The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Ruth Bader Ginsburg papers, 1897-2021
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Part I: American Civil Liberties Union File, 1967-1980 (continued)
United States Postal Service, uniform case, 1971-1972 (continued)
(2 folders)
United States Student Travel Service, 1973-1974
Upward Bound program, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 1969-1974, undated
(3 folders)
Vorchheimer v. School Dist.
Correspondence, 1976-1977
(2 folders)
BOX 10 Pleadings, 1976-1977
(2 folders)
Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld See also Container 32, same heading
Correspondence, 1972-1980
(6 folders)
Notes, undated
Index, undated
Nos. 14-36, 1973
(2 folders)
BOX 11 Nos. 37-64, 1973-1975
(3 folders)
Wengler v. Druggists Mut. Ins. Co., 1979-1980 See also Container 32, same heading
(2 folders)
Women's Rights Project, prospectus, 1972
Women's surnames, 1972 See also Container 32, same heading
BOX 11-17 Part I: Speeches and Writings File, 1970-1991
Correspondence, speeches, articles, letters to editors, notes, reports, programs, background material, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 11 Speech file
(4 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX 12 June-Nov.
(3 folders)
(8 folders)
Nov. and no month
(2 folders)
BOX 13 1976-1977
(10 folders)
BOX 14 Mar.-Oct.
(15 folders)
BOX 15 Nov.-Dec.
(3 folders)
(11 folders)
BOX 16 Writings file
(12 folders)
1980-1981, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 17 Miscellany, 1971-1979, 1990
(5 folders)
BOX 17-24 Part I: Miscellany, 1966-1992
Correspondence, memoranda, interviews, legal papers, notes, reports, speeches, calendars, photographs, forms and questionnaires, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 17 Academic file
Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Lake Como, Italy, resident scholars program, 1975-1978 See also Container 42, same heading
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, Calif., 1975-1979 See also Container 42, same heading
(2 folders)
Columbia University, New York, N.Y. See also Containers 42-45, same heading
Congratulatory letters re appointment as professor, 1972
(4 folders)
BOX 18 General, 1971-1980, undated
(2 folders)
Summer program in American law, Netherlands, 1975
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Course material re sex based discrimination and the law, 1971
(4 folders)
General, 1971-1972
(3 folders)
BOX 19 International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France, 1975
Phi Beta Kappa, visiting scholar program, 1973-1974
(3 folders)
Rutgers University, Newark, N.J., 1966-1972, undated
Awards and honors, 1969, 1976-1977 See also Containers 45 and 148, same heading
Bar admissions, 1966, 1974-1975
Biographical file, 1969-1991, undated See also Containers 46 and 148, same heading
(4 folders)
Calendars, 1975-1979
Century Association, New York, N.Y., 1977-1980 See also Container 46, same heading
(2 folders)
BOX 20 Equal Rights Amendment See also Container 46, same heading
American Bar Association, 1973-1980
Conference of Equal Rights Advocates, New York, N.Y., 1973
Correspondence, 1970-1978
(5 folders)
General, 1972-1979
(3 folders)
Idaho v. Freeman, 1979-1980
(2 folders)
BOX 21 Missouri, 1975-1976
New York, 1975-1976
(2 folders)
Interviews, 1974-1977
Photographs, ca. 1972-1976
Taiwan, 1979-1980 See also Containers 47 and 48, Travel, 1979, Taiwan
(2 folders)
United States Court of Appeals
District of Columbia Circuit, judiciary appointment See also Containers 32 and 144, Appointment
Congratulatory letters, 1979-1980
(7 folders)
BOX 22 Forms and questionnaires, 1979-1980
(3 folders)
General, 1979-1980
(5 folders)
Opposition, 1980
Resignations from organizations, 1980
Second Circuit
Judicial conference, Buck Hill Falls, Pa., 1977
Judiciary appointment, 1977-1979, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 23 Women See also Containers 154-156, same heading
1975-1977, 1983-1991
(11 folders)
BOX 24 1992, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 25-29 Part II: Personal File, 1946-1999
Correspondence, memoranda, notes, date books, photographs, medical papers, programs, newspaper clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically, although the family papers are arranged into two categories, correspondence and other papers.
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