| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 146-147 |
Miscellany, 1916-1970
The miscellany consists of writings of others and is almost entirely comprised of
published materials. |
Arranged alphabetically by author, with a miscellaneous group of materials by
unknown authors at the end. |
BOX 146 |
American Bar Association Journal, vol. 47, Apr.
Board of Commissioners of the
District of Columbia, “The State of the Nation’s Capital,” 1960
Bryan, Albert V., “For a Swifter
Criminal Appeal,” 1968
Burdick, William F., “Newer
Concepts of Infant Feeding,” 1949
Burger, Warren E. |
“Remarks before the American
Bar Association,” 1970
“Three-Hundred and Fiftieth
Anniversary of the First Thanksgiving in American,” 1969
Caldwell, Louis G., “The Case of
the Malay Club Caretaker,” 1945
Civil Aeronautics Board, “Hearing
Examiner Manual,” 1969
Compton, Arthur H., “Why I Believe
in Immortality,” 1936
Encyclopedia Brittanica , “National Collegiate
Athletic Association” |
Galiher, Richard W., “Judge E.
Barrett Prettyman,” 1965
Glenn, C. Leslie, “Prayer for E.
Barrett Prettyman,” 1962
Goodrich, George, “Letter from
Nagasaki,” 1945
Hoover, Herbert, “Address at the
Gridiron Dinner,” 1947
Jackson, Robert H., “Commencement
Address at Randolph-Macon College,” Ashland, Va., 1938
Jackson, Robert H., “Falstaff’s
Descendants in Pennsylvania Courts,” 1952
Judicature, vol. 54, 1970
The Key Reporter, vol. 34, 1968
Kittredge, Mabel Hyde, “Two Powder
Towns,” 1916
Landis, James McCauley, “Report on
Regulatory Agencies to the President-Elect,” 1960
Laws, Bolitha J., “The Relations
between the Bench and the Bar,” Noel, F. Regis, “An Answer” |
McKelway, B. M., “Remarks at
Dinner for Justice Prettyman,” 1945
Parker, John J., “The Federal
Judiciary,” 1948
Pforzheimer, Walter, “Confession
of Nathan Hale,” 1962
Plaine, Herzel H. E., et al., “The
Case for Administrative Trial Judge,” 1969
Prettyman, E. Barrett, Jr., Review
of Allen, The Big Change, 1953
Prettyman, Forrest J., “Address
before the Last Session of the Baltimore Conference of the Methodist-Episcopal
Church, South,” 1939
Prettyman, William F.,
“Seventy-Five Years of Rockville, Maryland,” 1965
BOX 147 |
Res ipsa Loquitur, vols. 21 and 22, 1969
Scribner, Robert L., “Now about
This Football Situation,” 1956
Shepherd, Henry L., “Flight from
Spring,” 1948
Sholes, William H., “The Fiftieth
Anniversary of the United States Court of Appeals” |
Stewart, Potter, “Robert H.
Jackson’s Influence on Federal-State Relationships,” 1967
Subcommittee on Separation of
Powers, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, The Supreme
Court, 1969
Sullivan, Harold J., “E. Barrett
Prettyman,” 1971
Tumulty, Joseph P., “The Facts of
a Political Controversy” and “Additional Facts of a Political Controversy,”
Wesley, John, “Covenant
Service” |
Unknown |
“Charge to New Officers,
Civitan Club” |
“Night Court” |
Letter on candidacy of Al
Smith, 1928
Poems and humorous and
satirical essays |
BOX OV 1 |
Oversize, undated
One portfolio of memorabilia. |
BOX OV 1 |
Citations and diplomas (Container
142, same heading) |
Photographs (Container 143, same
heading) |