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Herman Wouk papers, 1920-2019

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Writings, 1935-2019 (continued)
BOX 502 Berlin, Germany, 1965-1967, undated
BOX 502 Biographies, 1938-1960
BOX 502 Britain, Battle of, Great Britain, 1940-1968
BOX 503 Character development, 1938-1967, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 503 China Clipper (airplane), 1968
BOX 503 Crime, 1967-1968
BOX 503 Films, 1966, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 503 Fraker, Fleming C., 1940-1970, undated
BOX 503 France, 1967
BOX 503 German history, 1955
BOX 504 German travel brochures and military uniforms, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 504 German navy, 1955
BOX 504 Ground warfare, 1947-1949
BOX 504 Hilberg, Raul, 1965-1969
BOX 504 Historic supplement, 1959-1967
BOX 504 Hitler, Adolf, speech, 1941, Dec. 11
BOX 504 Isenbergh, David, 1966
BOX 504 Janeway, Eliot, The Struggle for Survival, 1966
BOX 504 Japan, 1967
BOX 504 Jewish refugees, 1941
BOX 504 Leyte Gulf, Battle of, Philippines, 1952-1970
BOX 504 Library system, undated
BOX 504 Lisbon, Portugal, 1941-1968, undated See also Container OV 4, Maps
BOX 504 Lisbon, Portugal, and Rome, Italy, research trip, 1967-1968
BOX 504 Manila, Philippines, 1941-1957, undated
BOX 504 Maps and pictures, 1965-1969, undated See also Container R OV 10, Baltic Sea region maps
BOX 504 McCrea, John L., 1967
BOX 504 Midway, Battle of, 1942-1967, undated
BOX 505 Military strategy, 1953-1967
BOX 505 Miscellany, 1940-1966, undated See also Container R OV 10, Character chart of main war events
(2 folders)
BOX 505 Moscow, Soviet Union, 1941-1968
BOX 505 Notes and clippings, 1959-1966
BOX 505 Palio di Siena (Festival), Siena, Italy, 1949-1967, undated
BOX 505 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, attack on, 1941-1947
BOX 505 Pensacola, Fla., 1962-1969, undated See also Container OV 5, Aeronautical chart
BOX 505 Poland, 1943-1967, undated
BOX 505 Prewar diplomacy, 1949-1951
BOX 505 Radar, 1967
BOX 505 Research project records, 1965-1968
BOX 505 Rome, Italy, undated
BOX 505 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1967-1970
BOX 505 Scenarios and scenes, 1966-1967
BOX 506 Spruance, Raymond Ames, 1966
BOX 506 Stalingrad, Soviet Union, 1968
BOX 506 Submarines, 1957-1971
BOX 506 Switzerland, 1941
BOX 506 Tank warfare, undated
BOX 506 Theresienstadt (Concentration Camp), 1965
BOX 506 United States Navy Department, 1941-1945, undated
BOX 506 White House, Washington, D.C., undated
BOX 506 Wodehouse, P. G., 1954-1961
BOX 506 Zionist character, undated
BOX 506 Research correspondence, 1963-1975
(5 folders)
BOX 506 Researcher position, 1966
BOX 506 Synopses and working papers, 1966-1970
BOX 507 Work journals
BOX 507 Numbers 1-7, 1962, May-1967, Nov.
(7 folders)
BOX 508 Numbers 8-11a, 14 1967, Nov.-1971
(6 folders)
BOX 508 Youngblood Hawke
BOX 508 Contracts, 1960-1966
BOX 509 Correspondence
BOX 509 General, 1951, 1959-1964
(7 folders)
BOX 509 Reader mail, 1967-1968, 1987-1988
BOX 509 Editing, 1961-1962
BOX R 516 Motion picture rights, 1962, 1978 See Container R 516, same heading
BOX 509 Paperback edition, 2004
BOX 509 Research, 1959-1961, undated
BOX 509 Reviews, 1992-1995, 2004-2005
BOX R 516- R 517 Typescript rough draft, undated See Containers R 516-R 517, same heading
(5 folders)
REEL 1 Work journal, 1950-1961
Available only on microfilm. Shelf no. 24,931
BOX R 510-R 517 Restricted, 1944-1984
Material types include correspondence, financial records, family papers, journals, real estate files, files on Torah and Judaism studies, travel files, United States Navy papers, speeches, and writings.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were separated.
BOX R 510 "B" miscellaneous, 1977-1978 (Container 9)
BOX R 510 "M" miscellaneous, 1978 (Container 21)
BOX R 510 "S" miscellaneous, 1978 (Container 26)
Personal File
BOX R 510 Abe Wouk Foundation, contributions, circa 1964-1969
BOX R 510 Bibliography, personal library, 1964
BOX R 510 Charity contributions, circa 1953-1964
Family correspondence
BOX R 510 Wouk, Joseph, 1972-1978
(3 folders)
BOX R 510 Woulff, Iolanthe, 1968-1979 (Container 73)
BOX R 510 Family financial memoranda, 1978-1980
BOX R 510 Finance fact book, circa 1952-1959
BOX R 510 Finance workbook, circa 1972-1975
BOX R 510 Holt advisories (financial), 1974-1977
BOX R 511 Business diary, Volumes 1-2, 1953-1968
(4 folders)
BOX R 511 Gulf notebook/cash book, 1966, 1979
Management journal
BOX R 511 "Afterglow," 1978, May-July
BOX R 511 Number 1, "Transition," 1978, Aug.-Dec.
BOX R 511 Number 2, "Reorganization," 1978, Dec.-1979, Jan.
BOX R 511 Number 3, "Incorporation," 1979, Jan.-May
BOX R 511 Numbers 4-5, 1979, May-Sept.
(2 folders)
BOX R 512 Numbers 6-7, 1979, Sept.-Nov.
(2 folders)
BOX R 512 Personal, literary, and investment financial book, 1968-1975
BOX R 512 Red Sea/mentor management journal, 1983-1984
BOX R 512 St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, notebooks, circa 1958-1961
BOX R 512 Ledger of literary work, circa 1947-1954
BOX R 512 Literary notebook, 1947
BOX R 513 Mann, William A., investment partnership, 1979-1980
(3 folders)
BOX R 513 "Memorandum on Absorption from the United States of America" (Aliya), 1969
BOX R 513 Noshrim/HIAS (Hebrew Immigration Aid Society), 1980
BOX R 513 Operating statements and balances, 1947-1952
Real estate
Washington, D.C., 3255 N Street, N.W.
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