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Herman Wouk papers, 1920-2019

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Personal File, 1920-2019 (continued)
BOX 102 Chronological file, 1995-1996
(8 folders)
BOX 103 Chronological file, 1996-1999
(9 folders)
BOX 104 Chronological file, 2000-2001
(10 folders)
BOX 105 Chronological file, 2002-2004
(9 folders)
BOX 106 Chronological file, 2004-2008, undated
(7 folders)
BOX 106 Travel and entertainment memoranda, 1968-1973
(4 folders)
BOX 107 Travel and entertainment memoranda, 1974-1992
(7 folders)
BOX 107 United States Navy papers
BOX 107 Memorabilia, 1943, undated See also Container OV 7, Epaulettes, buttons, and whistle
BOX 107 Naval Reserve correspondence and documents, 1946-1955
BOX 107 Postwar service
BOX 107 1948, Miscellany See also Container R 514, Navigation workbook
BOX 107 1948, Training aboard the Boxer (aircraft carrier)
BOX 107 1949, Miscellany
BOX 107 1949, Training aboard the Saipan (light aircraft carrier)
BOX 107 1950
BOX 107 1951
BOX 107 1952, Miscellany
BOX 107 1952, Training aboard the Mindoro (escort carrier)
BOX 108 Retirement documents, 1955
BOX 108 World War II
BOX 108 Documents, 1942-1946, 1953
BOX 108 Miscellany, 1941-1951 See also Container R 514, Executive officer notebook and Container R 515, First Lieutenant notebook
BOX 108 Zane (destroyer), circa 1940s See also Container R 514, Zane (Destroyer) desk calendar
BOX 108 University of Kentucky, typescript of Youngblood Hawke, donation, 1962-1963
BOX 108 Visiting professor of English, Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y., reading list, circa 1950, 1997, 2007
BOX 108 Will, 1968, 1979 See also Container R 515, Will, Lord, Day and Lord copies
BOX 108 Wouk, Betty Sarah
BOX 108 Calendars, 1965-1981
(2 folders)
BOX 108 Personal, 1920, 1966-1967
BOX R 515 Wouk Enterprises business meetings, 1980-1984 See Container R 515, same heading
BOX 109 Wouk, Esther
BOX 109 Memoirs, 1980
BOX 109 Miscellany, 1980-1985, undated
BOX 109 Will correspondence and estate, 1964, 1976, 1984
BOX 109 Wouk v. Merin (Fox Square Laundry Co. case), 1947-1954, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 109 Wouk, Joseph
BOX R 515 Education, 1966, 1971-1975 See Container R 515, same heading
BOX R 515 Investment program, 1969 See Container R 515, same heading
DF Letter to Ronald Reagan, 1986-1988 See Digital Files, mss83183_190_078
BOX 109 Wouk v. Press, 1993-1995
(3 folders)
BOX 110 Wouk v. Press, 1996-2001
(4 folders)
BOX 110 Wouk, Victor
BOX 110 Beta Electronics, 1947-1958, 1974
BOX 110 Petro-Electric Motors, 1972-1979
BOX 111 Petro-Electric Motors, 1972-1979
(3 folders)
BOX 111 "Wheels without Gas," 1980
BOX 111 Woulff, Iolanthe
BOX R 515 Correspondence, 1969-1976 See Container R 515, same heading
BOX R 515 Finances, 1968-1972 See Container R 515, same heading
BOX R 515 Hebrew progress book, 1960 See Container R 515, same heading
BOX 111 Novel, 1990-1994
BOX 111 Wedding, 1986-1987
BOX 111-119 Speeches, Interviews, and Lectures, 1955-2004
The Speeches, Interviews, and Lectures series documents the speeches, interviews, lectures, extemporaneous remarks, and readings Wouk gave throughout the course of his career, the bulk of which date from 1955 to 2004. This series includes drafts and published versions of speeches, interviews, lectures, and remarks, as well as supplemental correspondence, contracts, programs and other like material that detail his performances. Topics of speeches, interviews, and lectures often include Wouk’s writings, professional career, Judaism and Jewish life, and warfare and the United States military.
Material types include drafts and published versions of speeches, interviews, and lectures, correspondence, contracts, notes, clippings, programs, photographs, and other travel and event planning documentation, such as guest lists and itineraries.
Arranged chronologically by date of appearance or interview publication.
BOX 111 1955, Sept. 10, "The New Vigor of Jewish Life," Great Neck Synagogue, Great Neck, N.Y.
BOX 111 1956, Apr. 4, "A Tribute to Columbia College," presentation of the Alexander Hamilton Award, New York, N.Y.
BOX 111 1966, Oct. 26, Reading, Artists and Lecture Series, College of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, V.I.
BOX 111 1966, Nov. 14, Reading, the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
BOX 111 1966, Interviews
BOX 111 1967, July 12, Remarks, Abe Wouk Memorial Grove dedication, Grizzly Creek State Park, Humboldt County, Calif.
BOX OV 3 1967, Dec. 28, "American Jewry and Israel," lecture poster, Jerusalem, Israel See Container OV 3, Lecture poster in Hebrew
BOX 111 1967, Interviews
BOX 111 1968, Jan., "At the Wall," speech, Tribute to Jerusalem evening, America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Inc., New York, N.Y.
BOX 112 1968, "Pictures," Philadelphia Friends of Lubavitch
BOX 112 1968-1971, Speeches, miscellaneous
BOX 112 1970, Dec. 19, "Many Jewries, One People," speech, American Friends of the Alliance of Israelite Universelle, Washington, D.C.
BOX 112 1972, June 18, Lecture, Friends of Lubavitch Annual Grande Banquet, Los Angeles, Calif.
BOX 112 1972, June, "Ideas for Living: What I Believe," interview, Family Circle
BOX 112 1972, Dec. 6, "The Naval Officer in an Age of Revolution," Spruance Lecture, United States Naval War College, Newport, R.I.
(2 folders)
BOX 112 1972, Interviews, miscellaneous
BOX 112 1972, Lectures, miscellaneous
BOX 112 1973, Mar. 6, "Science: At the Leading Edge of Hope," California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., and 2010 adapted article
BOX 112 1973, July 10, "You and Me and the Novel," Aspen Institute Lecture, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Aspen, Colo.
BOX 113 1973, Dec. 9, "Citation for Pincus Sapir," speech, Yeshiva University convocation, New York, N.Y.
BOX 113 1973, Interviews
BOX 113 1973-1975, Lectures, miscellaneous
BOX 113 1973-1977, Lectures, White House Fellows
BOX 113 1974, Jan. 28, Presenter, Isaiah Award Luncheon, American Jewish Committee, Washington, D.C.
BOX 113 1974, Feb. 10, "Some Notes on Art and Behavior," 1974 Honors Lecture, Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y.
BOX 113 1974, Mar. 10, Speech, honorary membership, New Century Club, Boston, Mass.
BOX 113 1974, Interviews
BOX 113 1976, May 11, "The Meaning of Freedom," Third Annual Sol Feinstein Lecture, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
(2 folders)
BOX 113 1976, Interviews
BOX 113 1977-1978, Interviews
(2 folders)
BOX 114 1979, Apr. 24, "One-Man Show: The Art of the Novel," McBride Lecture, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
BOX 114 1979, June, "Capetown Speech," Cape Town, South Africa
BOX 114 1979, circa June, "The Novel as History," speech, South African Jewish Board of Deputies, Johannesburg, South Africa
BOX 114 1979, circa June, "A Time for Ascent," speech, South African Jewish Board of Deputies luncheon, Johannesburg, South Africa
BOX 114 1979, Oct. 29, "War and Remembrance: The Paradox of Historical Fiction," lecture, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., See also Container R 515, same heading
BOX 114 1979, Interviews
BOX 114 1980, Mar. 23, Speech, Executive Level Brunch, United Jewish Appeal Federation of Greater Washington, Washington, D.C.
BOX 114 1980, Apr. 16, "Sadness and Hope: Some Thoughts on Modern Warfare," Spruance Lecture, United States Naval War College, Newport, R.I.
(2 folders)
BOX 114 1980, Nov. 12, Speech, Alexander Hamilton Dinner, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
BOX 114 1980, Interviews
BOX 114 1982, Interviews
BOX 114 1982, Lectures, miscellaneous
BOX 115 1983, Interview, New China News Agency
BOX 115 1984, Mar. 23, "Footprints in Moondust," speech, Charter Day Ceremonies, University of California, Berkeley
(2 folders)
BOX 115 1986, Mar. 17, "Military Manpower in Perspective," speech, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C.
BOX 115 1986, Nov. 17, "The Management of Human Resources," speech, National Defense University, Washington, D.C.
(2 folders)
BOX 115 1987, Nov. 7, "Kaddish and Hallel," speech, Stockholm Synagogue, Sweden
BOX 115 1991, Feb. 9, United Debating Society, University of Oxford, England
BOX 115 1991, Apr. 14, "Tribute to Raul Hilberg," speech, The Hilberg Symposium, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.
(2 folders)
DF 1993, Dec. 1, NBC Today Show interview See Digital Files, mss83183_190_005
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