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Alan Greenspan papers, 1914-2009

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Personal File, 1914-2009 (continued)
Dissertation, 1967-1974 (continued)
(7 folders)
Financial material
BOX 160 1987-1991
(8 folders)
BOX 161 1991-1993
(7 folders)
BOX 162 1994-1996
(4 folders)
Interview notes
BOX 162 2001
(4 folders)
BOX 163 2002-2004
(6 folders)
BOX 164 2005
(2 folders)
BOX 164 1986-1988 See also Container OV 1
(7 folders)
BOX 165 1989-1991
(6 folders)
Subject file
BOX 165 Annotated reading material, 1995
BOX 165 Awards and diplomas, 1972-2008 See also Container OV 1
BOX 166 Bar mitzvah, 1939
(2 folders)
BOX 166 Board of Directors deferred fees, 1982-1987
(3 folders)
BOX OV 3 Bush, George presidential golf ball, no date See Container OV 3, same heading
BOX 166 Club memberships, 1987-1996
BOX 166 Donations, 1983-1987
BOX 166 Economic Club of New York, 2007-2009
BOX 166 Economics Society of New York University, 1950
BOX 166 Fort Worth dollar bill, 1991
BOX 167 Goldsmith, Rose, 1914, 1920, 1931, 1962, undated See also Container OV 1
BOX 167 Harvard Business School medallion, no date
BOX 167 Headshots, circa 1968, 1981
BOX 167 The Henry Jerome Orchestra, 1944-1945
This folder has no paper files, only the digital files on one (1) CD. Digital files copied from this media are described below.
"The Henry Jerome Orchestra: The First Big Band to Play Bebop," 1944-1945
Digital ID: mss85936_195_011
BOX 167 High school commencement, 1943
BOX 167 Jury duty, 1977-1983, 1990-1997
BOX 167 Legal, 1989-1999
BOX OV 3 New York Stock Exchange bell, no date See Container OV 3, same heading
BOX 167 New York Stock Exchange Group Inc. medal, 2006
BOX 167 Oral history, 1978, 1984, 2006
BOX 167 Personalized dollar bill, Secretary of Treasury Lloyd Bentsen, 1994
BOX 167 Political cartoons, 1984, 1991, no date See also Container OV 1
BOX 168 Savings and loan associations, 1984-1992
BOX 168 Watergate pool passes, 1994
BOX 168 Williams and Connolly LLP, undated
BOX 168 Publicity, 1973-2003 See also Container OV 1
(5 folders)
In addition to the paper files, the folder included digital files on four (4) DVDs. Digital files copied from this media are described below.
"CBS Morning News," circa 1979
Digital ID: mss85936_195_001
"Al Hunt interview," 2007
Digital ID: mss85936_195_002
"Charlie Rose interview," 2007
Digital ID: mss85936_195_003
"CTV broadcast," 2007
Digital ID: mss85936_195_004
BOX 168 1948-1970
(2 folders)
BOX 169 1971-2007
(6 folders)
BOX X 170 Closed, 1980-2000
This series contains Federal Reserve documents with agency-imposed restrictions and a court ruling under seal.
Material types include memoranda, court rulings, and reports.
Arranged and described according to the series, folder, and container from which the items were removed.
Federal file
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Briefing Books
BOX X 170 Less Developed Countries Debt: Problems and Process, 1987 (Container 3)
(2 folders)
BOX X 170 Tokyo, Japan, 1996, November 16-19 (Container 27)
BOX X 170 "Bank activities committee in board room," 2000, Sept. 15 (Container 30)
Townsend-Greenspan and Company
Motion Picture Association of America
BOX X 170 Reference material, 1980-1985 (Container 61)
BOX 171-175 2024 Addition, 1974-2006
The 2024 Addition contains itineraries and publicity news clippings.
Material includes calendars and newspaper and magazine clippings.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 171 1987-1992
(6 folders)
BOX 172 1993-1996
(8 folders)
BOX 173 1997-2000
(8 folders)
BOX 174 2001-2004
(8 folders)
BOX 175 2005-2006
(3 folders)
BOX 175 Publicity, 1974, 1987, 2005-2006
BOX CL 1 National Security Classified Information, 1975-1976
Material types include memoranda and attached correspondence and reports distributed among Alan Greenspan's staff at the Council of Economic Advisors.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were separated.
Federal File
Council of Economic Advisors
Staff Memoranda
BOX CL 1 Junz, Helen, 1976 (Container 11)
BOX CL 1 MacAvoy, Paul, 1975 (Container 11)
BOX CL 1 Miller, Jim, 1975 (Container 12)
BOX CL 1 Pulsipher, Allan, 1975 (Container 13)
BOX CL 1 Russell, Milton, 1975 (Container 13)
BOX OV 1-OV 11 Oversize, 1920-2006
This series mostly contains Greenspan's certificates of appointment to various positions in the federal government, such as chairman to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, as well as awards, diplomas, and honorary degrees. Other materials include a few artifacts and other oversized documents, such as a retirement card, monthly desk calendars, and a political cartoon.
Listed and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the material was separated. The items are physically grouped and housed by size.
Federal File, 1974-2004
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
BOX OV 1 Alternate governorship appointment certificate, International Monetary Fund, 1987 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Chairmanship appointment certificate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 1987 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Membership appointment certificate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 1987 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Chairmanship appointment certificate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 1991 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Chairmanship appointment certificate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 1992 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Membership appointment certificate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 1992 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Alternate governorship appointment certificate, International Monetary Fund, 1992 (Container 1)
BOX OV 4 Chairmanship appointment certificate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 1996 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Alternate governorship appointment certificate, International Monetary Fund, 1998 (Container 1)
BOX OV 4 Chairmanship appointment certificate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 2000 (Container 1)
BOX OV 1 Alternate governorship appointment certificate, International Monetary Fund, 2004 (Container 1)
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