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National Endowment for Democracy records, 1961-2000

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BOX 6-30 Office of the President, 1968-1995
The Office of the President series contains the files of Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy from 1984 to 2021. Records include board of directors files, correspondence, conference information, publications, speeches, congressional statements and other legislative material, personal office files, travel files, and State Department files. Board of directors files consist chiefly of correspondence with attached reports and articles between Gershman and board members. Personal office files contain material related to various political leaders, diplomats, journalists, lawyers, consultants, activists, and others who worked with or for NED. Personal files include correspondence, memoranda, articles, clippings, speeches, writings, and legal materials.
Material types include correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, clippings, writings, reports, congressional transcripts, notes, and cables.
Arranged alphabetically by material type or subject and alphabetically by last name or chronologically therein.
BOX 6 Assistants to the Board of Directors, 1988-1989
BOX 6 Board of Directors
BOX 6 Baca, Polly, 1988-1989
BOX 6 Brook, William, 1988-1989
(4 folders)
BOX 6 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 1985-1990
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Daniels, LeGree, 1988-1990
BOX 7 Fahrenkophf, Frank, 1988-1990
BOX 7 Fascell, Dante B., 1988-1991
BOX 7 General correspondence, 1988-1990
(4 folders)
BOX 8 Hatch, Orrin, 1988-1990
BOX 8 Kirkland, Lane, 1987-1990
BOX 8 Kissinger, Henry, 1988
BOX 8 Lord, Winston, 1990
BOX 8 Manatt, Charles T., 1987-1990
BOX 8 Richardson, John, 1987-1989
BOX 8 Robinson, Olin, 1988-1989
BOX 8 Ross, Dixon, & Masback, 1988-1990
BOX 8 Shanker, Albert, 1987-1990
BOX 8 Shelton-Colby, Sally, 1987-1989
BOX 9 Smith, Charles H., 1987-1990
(2 folders)
BOX 9 Van Andel, Jay, 1988-1990
BOX 9 Williams, Eddie N., 1989
BOX 9 Conference at National Council of World Affairs, 1989, Oct. 22
BOX 9 Conference on U.S.-Soviet relations, 1989, Aug. 11
BOX 9 Conference on U.S. and Developing Countries, Overseas Development Council, 1989, Nov. 7
BOX 9 Congressional statements, 1990
BOX 9 Correspondence
BOX 9 Adelman, Carol, 1985-1989
BOX 9 Africa, 1988
BOX 9 Aguilar, Luis, 1978, 1984-1988
BOX 10 Aronson, Bernard, 1985-1989
BOX 10 "A" miscellaneous, 1985-1990
BOX 10 Benoist, Jean Marie, 1985-1987
BOX 10 Berlanger, Leopold, 1988-1989
BOX 10 Bernstein, Richard, 1985, 1989
BOX 10 Blaustein, Albert, 1986, 1995
BOX 10 Borchgrave, Arnaud de, 1986-1989
BOX 10 Brody, David, 1984-1985
BOX 10 Buckley, William F., 1985-1988
BOX 10 "B" miscellaneous, 1986-1991
BOX 10 Carter, Jimmy, 1977-1986
BOX 10 Chamorro, Jaime M., 1986-1990
BOX 10 Chamorro, Violeta, and Cristiana Chamorro Barrios, 1988-1990
BOX 10 Chenoweth, Eric, 1985-1988
BOX 10 Cherne, Leo, 1975-1990
BOX 10 Chickering, Lawrence, 1986-1989
BOX 10 Congressional, 1986-1988
BOX 11 "C" miscellaneous, 1985-1990
BOX 11 "D" miscellaneous, 1988-1990
BOX 11 Eastern Europe, 1986-1987
BOX 11 Latin America, 1988-1989
BOX 11 Council of Europe, 1988
BOX 11 Democratic developments
BOX 11 Africa, 1989
BOX 11 Asia, 1987-1989
BOX 11 Eastern Europe, 1986-1990
BOX 11 Latin America, 1988
BOX 11 Fan letters received, 1988-1989
BOX 12 Personal office files
BOX 12 Adelman, Ken, 1983-1990
BOX 12 Barton, Christopher, 1986-1990
BOX 12 Bukovskiĭ, Vladimir, 1982-1988
(4 folders)
BOX 13 Bukovskiĭ, Vladimir, 1982-1988
(6 folders)
BOX 13 Cockburn, Alexander, 1981
BOX 13 Collingsworth, Arthur, 1986, 1988
BOX 13 Constable, Pamela, 1988
BOX 14 Cordia, Louis, 1985
BOX 14 Coyne, Marshal, 1986-1989
BOX 14 Diamond, Larry, 1987-1989
(2 folders)
BOX 14 Djilas, Milovan, 1979-1989
BOX 14 Doherty, Bill, 1985, 1990
BOX 14 Dyba, Karel, circa 1989
BOX 14 Falcoff, Mark, 1982, 1988
BOX 14 Feulner, Edwin J., 1985-1990
BOX 14 Forman, S., and Frangos, N. J., 1985-1990
BOX 14 Freedman, Riba, 1986-1990
BOX 14 Fritz-Simons, Daniel, 1984-1985
BOX 14 Funk, Gerald, 1985-1986
BOX 15 "F" miscellaneous, 1985-1990
BOX 15 Galenson, Walter, 1979-1981
BOX 15 Garton-Ash, Timothy, 1987-1988
BOX 15 Gati, Charles, 1987
BOX 15 Gelb, Bruce, 1990
BOX 15 Gershman, Carl, awards, 1984-1985
(2 folders)
BOX 15 Gershten, Chris, 1985, 1988
BOX 15 Geyer, Georgie Anne, 1985-1988
BOX 15 Goldman, Ralph, 1985-1990
BOX 15 Gress, David, 1980-1981
BOX 15 Guthrie, Alvin, and José Antonio Jarquín, visit, 1988, June 13-14
BOX 15 "G" miscellaneous, 1990
BOX 15 Haas, John, 1985-1986
BOX 15 Hadar, Leon, 1980-1981
BOX 15 Haraszti, Milklós, 1987-1988
BOX 15 Hart, David, 1987-1988
BOX 15 Harrison, Larry, 1987-1989
BOX 15 Henze, Paul, 1986-1990
BOX 16 Hollander, Paul, 1988-1989
BOX 16 Hook, Sydney, circa 1983-1990
BOX 16 Horowitz, Irving Louis, 1985-1990
BOX 16 Huntley, Jim, 1985, 1988
BOX 16 Hyland, William, 1985
BOX 16 "H" miscellaneous, 1990
BOX 16 "J" miscellaneous, 1990
BOX 16 Kahn, Tom, 1986-1989
BOX 16 Kampelman, Max M., 1985-1991
BOX 16 Kemble, Penn, 1985-1989
BOX 16 Kemp, Jack, 1987-1989
BOX 16 Kirkpatrick, Jean, 1977-1988
(2 folders)
BOX 17 Kissinger, Henry, 1975-1989
BOX 17 Kołakowski, Leszek, 1986
BOX 17 Kondracke, Morton, 1984-1990
BOX 17 Korey, William, and Harris Schoenberg, 1968-1985
BOX 17 Korologos, Tom, 1985-1989
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