| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 15-18 |
Roland H. Berg Files, 1934-1962
The Roland H. Berg Files document his role as the medical editor of Look and portions of his career as a medical
writer and journalist, including writings by Berg, material regarding stories he
managed, and general research. Material types include correspondence, drafts, notes, clippings, notebooks, field
notes, and certificates. |
Arranged in three sections: Writings, Charity racket story, and General and
topical files. Sections are arranged alphabetically. |
BOX 15-16 |
Writings |
BOX 15 |
"A Report on Hospitals" article, research,
correspondence, 1959
BOX 15 |
"A Report on Hospitals" research [?],
BOX 15 |
"Are You a Sexual Athlete?", undated
BOX 15 |
"Bacterial Bombs: Can It Happen Here?",
BOX 15 |
"Clinic Crashers," undated
BOX 15 |
"Death In An Eye-Cup," undated
BOX 15 |
"Detecting Cancer in 30 Minutes," circa 1948
BOX 15 |
"God's Medicine or Devil's Brew?", undated
BOX 15 |
"How Healthy are Health Drives?", 1959-1960
BOX 15 |
"How Healthy are Health Drives?", 1960
BOX 15 |
"How Healthy are Health Drives?" research
materials, 1958-1961
(3 folders) |
BOX 15 |
"The Not-So-Wonderful Wonder Drugs,"
BOX 15 |
The Challenge of Polio, 1945-1948
BOX 15 |
Polio and Its Problems, correspondence and press, 1947-1951
BOX 15 |
"The Polio Story," circa 1955
BOX 16 |
"Spurs to Medical Advances," 1950
BOX 16 |
"There's a Window in Your Ear!", undated
BOX 16 |
"Wanted: A Medical Messiah," undated
BOX 16 |
"What Price Beauty?", undated
BOX 16-17 |
Charity racket story |
BOX 16 |
"The Battle for Your Charity Dollar," Maas,
Peter typescript, 1960
BOX 16 |
Criticism, 1960
(2 folders) |
BOX 16-17 |
Research material |
BOX 16 |
AID - United Givers information, 1959-1960
BOX 16 |
John Price Jones Company, Inc., 1959
BOX 16 |
Maas, Peter, notebooks for charity racket
story, 1960
(3 folders) |
BOX 17 |
Maas, Peter, research material, 1953-1960
(3 folders) |
BOX 17 |
Material used for 1960 charity racket
story, 1957-1960
(4 folders) |
BOX 17-18 |
General and topical files |
BOX 17 |
Birth control: Fertility/sterility story,
BOX 17 |
Charity research, 1957-1960
(3 folders) |
BOX 18 |
Charity research, 1957-1960
(3 folders) |
BOX 18 |
Charities, social services research,
BOX 18 |
Correspondence: Maurice Goldsmith, 1954-1957
BOX 18 |
Correspondence regarding Karl Menninger,
BOX 18 |
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1959-1961
BOX 18 |
Drugs, 1953-1960
(3 folders) |
BOX 18 |
Drug industry research, 1958-1960
BOX 18 |
Health insurance correspondence, 1961
BOX 18 |
Link Clinic, 1961-1962
BOX 18 |
Membership certificates, 1934, 1954
BOX 18 |
Miscellaneous research, 1956-1957
BOX 18 |
Plastic surgery: "A New Nose Means a New
Personality," 1960
BOX 18 |
"The Rochester Plan for Cerebal Palsy"
correspondence, 1951