The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Virginia H. Mathews papers, 1897-1991
Some or all content stored offsite.
Special Projects and Other Employment, 1897-1991 (continued)
BOX 80 "Gersham's Law: Knowledge or Information?" Boorstin, Daniel J., 1979
BOX 80 "The History of Literacy in America: An Introduction," 1979
BOX 80 "Hopi Adult Community Schools," Southwest Educational Institute, Inc., circa 1978
BOX 80 "Literacy in Historical Perspective," Lockridge, Kenneth A., 1979
BOX 80 "Media Services in the Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools," Bromberg, Erik, 1972
BOX 80 "Strategies for Funding of Library, Media, and Information Services on Indian Reservations," Deloria, P. Sam, 1978
BOX 80 Photographs, 1979-1980
(3 folders)
BOX 80 Planning Committee
BOX 80 Executive group, 1978
BOX 81 General, 1976-1978
(4 folders)
BOX 81 Program and speakers, 1978
(3 folders)
BOX 81 Publications
BOX 81 "American Indian Library Service," Townley, Charles J., 1978
BOX 81 American Indians Libraries Newsletter, 1978
BOX 81 "American Indian People and Library Learning Centers," National Indian Education Association, 1978
BOX 81 "The Coalition News," Coalition of Indian Controlled School Boards, 1978
BOX 81 "Issues and Resolutions: A Summary of Pre-Conference Activities," 1979
BOX 82 "Legislative Analyses of the Federal Role in Indian Education," 1975
BOX 82 Reports
BOX 82 "Bureau of Indian Affairs Plan for the Improvement of Library/Media/Information Programs," 1978
(3 folders)
BOX 82 Evaluations, 1977
BOX 82 "Indian Leaders Prepare Plan for Library and Information Service," 1978
BOX 82 Recommendations, 1978
BOX 82 "Self-Determination Requires Information Power!" 1978
(2 folders)
BOX 83 (2 folders)
BOX 83 Task Force Resolutions, 1978
BOX 83 Transcript of proceedings, 1978
BOX 83 United States. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, 1977
BOX 83 Workshop materials, undated
BOX 83 Women's National Book Association
BOX 83 Americana: As Taught to the Tune of the Hickory Stick, 1954
BOX 83 "Books Bring in the World" program transcripts, undated
BOX 83 The Bookwoman, newsletter, 1951-1958, 1970
BOX 83 Children's Book Council, 1973
BOX 84 Constance Lindsay Skinner Award, 1951-1972 See also Container 17, same heading
(7 folders)
BOX 84 Course committee
BOX 84 General, 1954-1957
BOX 84 Institute Children's Book and Publishing, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, 1955-1956
BOX 84 A Survey of Children's Literature and Book Publishing, New York Board of Education, N.Y., 1955-1956
(2 folders)
BOX 84 Workshop in Children's Literature and Publishing, 1955-1956
(1 folder)
BOX 85 (1 folder)
BOX 85 Eastern European book promotion trip, 1971-1973
BOX 85 History, Constitution, and By-Laws, 1950, 1968, 1976, undated
BOX 85 Meetings, 1951-1972
(6 folders)
BOX 86 National Book Awards Week program, 1953-1957
BOX 86 National Secretary files, 1956, 1968-1972
BOX 86 New York Festival of Books, 1954-1957
BOX 86 President's correspondence to WBNA chapters, 1970-1973
BOX 86 Stationery, 1970
BOX 86 Tax exempt status, 1974
BOX 86 Treasurer reports, membership, 1968-1972
BOX 86 United States mission to the United Nations non-governmental organizations, 1960-1972
BOX 86 Windows on the World column, 1970
BOX 86 Workshops
BOX 86 "The Child's Literacy Heritage: Folk and Fairy Tale Literature," oral history workshop, Durham, N.C., 1972
BOX 86 Reading Motivation Workshop, Brewster Public Schools, Brewster, N.Y., 1974-1976
(2 folders)
BOX 86 School Media Specialists/Reading Teachers, Stamford, Conn., 1964, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 87 (2 folders)
BOX 87 "Serving the Unserved: A Workshop about Reaching Out to New Users," Raleigh, N.C., 1973-1975
(3 folders)
BOX 87-89 Speeches and Writings, 1950-1989
Speeches, remarks, articles, notes, and book chapters in both draft and completed form. Represents writings generated throughout her career as well as works by others.
The series is arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 87 By Mathews, Virginia H.
BOX 87 "50 Million Self-Starters," circa 1973
BOX 87 "100 Million People: Can We Serve Them?" 1967
BOX 87 "Adult Reading Studies: Their Implication for Private, Professional, and Public Policy," 1973
BOX 87 American Association of School Libraries Distinguished Service Award, acceptance speech, 1989
BOX 87 "Awareness: Essential Characteristics of Librarians Who Make a Difference," 1981
BOX 87 "Begin at the Beginning: The Children's Right to Read," Festival of Children's Books, 1970
BOX 87 "Books for Young Adults," undated
BOX 87 "Brave New Books: Technology vs. The Printed Word in Schools and Libraries," undated
BOX 87 "Circle of Influence: The Adult Educator and the Library," undated
BOX 87 "Developing Literary Appreciation Among Young People," 1962
BOX 87 Developing a Lifetime Reading Habit," 1975
BOX 87 "Development of a Combined Media Services Division Connected with the Combined Book Exhibit," undated
BOX 87 Drafts, miscellaneous, 1959-1960, 1974, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 88 "Expectations Unlimited: The Information Consumer, Libraries, and the Future," undated
BOX 88 "Facing Realities: Tying WHC List Concerns to Social/Economic/Political/Agenda," undated
BOX 88 "Feeding the Inquiring Mind," 1985
BOX 88 "First Lessons...And Some Homework for Us," 1985
BOX 88 "Further to the Topic: Women, Power, and Libraries," undated
BOX 88 Garden City Women's Club speech, 1956
BOX 88 "The Good School Library," undated
BOX 88 "The Incarnation -- What It Means to Me?" undated
BOX 88 "Increasing Children's Interest in Reading," 1972
BOX 88 Indiana Libraries, 1972
BOX 88 "Intellectual Freedom" 1974
BOX 88 "Landscape for a Launching," 1974 See also Box 88, "A Time To Keep and a Time to Cast Away"
BOX 88 "The Librarian: Consumer and Consumed," 1974
BOX 88 "Libraries in Transition: People Who Need People," 1966
BOX 88 The Library Trustee and Public Relations, undated
BOX 88 MDTA Seminar, undated
BOX 88 "Media and Instruction for the 1970s," 1975
BOX 88 "Media in Libraries: Luxury or Necessity?" 1975
BOX 88 "Motivating Children to Read: What Is It All About? Is It Important? Whose Job Is It?" 1977
BOX 88 National Association of Independent Schools, remarks, undated
BOX 88 National Library Week editorial, undated
BOX 88 "National Library Week and Your Public Relations Program," undated
BOX 88 "Need and Purpose," undated
BOX 88 "People are the Key," circa 1966
BOX 88 "People Who Need People," circa 1973
BOX 88 "Planning, Programming, Budgetary Systems," circa 1971
BOX 88 Raw materials, 1960-1963, 1970, undated
BOX 88 "Reading and Books in a Changing World," undated See also Container 51, Children and Books in a Changing World
BOX 88 "Reading for Pleasure: Is It Still Possible?" 1973
BOX 88 "Response to Change: Public Library Service in the 1970s," 1969
BOX 88 Right to Read legislation, introduction, 1972
BOX 88 "The Road Less Travelled," circa 1956
BOX 88 "The Role of the Book in an Audio Visual Society," 1974
BOX 88 "Role of the Professional Woman," notes, undated
BOX 88 "School Libraries and National Library Week," undated
BOX 88 Testimony before the House Post-secondary Education Committee, 1983
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