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Theodor Reik papers, 1905-1994

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Writings File, 1911-1994 (continued)
BOX 9 "A Holy Nation," undated
BOX 9 Partial draft on Anatole France's The Juggler of Notre Dame, undated
BOX 9 "Sexual Psychology in an American Novel," undated See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 9 "Some Traits of Feminine Sexuality," undated See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 9 Insertions ("einschub"), undated
BOX 9 Introductions to works by others, 1958, 1966
BOX 9 Newspaper and magazine articles, 1913-1961
BOX 9 Originals See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 9 Photocopies
(2 folders)
BOX 9 Notebooks
BOX 9 English vocabulary, undated
BOX 9 Notes in German and English, undated
BOX 9 Notes on literature and philosophy, undated
BOX 9 Notes on
BOX 9 Freud, Sigmund, miscellaneous, undated
BOX 9 Judaism
BOX 9 Set 1, from Jewish Wit, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 10 Set 1, from Jewish Wit, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 10 Set 2, largely from Mystery on the Mountain, undated
(9 folders)
BOX 10 Set 3, partially from Part III of Curiosities of the Self, circa 1959-1961
(3 folders)
BOX 11 Set 3, partially from Part III of Curiosities of the Self, circa 1959-1961
(4 folders)
BOX 11 Set 4, bibliography, undated
BOX 11 Set 5, "Ergänzungen zu Pagan Remnants in Judaism," undated
BOX 11 Set 6, miscellaneous, undated
BOX 11 Language, undated
BOX 11 Listening, undated
BOX 11 "Man, the Moral Climber," circa 1945-1953
BOX 11 Men and women, circa 1945-1953
BOX 11 From topically labeled envelopes
BOX 11 "Active/passive"
BOX 11 "[Double] standards"
BOX 11 "Dress"
BOX 11 "Homosexuality"
BOX 12 "Infection"
BOX 12 "Introduction"
BOX 12 "Male and female varia"
BOX 12 "Masochism"
BOX 12 "Men women"
BOX 12 "Men women III"
(3 folders)
BOX 12 "Nature"
(3 folders)
BOX 12 "Prehistory"
BOX 13 "Sex"
(4 folders)
BOX 13 "Varia (biology, intercourse, emotional differences)"
BOX 13 "Wit"
BOX 13 "Young Men"
BOX 14 From unlabeled packets
(10 folders)
BOX 15 From unlabeled packets
(5 folders)
BOX 15 Readings, bibliographic notes, undated
BOX 15 "Technik," undated
BOX 15 Various topics, circa 1941-1964
(2 folders)
BOX 15 "Wert der Neurose," undated
BOX 16 Reprints and copies of journal articles, 1911-1968
(7 folders)
BOX 17 Speeches
BOX 17 "From a speech to students," 1962
BOX 17 Speech on psychoanalysis, undated See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 17 Torn fragments, undated
BOX 17 Unidentified English manuscripts
BOX 17 Set 1, 1966-circa 1969
BOX 17 Set 2, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 17 Sets 3-4, undated See also Container OV 7, same heading
(2 folders)
BOX 17 Sets 5-7, undated See Container OV 7, same heading
BOX 17 By others
BOX 17 Berlin, Jeffrey B., 1971-1982
BOX 17 Ivins, Barbara, 1944
(3 folders)
BOX 17 Jeffery, Dorothy, 1954
BOX 17 Kraus, Karl, Die Fackel, 1928
BOX 18 Miscellaneous
BOX 18 B-D, 1951-1994
BOX 18 E-J, 1948-1968
BOX 18 K-M, 1945-1968
BOX 18 N-S, 1950-1952, undated
BOX 18 T-Z, 1952-1975, undated
BOX 18 Pan issues, 1911-1913
BOX 18 Sherman, Murray H., 1974, undated
BOX 18 Unidentified, 1914, 1978, undated
BOX OV 1-OV 7 Oversize, 1911-1962
Drafts of handwritten manuscripts on oversize sheets of paper, often filed with accompanying notes and printed matter; newspaper and magazine clippings of articles by Reik; and a certificate.
Arranged according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Personal and Family Papers
BOX OV 1 Certificate as psychologist, awarded by the University of the State of New York, 1959 (Container 1, New York State psychologist certificate)
BOX OV 1 Gustav Mahler
BOX OV 1 Binders (Containers 3-6, same heading)
BOX OV 1 Large sheets of handwritten notes and drafts, with related concert programs, reprints, and news clippings, from Binders A-C, 1925-1947, undated
(6 folders)
BOX OV 2 Large sheets of handwritten notes and drafts, with relate typed drafts, concert programs, reprints, and news clippings, from Binder C, 1933-1950, undated
(2 folders)
BOX OV 2 Loose handwritten notes and drafts on large sheets, largely in German, undated (Container 6, same heading)
(2 folders)
BOX OV 2 Copy of a portrait drawing and published photograph of a bronze bust, undated (Container 6, Portrait drawings)
BOX OV 2 Facsimile edition of Mahler's Symphony no. 10, 1924 (Container 7, same heading)
BOX OV 3 Writings File
BOX OV 3 By Reik
BOX OV 3 Book drafts and notes
BOX OV 3 Handwritten and typed drafts, some on large sheets, of the chapter "Aria Without Words" ("Three Women in a Man's Life"), circa 1953 (Container 7, The Haunting Melody)
BOX OV 3 Handwritten drafts and notes on large sheets, circa 1962 (Container 7, Jewish Wit)
(7 folders)
BOX OV 3 Preface and outline on large sheets, circa 1957 (Container 8, Myth and Guilt)
BOX OV 4 Handwritten draft on large sheets of "The Chip on the Shoulder" from Part III, circa 1957 (Container 8, Of Love and Lust)
BOX OV 4 Handwritten drafts and notes from Part IV: "The Emotional Differences of the Sexes," circa 1957 (Container 8, Of Love and Lust)
(2 folders)
BOX OV 5 German manuscripts, handwritten on large sheets (Container 9, same heading)
BOX OV 5 Set 1, dated drafts with journal-like entries and some Gustav Mahler-related notes, 1938-1941
BOX OV 5 Set 2, drafts on Judaism, largely on Jewish humor, undated
BOX OV 5 Set 3, miscellaneous drafts from Der Überraschte Psychologe, writings on Jewish humor, and other works, undated
BOX OV 5 Set 4, miscellaneous drafts, including ones titled "Der Kleine König," "Ein Denkexperiment," "Kindermunde," and "Neo. Psych.," undated
BOX OV 6 Individual chapters or articles, handwritten drafts on large sheets
BOX OV 6 "The Courage of a Coward," undated (Container 9, same heading)
BOX OV 6 "An Experimenter and His Audience," undated (Container 9, same heading)
BOX OV 6 Freud, Sigmund, letters to Reik, handwritten English translations, 1911-1938 (Container 9, same heading)
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