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Robert Orben papers, 1941-2019

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BOX OV 1-OV 17 Oversize, 1945-1977
Card files of jokes, card files of addresses, photographs, a proclamation, and a scrapbook.
Listed and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the material was separated. The items are physically grouped and arranged by size.
Alphabetical File
BOX OV 1 Bicentennial proclamation and photo collage, 1976
(Container 13, White House memorabilia)
Speeches and Writings
BOX OV 2 Card file, material written for Dick Gregory's books, circa 1962
BOX OV 3 Card file, "Hot Lines" column material, circa 1968
BOX OV 4 Card file, miscellaneous jokes, undated
BOX OV 5 Card file, miscellaneous jokes, undated
Orben's Current Comedy
BOX OV 6 Card file, material by contributors, undated
BOX OV 7 Card file, unpublished, new material, undated
BOX OV 8 Card file, unpublished, new material, undated
BOX OV 9 Card file, unpublished, new material, undated
BOX OV 10 Card file, unpublished, new material, undated
Red Skelton Hour
BOX OV 11 Card file, miscellaneous material, 1964-1968, 1977
BOX OV 12 Card file, "Skelton Stockpile" topical file, circa 1964-1969
BOX OV 13 Card file, "Skelton Stockpile" topical file, circa 1964-1969
BOX OV 14 Card file, "Skelton Stockpile" topical file, circa 1964-1969
BOX OV 15 Card file, address file, A-L, undated
BOX OV 16 Card file, address file, M-Y, undated
BOX OV 1 Photographs, White House, 1974-1976
(Container 51, same heading)
BOX OV 17 Scrapbook, clippings by and about Robert Orben and Jean Orben, 1945-1947

Contents List