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Helen Thomas papers, 1929-2013

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Personal File, 1938-2013 (continued)
BOX 50 Miscellaneous, 1939-2003
BOX 50 Mitchell, Martha, 1974 Oct.
BOX 50 Negatives, circa 1965-circa 1975
BOX 50 Nixon and Johnson slides, 1969-1970
BOX 51 Nixon children, 1970
BOX 51 Nixon, Pat, 1971-1974
BOX 51 Nixon, Richard, 1969-1973 See also Container OV 2, Photographs
(2 folders)
BOX 51 Nixon, Tricia, bridal shower, 1971 May
BOX 51 Obama, Barack, 2009
BOX 51 Presidents, group photographs of, circa 1989-circa 1994
BOX 51 Quayle, Dan and Marilyn, 1989-1990
BOX 51 Reagan, Nancy, 1981-1989
(2 folders)
BOX 51 Reagan, Ronald, 1981-1988 See also Container OV 2, Photographs
(3 folders)
BOX 51 Reagan, Ronald and Nancy, 1981-1989
BOX 51 Reporting, circa 1970-1996 See also Container OV 2, Photographs
(1 folder)
BOX 52 (1 folder)
BOX 52 Roosevelt, Franklin D., circa 1933-circa 1944
BOX 52 Wedding, Cornell and Thomas, 1971 Oct. 16
BOX 52 White House Press Room, circa 1981-circa 2002
BOX 53-57 Correspondence, 1959-2013
Primarily letters sent to Thomas from friends, colleagues, fans, and some family members. Topics are typically professional in nature and often include notes of congratulations regarding Thomas's many achievements, invitations to speak or attend events, and comments on her latest stories. Correspondence from presidents and first ladies are also included in this series.
Arranged in two groupings: alphabetical and chronological.
BOX 53 Alphabetical
BOX 53 Bush, George H.W., 1989-1997
BOX 53 Bush, George W. and Laura, 2003-2007
BOX 53 Carter, Jimmy and Rosalynn, 1978-1982
BOX 53 Clinton, Bill and Hillary, 1993-2001
BOX 53 Cornell, Douglas B., 1971-1978
BOX 53 Ford, Gerald, 1975-2006
BOX 53 Johnson, Lady Bird, 1973-2007
BOX 53 Johnson, Lyndon B., 1967-1972
BOX 53 Mitchell, John, 1969-1973
BOX 53 Mitchell, Martha, 1971-1976
BOX 53 Nixon, Richard, 1959
BOX 53 Reagan, Ronald and Nancy, 1984-2000 See also Container OV 2, Correspondence
BOX 53 Chronological
BOX 53 1960-1977
(5 folders)
BOX 54 1978-1988
(10 folders)
BOX 55 1989-1998
(11 folders)
BOX 56 1999-2008
(12 folders)
BOX 57 2009-2013, undated
(6 folders)
BOX DF Digital File, 2002-2010
Video, audio, and image files featuring Thomas delivering speeches, giving interviews, appearing in documentaries, and performing at Gridiron Club dinners. The majority of the interviews included in these files feature Thomas as the interviewee, with the exception of a series of audio files featuring interviews Thomas conducted with female senators for Melinda Mara’s book Changing the Face of Power: Women in the U.S. Senate. Video files of the HBO documentary profile of Thomas, Thank You, Mr. President: Helen Thomas at the White House, directed by Rory Kennedy is also contained in this series. Files documenting a release event and panel discussion at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. accompany the documentary. Gridiron Club dinners from 2003, 2007-2008 and 2010 are also documented in video files in this series. These files were removed from storage media found within Thomas's papers. Request files using the digital ID.
Arranged alphabetically by material type or topic.
100 Years of Association of Women in Communications: 1909-2009, 2009
Digital ID: mss85982_153_013
The National Press Club: A Century of Headlines, 2008
Digital ID: mss85982_153_007
Thank You, Mr. President: Helen Thomas at the White House, HBO Documentary Films, 2008
Digital ID: mss85982_153_003
Thank You, Mr. President: Helen Thomas at the White House, Panel discussion, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., 2008
Digital ID: mss85982_153_025
Gridiron dinners
2003 Mar. 8
Digital ID: mss85982_153_031
2007 Mar. 31
Digital ID: mss85982_153_021
Digital ID: mss85982_153_022
2008 Mar. 8
Digital ID: mss85982_153_001
2010 Mar. 20
Digital ID: mss85982_153_020
Thomas interviews of women senators: Hillary Clinton, Kay Bailey Hutchuson, Lisa Murkowski, Blanche Lincoln, Debbie Stebenow, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Mary Landrieu, Barbara Mikulski, and Elizabeth Dole, for Changing the Face of Power: Women in the U.S. Senateby Melina Mara, et. al. 2003
Digital ID: mss85982_153_040
Digital ID: mss85982_153_041
Digital ID: mss85982_153_042
Digital ID: mss85982_153_043
Digital ID: mss85982_153_044
The Daily Show, "White House Press Corps," 2009 Mar.
Digital ID: mss85982_153_004
Monmouth University, MACE Award, press conference and interview, West Long Branch, N.J, 2004 Sept. 21
Digital ID: mss85982_153_028
Digital ID: mss85982_153_029
National Press Club's Centennial celebration kick off panel discussion, 2008 Jan. 4
Digital ID: mss85982_153_034
Nine to Noon, Radio New Zealand, 2007 Mar. 22
Digital ID: mss85982_153_027
Unidentified interviewer, 2008 Oct. 28
Digital ID: mss85982_153_011
News story
Democracy Now, story regarding Thomas's comments on Israel, 2010
Digital ID: mss85982_153_005
90th birthday celebration, 2010
Digital ID: mss85982_153_048
Florida Association of Homes for the Aging 39th annual convention speaking and book signing, Orlando, Fla., 2002 Aug.
Digital ID: mss85982_153_016
United States Postal Service Women in Journalism commemorative stamp release event, Fort Worth, Tex., 2002
Digital ID: mss85982_153_036
American Friends Service Committee Annual Public Gathering, Philadelphia, Pa., 2006 Nov. 4
Digital ID: mss85982_153_012
American University of Beirut honorary doctorates ceremony, Beirut, Lebanon, 2003 Aug.
Digital ID: mss85982_153_046
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 2007 Apr. 9
Digital ID: mss85982_153_047
National Press Club, Washington D.C., circa 2002
Digital ID: mss85982_153_032
Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, Calif., 2007 Oct. 22
Digital ID: mss85982_153_024
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Diversity Education Series, “Women: Builders of Communities and Dreams," Washington, D.C., 2006 Mar. 22
Digital ID: mss85982_153_030
BOX OV 1-OV 2 Oversize, 1962-2009
Certificates, photographs, correspondence, and artifacts.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Unarranged artifacts
BOX OV 1 Awards, tape recorders, and buttons. Includes engraved tray presented to Thomas upon her induction as president of the Gridiron Club, 1992.
White House Press Corps
BOX OV 2 Spirit of '76 certificates of flight, 1971 July, 1973 Feb. (Container 5, Spirit of '76)
BOX OV 2 Air Force One certificate of flight, 1974 Aug. 19 (Container 5, Air Force One)
Speeches and Events
BOX OV 2 Arkansas Traveler awards, 1987 Feb. 15 (Container 23, Chronological file, 1987, 1991)
Personal File
BOX OV 2 Illustration by Jody Powell, undated (Container 43, Caricatures and illustrations)
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