The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Thomas Lowe Hughes papers, 1918-2018
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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1948-2008 (continued)
BOX 72 Chief's Luncheon Group, 1971-1975
BOX 72 Collaborations, 1982-1987
BOX 72 Commission on the Middle East, 1969-1972
(3 folders)
BOX 73 Commission on the Middle East, 1972-1977
(5 folders)
BOX 73 Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy, 1973
BOX 73 Commission on voluntary action and third world development, 1977
BOX 73 Committee on the Present Danger, 1978-1979
(2 folders)
BOX 74 Conferences
BOX 74 American Assembly, Harriman, N.Y., 1991
(2 folders)
BOX 74 Andrew Carnegie Sesquicentennial Gathering, Dunfermline, Scotland, 1985
BOX 74 Bellagio, Italy, conference, 1992
(2 folders)
BOX 74 Bilderberg meetings, 1971-1985
BOX 75 Bilderberg meetings, 1971-1985
BOX 75 "European Security, SALT, and U.S.-European Relations," Geneva, Switzerland, 1972
BOX 75 Institute for East-West Security, Potsdam, Germany, 1988
BOX 75 Middle East Institute, Rosslyn, Va., 1992
BOX 75 Pugwash conferences, 1976-1986
(2 folders)
BOX 75 Trilateral conference, New Delhi, India, 1989
(2 folders)
BOX 76 "U.S.-Caribbean Relations," Bridgetown, Barbados, 1977-1982
BOX 76 West-West Agenda meetings, 1991-1998
BOX 76 Wilton Park Conference, Steyning, England, 1991
BOX 76 Conservation Foundation, Marvin Durning, 1973
BOX 76 Consortium on Peace, Research, Education, and Development, 1970-1973
BOX 76 Conventional Arms Proliferation, Fred Wyle, 1973-1974
BOX 76 Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1971-1986
(4 folders)
BOX 77 Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1971-1986
BOX 77 Cuba
BOX 77 Communications, 1977-1979
BOX 77 Trip with Alamar Associates, 1977
(2 folders)
BOX 77 United States-Cuba Study Group, 1983
BOX 77 Daedalus Project, 1978
BOX 77 Deibel, Terry L., 1977-1978
BOX 77 Democratic National Committee, 1972-1975
BOX 77 Douglas, John, 1978-1983
(3 folders)
BOX 78 Douglas, John, 1984-1986
BOX 78 Economic projects, 1974
BOX 78 Estrangement: America and the World (book), Sanford J. Ungar, 1985
BOX 78 Fabian, Larry L., 1989-1994
BOX 78 Focus (television and radio program), David Biltchik, 1975-1977
(4 folders)
BOX 78 Foreign intelligence, 1973-1974
BOX 78 Fredericks, Wayne, 1972
BOX 78 Gall, Norman, 1975-1977
BOX 79 Gilmore, Richard, 1974-1979
BOX 79 Goodwin, Craufurd D., 2008
BOX 79 Hanson, Christopher, 1974-1976
BOX 79 Harris, Lee B., 1971-1972
BOX 79 Hague Academy, Carnegie lecturer, 1975-1979
BOX 79 Haughton, Ronald, 1971-1972
BOX 79 Human rights, Warren Weinstein, 1974-1977
BOX 79 Humanitarian Policy Studies Program
BOX 79 Biafra report, 1973-1974
BOX 79 Carpenter, Margaret, Kurdish project, 1976-1978
BOX 79 "Disaster in the Desert," West Africa report, 1974
(2 folders)
BOX 79 General, 1973-1975
BOX 79 Morris, Roger, 1972
BOX 80 Morris, Roger, 1973-1980, 1996
(5 folders)
BOX 80 "Passing By," Burundi report, 1972-1973
BOX 80 "The Tar Baby Option," Rhodesia report, 1972-1976
BOX 80 "Through the Looking Glass in Chile," Morris article, 1974-1975
BOX 81 Incorporation, 1972-1973
BOX 81 India, 1973, 1982
BOX 81 India, Pakistan, 1982, 1993-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 81 Indian subcontinent, 1971-1972
BOX 81 Indochina Working Group, 1970-1973
BOX 81 Institute for Congress, Alton Fyre, 1974
BOX 81 Intelligence Study Group, 1975-1976
(2 folders)
BOX 81 International Conciliation (magazine), 1966-1972
BOX 82 International Conflict and American Organizations, Project Steering Committee, 1974-1975
BOX 82 International Crisis Group, 1994
BOX 82 International Law Program, Tom Franck, 1971-1979
BOX 82 International Fact-finding Center, 1973-1976
BOX 82 International Organization Affairs, C. William Maynes, 1972-1976
BOX 82 International Organization, transnational policy, 1971-1973
BOX 82 International Technical Assistance Group, 1972-1973
BOX 82 Interviews, 1970
BOX 82 Iraq, William R. Polk, 1997-2008
BOX 82 Joffe, Josef, "U.S. Nuclear Arms: Backbone of NATO," article comments, 1983
BOX 83 Johnson, Joseph, E., 1961-1972
BOX 83 Joint Discussion Group on Congress and Foreign Policy, 1978
BOX 83 Joint Discussion Group on Executive-Congressional Relations and Foreign Policy, 1982
(2 folders)
BOX 83 Katz, Milton, 1970-1977
BOX 83 Labor unions, 1975-1976
BOX 83 Latin America, 1975-1984
BOX 83 Lewis, William, 1979
BOX 83 Manglapus, Raul S., 1975-1976
BOX 83 Media, 1980-1985
BOX 83 Menges, Constantine Christopher, 1977-1978
BOX 83 Micronesia project, Don McHenry, 1970-1974
BOX 83 Morehouse, Ward, 1970-1971
BOX 83 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, 1975-1979
BOX 84 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, 1975-1992
(2 folders)
BOX 84 National Endowment for the Arts, Bicentennial Fellowship Exchange, 1975-1978
(3 folders)
BOX 84 National Security Education Act, 1992
BOX 84 The Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom, 1992-2003
BOX 84 Norwegian Parliament delegation, 1983
BOX 84 "The Nuclear Dilemma," Episcopal Church report, 1985
BOX 84 Offices
BOX 84 New York, N.Y., 1971-1978
(2 folders)
BOX 85 Washington, D.C., 1973-1974, 1988
(5 folders)
BOX 85 Outer Space Communication and International Organization, 1969-1971
BOX 85 Outreach, 1981-1986
BOX 85 Overseas Development Council, 1971-1986
BOX 85 Panama, 1975-1977
BOX 85 Pastoral letter, war and peace, 1982
BOX 86 Pierre, Andrew, 1995
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