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Alan Greenspan papers, 1914-2009

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Oversize, 1920-2006 (continued)
BOX OV 1 French Legion of Honor, 2000 (Container 165)
BOX OV 1 Citizen of London certificate, 2005 (Container 165)
BOX OV 1 Certificate of recognition, National Association of Purchasing Management, no date (Container 165)
BOX OV 3 Presidential golf ball, Bush, George, no date (Container 166)
BOX OV 1 High school diploma, Goldsmith, Rose, 1920 (Container 167)
BOX OV 3 Bell, New York Stock Exchange, no date (Container 167)
BOX OV 1 Political Cartoon, "I'd Like to Have You Give Us a Second Opinion, Doc", 1991 (Container 167)
BOX OV 1 Print advertisement, Apple, Inc., 1985 (Container 168)

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