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Nina V. Fedoroff papers, 1914-2012

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Notes and Notebooks, 1942-2004 (continued)
BOX 36 Suppressor mutator
BOX 36 Maize crop, 1984-1986
BOX 36 Polymerase chain reaction of suppressor-mutator, 1987-1989
(3 folders)
BOX 36 Pimers, 1989-1991
BOX 36 Sequence analysis 1988-1997
(3 folders)
BOX 36 Tobacco cultures, 1990-1991
BOX 37 Tobacco cultures, 1990-1991
BOX 37 Suppressor mutator dependant a-m2 alleles
BOX 37 Vol. 1, 1984, Aug.-Nov.
(2 folders)
BOX 37 Vol. 2, 1984, Nov.-1985, Feb.
(3 folders)
BOX 37 Vol. 3, 1985, Feb.-Apr.
(2 folders)
BOX 38 Vol. 4, 1985, Mar.-1986, Jan
(3 folders)
BOX 38 T4 denuclearise IV, 1972
(2 folders)
BOX 38 Teracycline repressor protein and CaMV 35S promoter for Arabidopsis, 1992
BOX 38 Thermal asymmetric interlaced-polymerase chain reaction, 1993
(2 folders)
BOX 38 Transpose elements in eukaryotes, undated
BOX 38 Wheat germ leukocytes, 1974
BOX 38 X cloning, 1982-1983
BOX 39 X cloning, 1982-1983
(4 folders)
BOX 40-51 Cross Cards, 1979-1988
The Cross Cards series contains the note cards used by Fedoroff to document the plant crosses used in her experiments. In the 1990s Fedoroff started using the Hypermaize program, a derivative of the Hypercard program, to record plant crosses records. These files are found in the Digital File series. The Cross Cards series also compliments other series, in particular the Notes and Notebook series.
Arranged chronologically except the "Notes on plants in Florida".
BOX 40-41 Culture cards, 1979-1988
BOX 42 Ear cards
BOX 42-43 General, 1979-1982
BOX 44 Brookhaven 79 and "Fla 79," 1979
BOX 45 Missouri, 1980-1982
BOX 46 Delaware, 1983-1984
BOX 47 Pennsylvania and Maryland, 1985-1987
BOX 48 Maryland and "GC1187," 1987
BOX 49 Maryland, 1988
BOX 50 General, undated
BOX 51 Notes on plants in Florida, 1981-1982
BOX 51-54 Negatives and Slides, 1977-2006
The Negatives and Slides series contains the photographic negatives and slides of plants used to document genetic experiments done by Fedoroff and laboratory staff members. The Negatives and Slides series complements other series in the collection, especially the Notes and Notebooks series, Cross Cards series, and the Writings series.
Arranged by type of material and alphabetically therein.
BOX 51 Film
BOX 51 Mobile DNA, undated
BOX 51 Review, 1987
(3 folders)
BOX 51 Slides
BOX 51 a-m2 and a-m1 alleles, 1986
BOX 51 a-m2 and a-m1 status, 1981
BOX 51 Arabidopsis
BOX 51 Agrobacterium, undated
BOX 51 Tagging and staining patterns and mutants, 1993-2006
BOX 51 Transformation, 1990-1991
(4 folders)
BOX 51 Enhancer (?): positives from first transformation, 1990
BOX 51 Plant crosses, 1984
BOX 51 General, 1977-1980, 1986
BOX 52 GUS staining, 1990-1993
(2 folders)
BOX 52 Lecture, 1984-1998, undated
(7 folders)
BOX 53 Maize
BOX 53 Corn production, genetic engineering, insect damage, and corn kernels, circa 1983
BOX 53 Ears and single kernels, 1986, 1994, undated
BOX 53 Ears, corn plants, and planting fields, 1987-1988
(3 folders)
BOX 53 Seeds, 1981
BOX 53 Queen Anne's lace, 1979
BOX 53 Scientific American Digest, 1984
BOX 53 Suppressor-mutator diagrams, 1990-1995
BOX 54 Suppressor-mutator diagrams, 1990-1995
BOX 54 Tobacco, people, and "Yale forest," 1988
(2 folders)
BOX 54 Transposition tagging, 1997, undated
BOX 58-59 Writings, 1914-2003
The Writings File reflects the breadth of Fedoroff’s research projects and her contributions in identifying and manipulating plant genetics. These files primarily include published articles by Fedoroff but also include published articles of other scientists who researched plant genetics. The Writing Files provide published documentation of some of the discoveries made from Fedoroff’s laboratory. The Writings File complements other series in the collection, especially the Cross Cards, Negatives and Slides, and the Digital File.
Arranged into two groups, those written by Fedoroff and those written by others. Those written by Fedoroff are arranged chronologically and those written by others are arranged alphabetically by the name of the author. In the event of multiple authors or an author’s name was not stated, the article is listed by subject.
BOX 54 By Fedoroff
BOX 54 1971-1975
BOX 54 1977
BOX 54 1978
BOX 54 1979
BOX 54 1982
BOX 54 1983
BOX 54 1985
(2 folders)
BOX 54 1986
BOX 54 1987
BOX 54 1989
(2 folders)
BOX 54 1991
BOX 54 1992-1993
BOX 54 1994
BOX 55 1995
BOX 55 1996
BOX 55 1997-1998
BOX 55 1999
BOX 55 2000-2001
BOX 55 2002
BOX 55 2003
BOX 55 2005-2006
BOX 55 2010
BOX 55 undated
BOX 55 By others
BOX 55 Brink, Royal Alexander, 1952-1980
(4 folders)
BOX 55 Cole, Edward H., 1955-1978, 1986, 1995
BOX 56 (2 folders)
BOX 56 Cu, Unchanging, 2003
BOX 56 Emerson, R. A., 1914-1917, 1928
BOX 56 Fedoroff, Nina (about), 1995, 2001
BOX 56 Greenbelt, Irwin M., 1962-1968, 1974-1976, 1981-1985
BOX 56 Kermit, Jerry L., 1969-1973, 1980-1987
BOX 56 Laughnan, John R., 1952
BOX 56 Lu, Cheng, 2002
BOX 57 McClintock, Barbara, 1934-1971, 1978-1984, 1991
(6 folders)
BOX 58 Mira, Matsushita, 2002
BOX 58 Mirabeau, A. D., 1989-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 58 Nelson, Oliver, 1974-1991
BOX 58 Others (multiple authors)
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