The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Leonard Wood papers, 1825-1942
General Correspondence, 1825-1929 (continued)
BOX 99 1917
BOX 100 1917
BOX 101 1917
BOX 102 1917
BOX 103 1917
BOX 104 1917
BOX 105 1917
BOX 106 1918
BOX 107 1918
BOX 108 1918
BOX 109 1918
BOX 110 1918
BOX 111 1918
BOX 112 1918
BOX 113 1918
BOX 114 1918
BOX 115 1919
BOX 116 1919
BOX 117 1919
BOX 118 1919
BOX 119 1919
BOX 120 1919
BOX 121 1919
BOX 122 1919
BOX 123 1919
BOX 124 1919
BOX 125 1919
BOX 126 1919
BOX 127 1919
BOX 128 1919
BOX 129 1919
BOX 130 1919
BOX 131 1919
BOX 132 1919
BOX 133 1920
BOX 134 1920
BOX 135 1920
BOX 136 1920
BOX 137 1920
BOX 138 1920
BOX 139 1920
BOX 140 1920
BOX 141 1920
BOX 142 1920
BOX 143 1920
BOX 144 1920
BOX 145 1920
BOX 146 1920
BOX 147 1920
BOX 148 1920
BOX 149 1920
BOX 150 1920
BOX 151 1920
BOX 152 1920
BOX 153 1920
BOX 154 1920
BOX 155 1921
BOX 155 A-E
BOX 156 F-L
BOX 157 M-R
BOX 158 S-Z
BOX 159 1922
BOX 159 A-D
BOX 160 E-K
BOX 161 L-P
BOX 162 Q-Z
BOX 163 1923
BOX 163 A-C
BOX 164 D-H
BOX 165 I-M
BOX 166 M-Q
BOX 167 R-T
BOX 168 U-Z
BOX 168 Vol. of correspondence between Wood and Secretary of War John W. Weeks
BOX 168 Vol. of correspondence between Wood and General Frank McIntyre
BOX 169 1924
BOX 169 A-E
BOX 170 F-J
BOX 171 K-Q
BOX 172 R-Z
BOX 173 Vol. of correspondence between Wood and Secretary of War John W. Weeks
BOX 173 Vol. of correspondence between Wood and General Frank McIntyre
BOX 174 1925
BOX 174 A-E
BOX 175 F-J
BOX 176 K-L (includes leprosy correspondence)
BOX 177 M-P
BOX 178 Q-V
BOX 179 W-Z
BOX 180 1926
BOX 180 A-I
BOX 181 J-Q
BOX 182 R-Z
BOX 183 1927
BOX 183 A-F
BOX 184 G-N
BOX 185 O-Z
BOX 185 Telegrams received on return to U.S.
BOX 186 1928-1929, undated
BOX 187-189 Cablegrams Sent, 1905-1927
The Cablegrams Sent series includes material from 1905 to 1927. There is a gap in the material from July 1, 1908 to November 4, 1921.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 187 1905, July 1-Dec. 31
BOX 187 1905, Nov. 29-1907, Nov. 9
BOX 187 1906, Jan. 1-June 30
BOX 187 Military Dispatch Book, 1905, Feb. 1-1907, Sept.
BOX 188 1906, July 1-Dec. 31 (ribbon and one copy)
BOX 189 1907, Jan. 1-Dec. 31
BOX 189 1908, Jan. 1-June 31
BOX 189 1921, Nov. 4-1927, May 18
BOX 190-193 Personal Correspondence, 1862-1942
The Personal Correspondence series consists of letters sent and received by Wood and his wife, Louise Adriana Wood. The Louise Wood file includes letters of their children, a passport, and a 1940 diary.
Letters of each organized separately and therein chronologically by year.
BOX 190 Wood, Leonard
BOX 190 1862-1902
BOX 191 1903
BOX 192 1904-1921, undated
BOX 193 Wood, Louise Adriana (wife)
BOX 193 Including children’s letters, 1908-1942
BOX 193A Including children’s letters, passport (1931), and diary (1940), 1908-1942
BOX 194 Family Papers, 1927
The Family Papers series consists of material created by the family of Leonard Wood.
Arranged alphabetically.
BOX 194 “Harvard Classic Calendar for 1927" compiled by Louise Adriana Wood, 1927
BOX 194 “Sin Tax,” play by Leonard Wood Jr. and Harold M. Sherman
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