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E. Barrett Prettyman papers, 1901-1971

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Writings, 1901-1969 (continued)
Printed copy
“Party Politics”
“A Practical Philosophy of Tax Collection,” 1936
“A Practitioner Looks at Taxes,” 1939
“Prehearing in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia,” 1956
BOX 138 “Presentation of a Tax Case,” 1947
“The President’s Conference on Administrative Procedure,” 1954
“Progress on Protracted Procedure,” 1954
“Proof of Scientific and Economic Facts,” 1962
“Report of the Attorney General’s Committee on Administrative Procedure,” 1941
“Simplification of Tax Statutes,” 1938
“So You Want to be a Lawyer,” 1951
“Should a Uniform Administrative Procedure Be Prescribed by Statute for All Federal Agencies?” 1945
“Some Broader Aspects of an Administrative Conference of the United States,” 1964
“Some Legal Problems in Federal Tax Administration,” 1933
“Some Observations Concerning Appellate Advocacy,” 1952, 1958
“The Spirit of the Rules,” 1960
BOX 139 “Technique of Trying a Protracted Anti-Trust Case,” 1952
“Timidity of Christians”
“The Traynor Proposals, Some Considerations,” 1939
“What is A Liberal?” 1941, 1954-1957
“What’s Ahead for Washington,” 1944
“When Is a Man Civilized?" 1936, 1946
“The Work of the President’s Conference on Administrative Procedure,” 1955
Administrative Conference
Administrative law
Alfalfa Club, Washington, D.C.
Preliminary drafts
Final drafts, 1964, 1965
American citizenship, 1932
Armistice Day, 1932, 1952
Arthur Clarendon Smith, 1944
Christian churches
Civitan Club, 1932-1943, 1952, 1960
Commission form of city government in Virginia
Conscientious objectors
Corporation counsel, 1934-1936
Father Bunn
BOX 140 Father Lucey’s Golden Jubilee, 1960
Research material
Federal trial examiners, 1962
First six months as general counsel, Bureau of Internal Revenue
General Charles Kutz, 1945
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Good Friday observance, 1951-1960
Interstate Commerce Commission anniversary, 1962
Juvenile delinquency, 1959
Louis G. Caldwell, 1952
Melvin Colvin Hazen, 1939
National Christmas tree
National Council of Catholic Women, 1934
Office of General Counsel, Bureau of Internal Revenue
Painting of Italian Palace of Justice
Politics, government, law
Reform of America’s financial system
Regulation of business
Report of the President’s Conference on Administrative Procedure, 1955
Retirement as chief judge, 1960
Richard Doyle
Robert V. Fleming, 1956
S., 1664, 1964
Tax court anniversary
Theology, religion, ethics
BOX 141 Travelogue of Burning Tree golf course, Bethesda, MD, 1958
Various subjects, 1936-1942
Vinson Club, 1947
Warren E. Burger, 1964
Washington, D.C.
Welcome to Washington dinner, 1947
Wilbur K. Miller, 1963
Speeches and essays, a personal collection
(4 folders)
BOX 141-145 Memorabilia, 1911-1970
The memorabilia include biographical material, cards, certificates and citations, invitations, newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, and yearbooks.
Arranged alphabetically by type.
BOX 141 Biographical material
E. Barrett Prettyman
E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr.
BOX 142 Biographical record
Brief, transcript of oral argument, opinions, and a list of clients related to Prettyman’s legal practice
Certificates and citations See also Container OV 1, same heading
Hearings of Committee of Judiciary on nomination of Warren E. Burger; first decision by Burger as chief justice; letter of transmittal by Burger,1969, 1970
Lists of guests for dinner parties
Membership cards, passes, permits
Newspaper clippings
BOX 143 Newspaper clippings
(3 folders)
Notes between Prettyman and a colleague during an oral argument
Photographs See also Container OV 1, same heading
Portraits and caricatures
Alfalfa Club, Washington, D.C.
BOX 144 Democratic Party dinners, 1936-1943
D.C. Bar Association, 1941-1964
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1950-1964
Presidential inaugurals, 1933-1961
United States courts, 1932-1969
Washington Board of Trade, 1945-1947
Miscellaneous, 1925-1968
BOX 145 Resolutions, 1960-1971
Songbook (Vinson Club)
Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, VA
General, 1911
(2 folders)
General, 1915
Miscellaneous, 1947-1965
Miscellaneous material
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