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Eugene Schuyler papers, 1624-2015

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BOX II:OV 1-II:OV 4 Part II: Oversize, 1861-1871
An oversized certificate, a passport, drawings, and a manuscript.
Arranged according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX II:OV 1 Miscellany
BOX II:OV 1 Certificate awarded to Schuyler, 1861 (Container II:4, same heading)
BOX II:OV 2 Passport in Russian, 1871 (Container II:5, same heading)
BOX II:OV 3 Unidentified items
BOX II:OV 3 Drawings of a plaque, circa 1868 (Container II:5, same heading)
BOX II:OV 4 Summary of "Lettre de Yozgat" concerning the treatment of Armenians in Yozgat İli, Turkey, author unknown, undated (Container II:5, same heading)
BOX III:1-III:3 Part III: Correspondence, 1859-1933
The Correspondence series contains correspondence to and from Schuyler as well as some third-party correspondence. The series is divided into family, general and third party. The bulk of Schuyler’s writings to his family consists of letters to his sister, Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer. Correspondence to Schuyler include letters from George H. Boker, Samuel S. Cox, Nicholas Fish II, Edward A. Freeman, Sir Henry H. Howorth, Marshall Jewell, and Frederick William Seward and mostly relate to Schuyler's professional work. Third-party correspondence includes letters written to Schuyler’s wife, Gertrude Wallace King Schuyler from her sister, Mary King Waddington from Paris during World War I, as well as some correspondence to Schuyler’s sister Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer and her husband, Charles Ashmead Schaeffer.
Arranged largely as family, general, and third-party correspondence and therein chronologically.
BOX III:1 Family correspondence from Schuyler
BOX III:1 1859-1868
BOX III:1 1870-1873
BOX III:1 1879
BOX III:1 1882-1890, undated
(9 folders)
BOX III:1 General correspondence
BOX III:1 From Schuyler
BOX III:1 1871-1890, undated
(5 folders)
BOX III:1 To Schuyler
BOX III:1 1868-1890, undated
(14 folders)
BOX III:2 Letters to Schuyler from Marshall Jewell, 1874-1881, undated
(2 folders)
BOX III:2 Lists of correspondents, undated
BOX III:2 Official diplomatic correspondence, 1872-1876, undated
BOX III:2 Telegram regarding Napoleon III's surrender to Prussia, 1870
BOX III:2 Third party
BOX III:2 Letters between Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer (sister) and The National Cyclopedia of American Biography, 1932-1933
BOX III:2 Letters to Charles Ashmead Schaeffer (brother-in-law), 1870, 1889-1896
BOX III:2 Letters to Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer, 1892, 1898, 1905, 1911, 1918
BOX III:2 Letters to Gertrude Key Schuyler Schaeffer (niece) from Eugene Schaeffer (nephew), 1894-1898
BOX III:2 Letters to Gertrude Wallace King Schuyler from
BOX III:2 Miscellaneous, 1903, 1915, undated
BOX III:2 Waddington, Mary King (sister), 1892, 1910-1915 undated
BOX III:3 Miscellaneous, 1870, 1887-1893, 1898-1905, 1915, undated
BOX III:3-III:4 Part III: Writings File, 1855-1890
The Writings File contains writings by Schuyler, including diary entries, translations, and writings by other authors on Schuyler's life and additional translations. Diary entries include fragments of Schuyler’s diary from 1868-1890. The series also includes a speech given by Schuyler on the superstitions connected with days of the week, a report on a conference in Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1877, and several translations by Schuyler of Russian accounts of pilgrimages and journeys to Constantinople (Istanbul) and Jerusalem in the fifteenth century. Writings by others include a paper entitled “Prelude to Turkistan” by Frank G. Siscoe on the events in Schuyler’s life that led to him writing his book Turkistan: Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja (1876). In addition, there are several items written in an unknown hand on the various European Orders, and several translations including “The Bondage and Travels of Johannes Schiltberger” and a translation of Tolstoy’s “Sevastopol Sketches.”
Arranged by author and therein alphabetically by type of material.
BOX III:3 By Schuyler
BOX III:3 Diary entries, 1868-1869, 1875-1878, 1888-1890
(3 folders)
BOX III:3 "Myths. Sagas. Mährchen. Skazki." circa 1867
BOX III:3 Other writings and notes, undated
(2 folders)
BOX III:3 Report from the Conference of Constantinople, 1877
BOX III:3 "Superstitions Connected with the Days of the Week," 1877-1878
BOX III:3 Translations
BOX III:4 "Journey of Simeon of Suzdal to Italy," undated
BOX III:3 "Journey of the Deacon Ignatius from Moscow to Tsargrad and Jerusalem," undated
BOX III:3 "Journey of the Monk Arsenius Sukhonuf to Jerusalem," undated
BOX III:4 "Journey to Tsargrad of Alexander the Scribe," undated
BOX III:4 "Lost Child," undated
BOX III:4 "Pilgrimage and Stay in Tsargrad and Jerusalem of the Sinful Monk Zosmius Deacon of the Monastery of Sergius," undated
BOX III:4 Stephen of Novgorod's "Wanderer," undated
BOX III:4 By Frank G. Siscoe, "Prelude to Turkistan," undated
BOX III:4 By unidentified writers
BOX III:4 Information about the orders and decorations of Europe, circa 1889, undated
BOX III:4 Miscellaneous writings and notes, circa 1880s, undated
BOX III:4 Translations
BOX III:4 "Bondage and Travels of Johannes Schiltberger," undated
BOX III:4 "Pilgrim's Book of the Monk Daniel," undated
BOX III:4 "Sevastopol Sketches," by Leo Tolstoy, circa 1855
BOX III:4 "Travels of Afanasiĭ Nikitich Nikitin," undated
BOX III:4 Part III: Printed Matter, 1868-1914
The Printed Matter series consists mainly of newspaper clippings documenting Schuyler's career as a writer and author, and miscellaneous pamphlets. Newspaper clippings are separated by subjects, such as reviews of Selected Essays with a Memoir by Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer in 1901, clippings related to Schuyler’s “Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria” (1876), clippings regarding Schuyler’s career as a diplomat, and Schuyler’s obituary as collected by a clipping service. Also included are miscellaneous pamphlets related to Schuyler’s social and academic activities.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX III:4 Newspaper clippings
BOX III:4 The Egyptian Gazette, 1890 See also Container III:OV 1, same heading
BOX III:4 Le Phare D'Alexsandrie, 1890 See also Container III:OV 1, same heading
BOX III:4 Schuyler's career, circa 1880s
BOX III:4 Selected Essays with a Memoir by Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer, 1901
BOX III:4 "Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria," 1876
BOX III:4 Miscellaneous, 1868, 1892, 1901, 1914, undated
BOX III:4 Pamphlets, 1888-1890, undated
BOX III:5 Part III: Family Genealogy, 1624-1964
The Family Genealogy series consists of a variety of items relating to the Schuyler family including information gathered by George Washington Schuyler about the Schuyler family from the seventeenth century to the descendants of Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer in the early twentieth century. The series includes biographies and obituaries of Schuyler family members including George Washington Schuyler and Matilda Scribner Schuyler, the parents of Eugene and Evelyn, Evelyn’s husband, Charles Ashmead Schaeffer, and her son-in-law, John Dunlop. There are also several items and photographs relating to Evelyn’s daughter, Gertrude Key Schuyler Schaeffer Dunlop and her family, and drafts of Evelyn’s memoir. Also included are notes and information related to the Schuyler family tree dating back to 1624, and letters George Schuyler wrote to his son about his discoveries on family genealogy from 1878 to 1879.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX III:5 Biographies and obituaries, 1888-1889, 1905, 1931, undated
(2 folders)
BOX III:5 Dunlop, Gertrude Key Schuyler Schaeffer (niece), and family, 1908, 1918, 1930, 1952, 1964, undated
(2 folders)
BOX III:5 Memoir by Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer, draft and notes, undated
(2 folders)
BOX III:5 Schuyler family tree, 1624-1809, 1839, 1871-1897
BOX III:5 Letters from George Washington Schuyler (father) to Eugene regarding family genealogy, 1878-1879
BOX III:5 Part III: Miscellany, 1841-1908
The Miscellany series contains notes and ephemera from Schuyler’s personal life, including his 1877 marriage certificate to Gertrude Wallace King Schuyler in Paris, and items from his professional life. Also included in this series are calling cards (representing both Schuyler and his guests), papers regarding Schuyler’s diplomatic appointments to Serbia, Romania, and Greece, awards Schuyler received, most notably for his work on documenting the Turkish atrocities in Bulgaria, and certificates of membership to professional and social clubs.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX III:5 Awards, 1876-1888, undated See also Container III:OV 2, same heading
BOX III:5 Calling cards, undated
BOX III:5 Diplomatic appointments, 1878-1882 See also Container III:OV 3, same heading
BOX III:5 Marriage certificate of Eugene Schuyler and Gertrude Wallace King, 1877
BOX III:5 Membership certificates, 1870-1880 See also Container III:OV 3, same heading
BOX III:5 Notes and ephemera, 1841, 1880, 1887, 1897, 1908, undated
BOX III:OV 1-III:OV 3 Part III: Oversize, 1870-1890
The Oversize series contains printed matter related to Schuyler, including two 1890 Egyptian newspapers containing Schuyler's obituary. Oversize items relate mainly to Schuyler’s career and include diplomatic appointments, awards and proclamations (in Russian and Italian), memberships to academic and professional associations, and an 1862 certificate allowing Schuyler to practice law in New York.
Arranged according to the series, containers, and folders from which the materials were removed.
BOX III:OV 1 Printed Matter
BOX III:OV 1 Newspaper clippings, obituaries
BOX III:OV 1 The Egyptian Gazette, 1890
BOX III:OV 1 Le Phare D'Alexsandrie, 1890
BOX III:OV 2 Miscellany
BOX III:OV 2 Awards, 1876-1888, undated
BOX III:OV 3 Diplomatic appointments, 1872-1882
BOX III:OV 3 Membership certificates, 1870-1880

Contents List