The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Julius W. Becton papers, 1780-2008
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National Security Classified Information, 1954-1991 (continued)
Loose leafs
BOX NATO 1 Cable, US-NATO 04806, regarding background information for General Becton's use..., 1989 (Container 85)
BOX NATO 1 Cable, US-NATO 06599 regarding DPC ministerial meeting.…, 1989 (Container 85)
BOX NATO 1 USSR domestic outlook, undated (Container 85)
BOX NATO 1 "Working Paper," undated (Container 85)
BOX NATO 1 Warsaw Pact reform, undated
BOX NATO 1 Cable, US-NATO 00530, regarding broadening NATO-Japan contacts..., 1990 (Container 85)
BOX NATO 1 Partial cable, US-NATO 000632, undated (Container 85)
BOX NATO 1 John J. Policasto to Becton et al, regarding New Select Group Meeting, 1990 (Container 85)
BOX OV 1-OV 11 Oversize, 1969-1994
Scrapbooks, calendars, posters, photographs, cartoons, and awards.
Arranged and described according to the series, container, and files from which the material was removed.
BOX OV 1 Army Career
BOX OV 1 Newspapers and newspaper clippings, Austin American-Statesman, "1st Cavalry Division honors last horse troopers, Boots and Saddles at Fort Hood," enlarged feature article, 1975 (Container 10)
BOX OV 1 Troop review, 1st Cavalry, photograph, 1975 (Container 11)
BOX OV 2-4 7th Corps, scrapbooks, 1978-1981 (Container 25)
(3 folders)
BOX OV 5 101st Airbourne Division, 17th Regiment, Post-retirement, honorary colonel, scrapbook, 1988 (Container 32)
BOX OV 5 Training and Doctrine Command, Becton reviewing Air Force troops, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Tex., photograph, 1982 (Container 65)
BOX OV 6 Federal Emergency Management Agency
BOX OV 6 "The FEMA Story," scrapbook, undated (Container 86)
BOX OV 7 Federation of World Volunteer Firefighters Associations, honors awarded to Becton, 1986 (Container 83)
BOX OV 7 Forest Service, award, 1987
BOX OV 1 Speeches, 1987, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, photo thank you card, 1987 (Container 92)
BOX OV 8 Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View, Tex.
BOX OV Historically black colleges and universities, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, 1988 (Container 105)
BOX OV 8 Retirement, "A Book of Memories," scrapbook, retirement from Prairie View, 1994 (Container 122)
BOX OV 1 Speeches, poster, 1990 (Container 122)
BOX OV 8 Organizations
BOX OV 8 American Battle Monuments Commission, The National World War II Memorial 2004 Calendar, 2004 (Container 150)
BOX OV 1 Dwight D. Eisenhower Society, certificate of charter membership, 1986 (Container 156)
BOX OV 9 Subject File
BOX OV 9 African American military history, Golden Buffalo Presents Black Military History, 1770-1975, calendar, 1989-1990 (Container 191)
BOX OV 8 Family papers
BOX OV 10 Glasco, G., Becton's son-in-law, group photograph with members of his class of student helicopter pilots, 1969 (Container 193)
BOX OV 10 Miscellany
BOX OV 10 Photograph, color portrait of Becton, undated (Container 197)
BOX OV 10 Bluford, Guion Stewart, astronaut, color photographic portrait, undated (Container 197)
BOX OV 11 Cartoons and caricatures, undated (Container 197)

Contents List