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Look magazine records, 1934-1970

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BOX 15-18 Roland H. Berg Files, 1934-1962
The Roland H. Berg Files document his role as the medical editor of Look and portions of his career as a medical writer and journalist, including writings by Berg, material regarding stories he managed, and general research.
Material types include correspondence, drafts, notes, clippings, notebooks, field notes, and certificates.
Arranged in three sections: Writings, Charity racket story, and General and topical files. Sections are arranged alphabetically.
BOX 15-16 Writings
BOX 15 "A Report on Hospitals" article, research, correspondence, 1959
BOX 15 "A Report on Hospitals" research [?], 1957
BOX 15 "Are You a Sexual Athlete?", undated
BOX 15 "Bacterial Bombs: Can It Happen Here?", undated
BOX 15 "Clinic Crashers," undated
BOX 15 "Death In An Eye-Cup," undated
BOX 15 "Detecting Cancer in 30 Minutes," circa 1948
BOX 15 "God's Medicine or Devil's Brew?", undated
BOX 15 "How Healthy are Health Drives?", 1959-1960
BOX 15 "How Healthy are Health Drives?", 1960
BOX 15 "How Healthy are Health Drives?" research materials, 1958-1961
(3 folders)
BOX 15 "The Not-So-Wonderful Wonder Drugs," 1946
BOX 15 The Challenge of Polio, 1945-1948
BOX 15 Polio and Its Problems, correspondence and press, 1947-1951
BOX 15 "The Polio Story," circa 1955
BOX 16 "Spurs to Medical Advances," 1950
BOX 16 "There's a Window in Your Ear!", undated
BOX 16 "Wanted: A Medical Messiah," undated
BOX 16 "What Price Beauty?", undated
BOX 16-17 Charity racket story
BOX 16 "The Battle for Your Charity Dollar," Maas, Peter typescript, 1960
BOX 16 Criticism, 1960
(2 folders)
BOX 16-17 Research material
BOX 16 AID - United Givers information, 1959-1960
BOX 16 John Price Jones Company, Inc., 1959
BOX 16 Maas, Peter, notebooks for charity racket story, 1960
(3 folders)
BOX 17 Maas, Peter, research material, 1953-1960
(3 folders)
BOX 17 Material used for 1960 charity racket story, 1957-1960
(4 folders)
BOX 17-18 General and topical files
BOX 17 Birth control: Fertility/sterility story, 1957-1958
BOX 17 Charity research, 1957-1960
(3 folders)
BOX 18 Charity research, 1957-1960
(3 folders)
BOX 18 Charities, social services research, 1960
BOX 18 Correspondence: Maurice Goldsmith, 1954-1957
BOX 18 Correspondence regarding Karl Menninger, 1958-1961
BOX 18 Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1959-1961
BOX 18 Drugs, 1953-1960
(3 folders)
BOX 18 Drug industry research, 1958-1960
BOX 18 Health insurance correspondence, 1961
BOX 18 Link Clinic, 1961-1962
BOX 18 Membership certificates, 1934, 1954
BOX 18 Miscellaneous research, 1956-1957
BOX 18 Plastic surgery: "A New Nose Means a New Personality," 1960
BOX 18 "The Rochester Plan for Cerebal Palsy" correspondence, 1951

Contents List