003
BOX 21 Michigan, 2002
BOX 22 Miscellany, 2001-2002
BOX 22 Parks in Peril program, 2000-2002
(2 folders)
BOX 22 Phone lists, 2001-2002
BOX 22 Political clout, circa 2002
BOX 22 President's Discretionary Fund, 2001
BOX 22 Publications, 2000-2004
BOX 22 Revolving door, 2000-2002
BOX 22 Sawhill, John, 1995-2002
BOX 22 "Report of the External Science Review Committee," 2001
BOX 22 Rio Bravo, Belize, 2002
BOX 22 Self-dealing, 2000-2003
BOX 22 Single audits, 2003
BOX 22 Taxes, 2001-2002
BOX 22 Timeline, 2001-2002
BOX 23 Virginia Coast Reserve, 2002
BOX 23 Wallace, Monte, 1999-2002
BOX 23 Website content, 2002-2003
BOX 23 Williamson, David, 2002
BOX 23 Newman's Own Foundation, 2002
BOX 23 Notes, 2004
BOX 23 Oil companies, 2000-2002
BOX 23 Photographs, 2002-2003, undated
BOX 23 Range (magazine), 2001-2003
BOX 23 Russell Sage Foundation, 2000-2002
(3 folders)
BOX 24 (6 folders)
BOX 25 Senate Finance Committee
BOX 25 General, 1997-2005
(3 folders)
BOX 25 Grassley, Charles, 2003
BOX 25 Hearing documents, 2004-2005
(4 folders)
BOX 26 Miscellany, 1998-2005
(4 folders)
BOX 26 Questions, 1998-2003
(2 folders)
BOX 27 (8 folders)
BOX 28 (3 folders)
BOX 28 "Report of Staff Investigation of the Nature Conservancy," 2005
(1 folder)
BOX 29 (2 folders)
BOX 30 (2 folders)
BOX 30 "Responses to Questions III.1 - III.8, Excess Benefit Transactions, March 3, 2004, Letter from U.S. Senate Committee on Finance to the Nature Conservancy," 2004
BOX 30 Transmittal letters, 2003
BOX 31 Slaughter-Andrew, Anne, 2001-2003
BOX 31 Southern Co., 2001-2003
BOX 31 Trowbridge, Adam, 2000-2002
BOX 31 United States Congress financial disclosure, 2002
BOX 31 Virgin Islands, 2003
(2 folders)
BOX 31 Wiens, John, 2002-2003
BOX 31 Washington Post articles
BOX 31 Complaints from Nature Conservancy, 2003
BOX 31 Contents, 2003
BOX 31 Drafts, 2002-2003
(2 folders)
BOX 32 (1 folder)
BOX 32 Final versions and related articles, 2003
BOX 32 Graphics, 1999-2003 See also Digital Files, same heading; See also Oversize, same heading
BOX 32 Letters, 2003
BOX 32 Post-publication, 2002-2004
(3 folders)
BOX 32 Post-publication correspondence, 2003
BOX 33 Response to Nature Conservancy packet sent to Congress, 2000-2004
(4 folders)
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