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Veg Society of DC records, 1862-2022

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BOX 1-6 Office Files, 1913-2020
The Office Files series documents administrative, business, and financial aspects of VSDC. Extensive board meeting agendas, minutes, correspondence, bylaws, logic models, and strategic planning notes lend insight into its priorities and objectives. Contact directories for members, local businesses, and nonprofits are also indicative of the broader community VSDC serves. The organization's focus on underrepresented groups is especially well-documented in applications and correspondence covering grants and fundraising opportunities. Notable grants include Department of Health and Human Services Health Disparities in Minority Health grant and the Kaiser Permanente Community Health Grant, both of which funded the Veg Society of DC Eat Smart Program. General financial records, including budget outlines, profit and loss statements, balance sheets, expense reports, and tax records complement this material. Writings pertaining to VSDC history are also notable, including Keith Akers’s History of the Vegetarian Society of District of Columbia and Richard Stafursky’s radio scripts for Syndicated Vegetarian News.
Digital files include drafts of VSDC announcements and newsletters, two databases with information about membership demographics, and notes related to website updates and a brand refresh. Additional documents include board meeting notes and agendas, bylaws, tax records, and strategic planning notes, most of which are digitized versions of paper files in this series.
Material types include agendas, applications, bylaws, correspondence, contact directories, email, digital files, financial records, legal documents, logic models, and notes.
Arranged alphabetically by material type. The file structure of the digital content maintained as received.
DF Announcement drafts, 2002
Digital ID: mss86491_259_005
Digital ID: mss86491_259_006
BOX 1 Board meeting agendas and minutes, 1996-2017
(6 folders)
DF Board meeting agendas and minutes, 2010-2021
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 1 Board orientation guide, 2012-2014
BOX 1 Bylaws, 1990-1998, 2006, 2014-2015
DF Bylaws, 1990, 2015-2021
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 1 Consumer Health Foundation Healthy Lifestyles Learning Collaborative workshop, 2005-2007
(2 folders)
DF Contact directories, 1988-1992, undated
Digital ID: mss86491_259_005
Digital ID: mss86491_259_006
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 2 Contact directories, 1992-2007
BOX 2 Correspondence, 1998-2009
(4 folders)
BOX 2 D.C. legal documents, 1913, 1962, 2002, 2018-2020
DF D.C. legal documents, 1962, 2018-2020
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
DF Email files, 2009-2022
Currently unprocessed and unavailable.
Digital ID: mss86491_270_001_email
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007_email
BOX 2 Financial records
BOX 2 Federal taxes, 1979, 2000-2005
DF Federal taxes, 2018-2021
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 2 General, 1996-2009, 2015-2017
(2 folders)
BOX 2 Payroll, 2004-2005
BOX 2 State taxes, 2002-2006, 2018
BOX 2 Grants and fundraising
BOX 2 Abramson-Clayman Foundation, 2002
BOX 2 Allen Foundation, 2004
BOX 2 CareFirst Community Relations Grant, 2005
BOX 3 Catalogue for Philanthropy, 2005
BOX 3 Combined Federal Campaign, 2005-2007
(2 folders)
BOX 3 Consumer Health Foundation, 2005-2007
(2 folders)
BOX 3 D.C. Escheated Estate Fund, 2005-2006
BOX 3 Health Disparities in Minority Health Programs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2002-2005
(6 folders)
BOX 4 Humanities Council of Washington, D.C., 2002-2005
BOX 4 Innovative Approaches to Promoting a Healthy Weight in Women, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2005-2006
(2 folders)
BOX 4 Kaiser Permanente Community Health Impact Grant, 2004-2006
(2 folders)
BOX 4 Lists of funding opportunities, 2005
BOX 4 Local Initiative Funding Partners, 2005
BOX 4 Meyer Foundation, 2002-2006
BOX 4 Miscellaneous correspondence, 2002-2007
BOX 4 Montgomery County Community Foundation, 2006
BOX 4 The Morris and Cafritz Foundation, 2002-2006
BOX 4 Nalith, 2009
BOX 4 National Home Library Foundation, 2006
BOX 5 Proposal drafts, 2002
BOX 5 Proposal submission plan, 2000-2002
BOX 5 Public Welfare Foundation, 2002
BOX 5 Quality Health Foundation, 2007
BOX 5 Sabina Fund, 2005
BOX 5 Strengthening Partners Initiative, D.C. Office of Partnerships and Grants, 2006-2007
BOX 5 The Washington Post charity rate, 2005
BOX 5 Women Helping Others (WHO) Foundation, 2006
BOX 5 Youth Garden, National Gardening Association and the Home Depot, 2006-2007
BOX 5 Health statistics and reports, 2010
(3 folders)
BOX 5 Insurance policies, 1997-1999
BOX 5 Job applications, 2000-2007
BOX 5 Lease, 2004-2005
BOX 6 Logic models, 2003-2006, undated
BOX 6 Marketing, 2006-2007, undated
DF Membership databases, 2002
Digital ID: mss86491_259_005
Digital ID: mss86491_259_006
BOX 6 Miscellaneous, 1936-1942, 1993-2005, undated
BOX 6 Organizational history, 1988, 1997, 2003, 2021
DF Organizational history, 1988, 2001
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 6 Strategic planning, 2001-2007, undated
DF Strategic planning, 2015
Digital ID: mss86491_259_005
BOX 6 Syndicated Vegetarian News radio scripts, 1979-1980, 2001
DF Syndicated Vegetarian News radio scripts, 1979-1980, 2021
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
DF VSDC brand refresh with Yassir Isham, 2021
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 6 VSDC needs assessment, 2002
DF Website redesign, 2017-2021
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 6-9 Programs and Events, 1983-2021
The Programs and Events series documents the planning, implementation, and reception of VSDC events and educational programs. A substantial amount pertains to the Veg Society of DC Eat Smart Program, a course addressing nutrition, health benefits, and strategies for embracing a vegan diet and active lifestyle. Other papers trace decades of annual Thanksgiving dinners and VegFest DC celebrations, providing insight into the broad network of prominent figures and vegetarian organizations that supported VSDC events and its mission of promoting veganism in the Washington, D.C., area. Applications for the VSDC GreenRewards Discount Program illustrate efforts among local businesses to promote veganism by offering incentives to VSDC members. Additional events documented in this series include the VSDC seventy-fifth anniversary exhibit, volunteer appreciation socials, and a speaking event with animal rights activist Howard F. Lyman, codefendant of Oprah Winfrey in a lawsuit brought by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.
Digital files include course material for the Veg Society of DC Eat Smart Program and a substantial number of photographs from social gatherings, including picnics, outdoor activities, cooking classes, and game nights. Other files contain digitized programs and promotional flyers available in this series as analog material.
Material types include clippings, correspondence, digital files, evaluations, financial records, photographs, programs, and promotional material.
Arranged alphabetically by event. The file structure of the digital content maintained as received.
BOX 6 75th anniversary events
DF 75 Vegetarian Delights of Washington, D.C., 2002
Digital ID: mss86491_259_006
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 6 Exhibit display, undated
BOX 6 Planning material, 2002-2003
BOX 6 Promotional material, 2002
DF Promotional material, 2002
Digital ID: mss86491_259_007
BOX 6 "Awesome Autumn! at Whole Foods," 2001
BOX 6 Eat Smart Program
BOX 6 Course binder, 2007
(2 folders)
BOX 6 Course binder, 2009
BOX 7 Deliverables and reports, 2005-2006, undated
BOX 7 Financial records, 2002-2009
BOX 7 Graduation, 2005-2007
BOX 7 Photographs, 2007
DF Planning material, 2004
Digital ID: mss86491_259_008
BOX 7 Planning material, 2004-2007, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Promotional material, 2004-2007
BOX 7 Registration, 2004-2005, 2012, undated
BOX 7 GreenRewards Discount Program
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