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Luther Harris Evans papers, 1918-1981

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BOX OV 1-OV 13 Oversize, 1936-1953
Material types include news clippings, notes, posters, and a scrapbook.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were separated.
Federal Career
Library of Congress
BOX OV 12 News clippings, appointment as Librarian of Congress, 1945 (Container 18, same heading)
Slip notes
BOX OV 1 1940-1942
BOX OV 2 1942
BOX OV 3 1942-1943
BOX OV 4 1943-1944
BOX OV 5 1944-1945
BOX OV 6 1946-1947
BOX OV 7 1947-1948
BOX OV 8 1948-1949
BOX OV 9 1949-1950
BOX OV 10 1951-1952
BOX OV 11 1952-1953
Chronological file
BOX OV 12 Poster, "BIENVENIDOS, distinguidos señores Delegados a la Segunda Asamblea Internacional de la UNESCO," 1947 (Container 23, Chronological file, 1947)
BOX OV 12 "Preliminary Project," 1952, Sept. 15 (Container 28, Chronological file, 1952)
Work Projects Administration Historical Records Survey
BOX OV 13 Scrapbook, autobiographies of key Historical Records Survey personnel, 1936-1937
Printed Matter
France, German occupation, publications, pamphlets, and miscellaneous documents
BOX OV 12 Poster, "Botschaft, Der Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika," circa 1939 (Container 28, same heading)

Contents List