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Arthur J. Finkelstein papers, 1960-2019

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Alphabetical File, 1970-2019 (continued)
BOX 88 Paxon, L. William, 1987-1988
DF Pearce, Steve, 2008
Digital ID: mss86414_221_009
BOX 89 Phone message books
BOX 89 1985-1988
(6 vols.)
BOX 90 1988-1989
(6 vols.)
BOX 91 1989-1990
(6 vols.)
BOX 92 1990-1991
(6 vols.)
BOX 93 1991-1992
(6 vols.)
BOX 94 1992-1993
(6 vols.)
BOX 95 1993-1994, 1998
(7 vols.)
BOX 96 2002-2004
(7 vols.)
BOX 97 2004-2009
(6 vols.)
BOX 98 2009-2013
(4 vols.)
BOX 98 Photographs, 1972-1986, 1995, 2004 See also OV 1-4, Richard Nixon thank you card
BOX 98 Pirro, Jeanine See Container DF, Kiernan Mahoney and Associates
BOX 98 The Political Report, 1983-1985
(2 folders)
BOX 99 The Political Report, 1983-1985
BOX 99 The Polling Report, 1985-1989
BOX 99 Powers, Chris, 1983-1998
BOX 99 Presidential Omnibus, 1986-1988
(2 folders)
BOX 99 Pressler, Larry, 1996-2000
BOX 99 Productivity Communication Center, 1983-1988
BOX 99 Profit sharing plan, 2000-2004
BOX 99 Proposals
BOX 99 American Association of Retired People, 1987
BOX 99 Darden, George ("Buddy"), 1987
BOX 99 General, 1979-1989
BOX 100 General, 1979-1989
(6 folders)
BOX 100 Mason, Robert H., Jr., 1987
BOX 100 National Right to Life Committee, 1979
BOX 100 Potential clients, 1981-1988
BOX 101 Price Bill, 1987-1989
BOX 101 Puerto Rico Statehood Campaign, 1989
BOX 101 Responses, 1981-1985
BOX 101 Richardson, H. L., 1978
BOX 101 Texas Rangers (baseball team), 1980-1988 See also Container 10, Chiles, Eddie
BOX 101 Vrdolyak, Edward R., 1987-1988
BOX 101 Public Research, Syndicated, 1979-1980
BOX 101 Pullen, Penny, 1984
BOX 101 "P-Q" miscellaneous, 1978-1994
(2 folders)
BOX 101 Reilly, Patrick, 1981-1985
BOX 102 Republican Jewish Coalition, 2010
BOX 102 Résumés, 1980-1995
(6 folders)
BOX 103 Résumés, 1980-1995
(2 folders)
BOX 103 Ritchie, Steve, 1981-1983
BOX 103 Rostad, Knut, 1985-1987
BOX 103 Roybal, Tim, 1984-1988
BOX 103 Rutkowski, Ed, 1987
BOX 103 "R" miscellaneous, 1980-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 103 Sannasardo Advertising Inc., 1979
BOX 103 Seminar information, undated
BOX 103 Shaviv Strategy and Campaigns, circa 2010
BOX 103 Shirley, Craig, 1979, 1987, 1999, 2007-2013
BOX 103 Simms, Adam, 1983-1999
BOX 104 Simons, Harold, 1980-1985
BOX 104 Solicitations, 1981-1989
(5 folders)
BOX 105 Speaking engagements, 1983-1996, 2004
BOX 105 Speeches
BOX 105 By Finkelstein, 1981-1985, circa 2003
BOX 105 By others, 1964, 1980-1984, 1992-2004
(2 folders)
BOX 105 Stop Hillary Now! See Container 70, Clinton, Hillary Rodham
BOX 105 Stone, Ann See same container, Stone, Roger
BOX 105 Stone, Roger, 1978-2000
BOX 105 Survey expenses, 1978-1985
BOX 105 Surveys/polls
BOX 105 European Union, 2016-2017
BOX 106 European Union, 2016-2017
(2 folders)
BOX 106 Miscellany, 1989, 1993, 1996
BOX 106 National polls, 1981-1989, 1996
BOX 107 National polls, 1981-1989, 1996
(2 folders)
BOX 107 United States-Soviet relations, 1988
(2 folders)
BOX 107 Switzler, Roy, 1986
BOX 107 "S" miscellaneous, 1979-1997
(2 folders)
BOX 107 Travel visas, 1991-1996
BOX 108 Trueman, Patrick, 1984
BOX 108 "T" miscellaneous, 1980-1989
BOX 108 Uhlmann, John, 1984-1986, 1996, 2002
BOX 108 "V" miscellaneous, 1982-1984, 1990
BOX 108 Wallwork, Jim, 1984, 1991-1995
BOX 108 Watts, George, 1983
BOX 108 Weber, Vin, 1983-1984
BOX 108 Welbourn, Jack, 1981-1982
BOX 108 White, F. Clinton, 1992-1993
BOX 108 Wolf, Diane, 1984-1987, 2005
BOX 108 "W" miscellaneous, 1977-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 108 Yonkers, N.Y., 1989
BOX 109 Young Americans for Freedom, 1983-1986
BOX 109 "Y-Z" miscellaneous, 1981-1998, 2015-2017
BOX 109 Zephyr Entertainment Partners, 1986
BOX 109-137 Travel and Itineraries File, 1983-2016
The Travel and Itineraries File contains Finkelstein's scheduling books, detailing trips and meetings.
Material types include schedule books and itineraries.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 109 1983
BOX 109 1984
BOX 110 1985
BOX 110 1986
BOX 110 1987
BOX 111 1988
BOX 111 1989
BOX 111 1990
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