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Elizabeth H. Blackburn papers, 1932-2015

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BOX 277-315 Organizations File, 1982-2015
The Organizations File highlights Blackburn's contributions as a member, adviser, and leader of scientific organizations and medical advisory boards. The majority of the files relate to her activities with the American Society for Cell Biology (she served as president in 1998), her work with a variety of editorial boards for scientific journals, and as a member of the President's Council on Bioethics from 2002 to 2004. Included in this series are files relating to Blackburn's dismissal from the Bioethics Council because of her support of stem cell research which differed from the position of the administration of President George W. Bush. Also reflected in the Organizations File are Blackburn's activities as an adviser to a number of groups and institutions, particularly those engaging in cancer research, and her endeavors as a participant of committees and groups affiliated with the University of California at San Francisco.

File types include correspondence, memoranda, email, minutes of meetings, reports, newsletters, proposals, statements, lists, digital files, printed matter, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization or group and therein alphabetically or chronologically. The file structure of the digital content maintained as received.
BOX 277 Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, 1998-2005
(2 folders)
BOX 278 Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, 1998-2005
(2 folders)
BOX 278 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1995-2010
(4 folders)
BOX 278 American Academy of Microbiology
BOX 278 Eli Lilly and Company Research Award, 1998-1999
(1 folder)
BOX 279 Eli Lilly and Company Research Award, 1998-1999
(1 folder)
BOX 279 General, 1992-2008
BOX 279 American Association for Cancer Research, 2000-2015
(3 folders)
BOX 280 American Association for Cancer Research, 2000-2015
(3 folders)
DF American Association for Cancer Research, correspondence, applications, ballots, curriculum vitae, and related documents relating to Blackburn's service on selection committees for several awards given by the organization, 2005-2008
Digital ID: mss86091_179_281
Digital ID: mss86091_179_282
Digital ID: mss86091_179_283
BOX 280 American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2000-2008
(5 folders)
BOX 281 American Institute of Chemists, 2012-2013
BOX 281 American Philosophical Society, 2005-2008
BOX 281 American Society for Cell Biology
BOX 281 Annual meetings
BOX 281 1996-1998
(5 folders)
BOX 282 1999-2003
(4 folders)
BOX 282 California, K-12 science education standards, 1998
BOX 282 Council meetings
BOX 282 1997
BOX 283 1998, May
(2 folders)
BOX 283 1998, Dec.
(4 folders)
BOX 284 1998, Dec.
(1 folder)
BOX 284 1999-2000
BOX 284 E. B. Wilson Award, 1998-1999
(3 folders)
BOX 284 Education Committee, 1997-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 285 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), 1997-1999
(3 folders)
BOX 286 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), 1997-1999
(1 folder)
BOX 286 Finance Committee, 1997-1998
BOX 286 General, 1997-1998
(3 folders)
BOX 286 Healthy and Smoke Free Children Act, 1997-1998
BOX 286 International Affairs Committee, 1997-1998
BOX 286 Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy, 1997-1999
(1 folder)
BOX 287 Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy, 1997-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 287 Keith R. Porter Award, 1997-1998
BOX 287 Marincola, Elizabeth, 1997-2005
BOX 287 Membership issues, 1997-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 287 Membrane trafficking and the cytoskeleton, meeting, 1998
BOX 287 Minority Affairs Committee, 1997-1999
BOX 287 Molecular Biology of the Cell, 1997-1999
BOX 287 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1997-2000
(1 folder)
BOX 288 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1997-2000
(1 folder)
BOX 288 National Bureau of Economic Research, 1998-2000
BOX 288 Nominating Committee, 1997-2000, 2006
(4 folders)
BOX 288 Novartis Award for Research Innovation, 1997
BOX 288 Pappas, George D., and Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., proposal, 1998
BOX 288 Presidency, 1996-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 288 Program Committee, 1997-1998
(2 folders)
BOX 288 Promega Early Career Life Scientist Award, 1999
BOX 289 Public Information Committee, 1997-1998
BOX 289 Public Policy Committee, 1998-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 289 Public policy issues, 1997-1998
BOX 289 Public Service Award, 1998
BOX 289 Publications Committee, 1997-1998
BOX 289 Science, article, 1998
BOX 289 Staffing issues, 1998-1999
BOX 289 Women in Cell Biology Committee, 1997-2007
(2 folders)
BOX 290 Women in Cell Biology Committee, 1997-2007
(2 folders)
BOX 290 Young Investigators Award, 1998
BOX 290 American Society for Microbiology, 1993-2001
(3 folders)
BOX 290 Australian Academy of Science, 2007
BOX 290 Bay Area Telomere Club, Berkeley, Calif.2000-2003
BOX 290 California Academy of Science, 2013-2014
BOX 290 California Department of Health Services Human Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee
BOX 290 General, 2003-2007
BOX 290 Meetings
BOX 290 2006
(2 folders)
BOX 291 2006
(1 folder)
BOX 291 2007-2011
(8 folders)
BOX 291 Stem cell biology, 2002-2007
BOX 291 California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative, 2002-2005
(3 folders)
BOX 292 Chromos, undated
BOX 292 Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Foundation, 1997, 2007
DF Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Foundation, applications, correspondence, research proposals, and a list of candidates (Blackburn served as a reviewer), 2007
Digital ID: mss86091_179_311
BOX 292 Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research, 2012-2014
BOX 292 Editorial boards
BOX 292 American Association for Cancer Research, publications, 2002-2003, 2010-2013
BOX 292 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1997
BOX 292 Biochemistry, 1995-1997
BOX 292 BioMed Central, 2000-2002
BOX 292 BioMed Net, 2001
BOX 292 Current Biology and Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 1990-2004, 2011
(3 folders)
BOX 292 EMBO Journal, 1992-1994, 2000-2002
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