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Art Buchwald papers, 1885-2007

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Oversize, 1925-2007 (continued)
BOX OV 11 Paintings of miscellaneous subjects and origin, 1959, undated (Container 201, Paintings)
BOX OV 7 Award from Ethel Kennedy, 1978, Sept. 13 (Container 203, Joke awards)
BOX OV 17 Award from Vineyard Haven Yacht Club Members, 1992 Sept. 5 (Container 203, Joke awards)
BOX OV 11 Boston American newspaper from day of Buchwald's birth, 1925 Oct. 20 (Container 205, Newspapers from day of birth)
Scrapbooks created for Buchwald’s memorial service, 2007 (Container 206, Scrapbooks)
BOX OV 14 a-b Vol. I
BOX OV 15 a-c Vol. II
BOX OV 16 a-b Vol. III
BOX OV 11 Promotional poster Ann Buchwald's memoir, Seems Like Yesterday, circa 1980 (Container 211, Publicity)
BOX OV 7 Card made by Art Buchwald for Ann Buchwald for their seventh wedding anniversary, 1959 (Container 213, Wedding anniversaries)
BOX OV 12 Prosthetic leg worn by Buchwald, 2006 (Container 213, Prosthetic leg)
Paris years
BOX OV 7 Poster and manifesto created by the Bull Moose Party calling for the repeal of the 19th Amendment, 1952, 1959 (Container 215, Bull Moose Party)
BOX OV 7 Program for the opera Carmen, 1960, Mar. 25 (Container 217, Printed ephemera)
BOX OV 7 Restaurant menus for Chinese Rathskeller, Lapérouse, Lamère Catherine, Le Sanglier Bleu, and Maxim’s, 1953-1959 (Container 218, Restaurant menus)
BOX OV 7 Posters commemorating the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, 1958 (Container 218, Running of the bulls)
BOX OV 11 Front page mockup of a Los Angeles Times issue featuring photographs of Buchwald and wishing him a happy 60th birthday, 1985, Oct. 20 (Container 218, 60th birthday)
United States Marine Corps
BOX OV 7 Buchwald’s enlistment photograph inscribed by Robert E. Cushman, Commandant, circa 1972 (Container 219, Photographs)
BOX OV 5 Service ribbons, medical and toiletry items from a soldier's first aid kit, circa 1942-1947 (Container 219, Service ribbons and first aid kit items)

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