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Alan Greenspan papers, 1914-2009

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Correspondence, 1972-2008 (continued)
Holiday cards, 2006-2007 (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX 47 "Invitations and speaking requests for 2006," 2005-2006
(6 folders)
BOX 47 Invitations, unable, 1987
BOX 48 "No thank you," 2006-2007
(4 folders)
Presidential correspondence
BOX 48 Bush, George, 1989-1992
BOX 48 Bush, George W. (George Walker), 2003-2006
BOX 48 Clinton, Bill, 1994, 2001, 2006
BOX 48 Ford, Gerald R., 1987-1995, 2005
BOX 48 Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1991
BOX 48 Reagan, Ronald, 1982-1989, 2004
BOX 48 Reappointment, 1991
(4 folders)
BOX 49 Reconfirmation, 1996
BOX OV 1 Retirement card, circa 2005 See Container OV 1, same heading
BOX 49-124 Townsend-Greenspan and Company, 1950-1987
This series contains the working files from Alan Greenspan's consulting firm, Townsend-Greenspan & Co. The firm provided economic forcasting and analysis for various clients and operated until Greenspan's nomination to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in 1987. The largest portion of this series are the publications the firm created throughout its history, including money market reports, business outlooks, and short-term projections. Townsend-Greenspan & Co. provided consultation to a variey of clients included in this series, such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for which the firm studied the potential loss of album sales due to the effects of home audio recording. Other clients include the Wickes Companies, Inc., Lincoln Savings & Loan Association, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP). Additional material included in this series are speeches and transcripts from public speaking engagements and data created and collected related to imports and exports, budget modeling, and corporate taxes.
Material types include publications, data, speeches, transcripts, administrative files, and reports.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or type of material.
Administrative files
BOX 49 Appointment calendars, 1985
BOX 49 Business and Financial Outlook new format letter, 1987
BOX 49 Dolde, Walter, correspondence, 1984
BOX 49 Dolde, Walter, itineraries, 1984
BOX 49 Dolde, Walter, memoranda, 1984
BOX 49 Hiring, 1984, undated
BOX 49 Hiring-resumes, 1982-1986
(2 folders)
BOX 49 Mackey, Rowe announcements, 1986-1987
BOX 49 Rowe, David, correspondence, 1984-1985
BOX 49 Rowe, David, itineraries, 1981-1985
(4 folders)
BOX 50 Rowe, David, meetings, 1985
BOX 50 Rowe, David, memoranda, 1984-1985
BOX 50 Rowe, David, timesheets, 1985
Budget modeling
BOX 50 Additional consumer price index components, 1983, June
BOX 50 Additional model variables, 1982, Oct.
BOX 50 Additional model variables, 1983, Apr.
BOX 50 Additional model variables and revisions, 1982-1983
BOX 50 Agricultural subsidies, 1983
BOX OV 6 Commodity credit corporation inventory, 1981-1985 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 50 Economic Recovery Tax Act, 1982
BOX 50 Employment and hours, 1982
BOX OV 6 Federal government subsidies and deficits, 1983-1987 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 50 Federal individual income tax, 1982
BOX OV 6 Federal individual income tax printouts, 1981-1987 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 50 Federal individual income tax tables and average rates, 1981-1985
BOX 50 Federal personal income tax and taxable income, 1977-1983
BOX 51 Indirect business tax: gasoline tax, 1982-1986
BOX 51 Individual income tax, 1977-1985
BOX OV6 Insured unemployment, 1979-1985 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX OV 6 Interest, 1981-1984 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 51 Model changes, 1980-1986
(9 folders)
BOX 51 Model changes for Tax Reform Act, 1986-1987
BOX 51 Model revisions, 1986, July
BOX 51 Money supply equations, 1981
BOX 51 National defense timing adjustment, 1981-1983
BOX 52 Oil price and tax, 1980-1982
BOX 52 Old Age Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance Act, 1983, June
(2 folders)
BOX OV 6 Other labor income: pension, 1982-1987 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX OV 6 Owner-occcupied housing, 1981-1987 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 52 Personal income tax, 1976-1980
BOX 52 Revised variables, equations, and data sets, 1980-1983
(2 folders)
BOX OV 6 Taxable income distribution average tax rate, 1975-1978 See Container OV 6, same heading
BOX 52 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act, 1982
BOX 52 Transfer payment, 1979-1983
BOX 52 Unemployment, 1981-1982
BOX OV 7 Unemployment insurance, 1977-1987 See Container OV 7, same heading
BOX OV 7 Unified budget, 1982-1987 See Container OV 7, same heading
BOX OV 7 Unified budget, 1987 See Container OV 7, same heading
BOX OV 7 Veterans benefits, 1983-1986 See Container OV 7, same heading
BOX 52 Windfall oil tax, (oil decontrol), 1979-1980
BOX OV 7 Windfall profit tax, 1981-1987 See Container OV 7, same heading
(2 folders)
Capacity gross stocks
BOX 53 Capacity, 1974-1977
BOX 53 Capacity and gross stock, 1976-1979
BOX 53 Corporate business, 1981-1984
BOX 53 Corporate profit by industry, 1970-1977
BOX 53 Exports, 1979-1983
(5 folders)
BOX 53 Exports and imports, 1980
BOX 53 Exports by market group, 1983-1985
BOX OV 8 "FRB," 1980-1985 See Container OV 8, same heading, See Container OV 9, same heading
(8 folders)
BOX 54 General imports, circa 1977-1978
BOX 54 Government interest, 1981-1982
BOX 54 Import/export worksheets, 1984
BOX 54 Imports, 1978-1983
(3 folders)
BOX 54 Imports and exports, 1982
BOX 54 Imports by market groups, 1982-1985
BOX 54 Interest rates, 1974-1984
BOX 54 "IP," circa 1979
BOX 54 "IP trade data," 1972-1978
BOX 54 "IVA," 1970-1973
BOX 54 "IVA, INV," 1969-1984
BOX 55 Miscellany, 1973, 1986, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 55 Mobile home, 1972-1978
BOX 55 Nonfinancial corporations, 1977
BOX 55 Production, 1976-1979
BOX 55 Proprietors, 1975
BOX 55 Pollution control expenditures, 1981-1982
BOX 55 "SD and RESID," 1979
BOX 55 Stock prices, 1973
BOX 55 Survival curve, 1971
BOX 55 Aetna Life and Casualty, 1984-1986
(2 folders)
BOX 56 Aetna Life and Casualty, 1984-1986
American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)
BOX 56 Chronological file, 1985-1986
(2 folders)
BOX 56 Court statements, 1985
(3 folders)
BOX 57 Court statements, 1985
(2 folders)
BOX 57 Reference material, 1950, 1977, 1983-1985
(2 folders)
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