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Nancy Dickerson papers, 1927-2006

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Part I: Scrapbooks, 1938-1997 (continued)
BOX 31 1978
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 31 1979
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 31 1980
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 31 1981
BOX 31 Correspondence
(2 folders)
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
(2 folders)
BOX 31 1982
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 31 1983
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 31 1984
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 Miscellany
BOX 31 1985
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 31 1986
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 31 1987
BOX 31 Correspondence
BOX 31 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 32 1988
BOX 32 Correspondence
BOX 32 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 32 1989
BOX 32 Correspondence
BOX 32 News clippings
BOX 32 1990
BOX 32 Correspondence
BOX 32 News clippings
BOX 32 1991, correspondence
BOX 32 1992, news clippings
BOX 32 1993, miscellany
BOX 32 1994, correspondence
BOX 32 1995
BOX 32 Correspondence
BOX 32 News clippings and miscellany
BOX 32 1996, correspondence
BOX 32 1997, correspondence
BOX 32 Undated
BOX 32 Correspondence
BOX 32 News clippings and miscellany
(2 folders)
BOX 32 Among Those Present(1976), 1976-1978, undated See also Containers 12-13, same heading
BOX 32 Correspondence
BOX 32 Miscellany
BOX 32 News clippings
(2 folders)
BOX R 33-R 34 Part I: Restricted, 1962-2003
Address books, diaries, and family papers.
Described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX R 33 Personal file
BOX R 33 Address books, circa 1990-circa 1994 (Container 1)
(6 folders)
BOX R 34 Diary, 1995 (Container 1)
BOX R 34 Family papers
BOX R 34 Dickerson, Ann (daughter), circa 1962, 1970-1973, 1980, 1988, undated (Container 1)
BOX R 34 Dickerson, Elizabeth (daughter), and Gregory Earls, 1970-1975, 1983-1986 (Container 1)
BOX R 34 Dickerson, Jane (daughter), 1975, undated (Container 1)
BOX R 34 Dickerson, John (son), 1972-1995, 2002 (Container 1)
BOX R 34 Dickerson, Michael (son), circa 1970-1981, 1995 (Container 1)
BOX R 34 Whitehead, John C. (husband) (Container 1)
BOX R 34 Correspondence, 1991-2000
BOX R 34 News clippings, 1986-1987
BOX R 34 Photographs and miscellany, circa 1990, 2003
BOX R 34 Travel journals, 1989-1994 (Container 17)
BOX 35-44 Part II: Personal File, 1927-2006
Correspondence, family papers, biographical material, appointment calendars, photographs, party-planning materials, financial records, and clippings.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or topic.
BOX 35 Address books, circa 1990-circa 1996 See Container R 53, same heading
(2 folders)
BOX 35 Appointment calendars, 1978-1981, 1988-1994
(2 folders)
BOX 35 Biographical material, 1982-1996
BOX 35 Birth certificate, 1927
BOX 35 Clippings, 1960-1997
(2 folders)
BOX 35 Correspondence, 1966, 1976-1988, undated See also Scrapbooks series
BOX 36 Correspondence, 1966, 1976-1988, undated
BOX 36 Correspondence, 1990-1996 See also Scrapbooks series
(6 folders)
BOX 37 Correspondence, 1990-1996
(7 folders)
BOX 38 Correspondence, 1990-1996
(8 folders)
BOX 39 Correspondence, 1990-1996
(5 folders)
BOX 39 Council on Foreign Relations trip, 1989
BOX 39 Family papers
BOX 39 Dickerson, Ann (daughter), 1984 See Container R 53, same heading
BOX 39 Dickerson, C. Wyatt (husband), 1968-1974
BOX 40 Dickerson, C. Wyatt (husband), 1968-1974
(6 folders)
BOX 40 Dickerson, Elizabeth (daughter), 1985-1995, undated See Container R 53, same heading
BOX 40 Dickerson, Jane (daughter), 1983 See Container R 53, same heading
BOX 40 Dickerson, John (son), 1982, 1988-2006, undated See Container R 53, same heading
BOX 40 Dickerson, Michael (son), 1990-1995 See Container R 53, same heading
BOX 40 Hanschman, Florence (mother), 1973-1978, undated
BOX 40 Miscellany, 1992-1995 See Container R 53, same heading
BOX 40 Whitehead, John C. (husband), 1982-1997 See Containers R 53-R 54, same heading
(5 folders)
BOX 41 Financial file, 1971-1973, 1980-1995
(2 folders)
BOX 41 Funeral programs, 1997, Oct.
BOX 41 High school diploma, 1944
BOX 41 Kalorama Square (home), Washington, D.C., 1990-1993
BOX 41 Miscellany, 1960-1997
(3 folders)
BOX 41 National Gallery of Art, Trustees' Council trip, 1994
BOX 41 Parties hosted
BOX 41 1976-1981, Miscellaneous
BOX 42 1989-1990, Miscellaneous
BOX 42 1990, May 20, Dinner party at F Street Club
BOX 42 1991, Nov. 21, In honor of Neil Rudenstine
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