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Vietnam Women's Memorial Foundation records, 1966-2020

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Oversize, 1978-1999 (continued)
BOX OV 2 Site plans and photograph proof sheets, 1990-circa 1993 (Container 5, Construction files - Photographs, negatives, and slides; Container 5, Construction files - Dickie, George; Container 10, Design files - Design Competition - Entry forms)
BOX OV 1, OV 3 Subject File, 1978, 1986-1993
BOX OV 1 Architectural, landscape design, and urban design drawings, and maps, 1978, 1987-1993 (Container 29, National Capital Planning Commission)
BOX OV 3 Certificates, maps, and commemorative ribbon, 1986-1993 (Container 27, Certificates and awards; Container 32, United States Congress - Legislation; Container 35, Vietnam Women's Memorial Foundation history - Commission and legislative history)
BOX OV 3 Chronological File, 1986-1993
BOX OV 3 Certificates, maps, and commemorative ribbon, 1986-1993 (Container 40, 1993)
BOX OV 4 Diane Carlson Evans File, 1988, 1997-1999
BOX OV 4 Certificates, 1988, 1997-1999 (Container 43, Awards)

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