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MacDowell Colony records, 1869-2017

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Part II: Office Files, 1920-2016 (continued)
Budget, 1993-1994 (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX II:93 Medal Day, 1992-1996
(3 folders)
BOX II:94 Medal Day, 1996
(2 folders)
BOX II:94 Medal Day at the MacDowell Colony (1994)
BOX II:94 First draft, circa 1985
BOX II:94 Second draft, circa 1993
(2 folders)
BOX II:94 Third and fourth drafts, circa 1993
BOX II:94 Fifth draft, 1993, Oct.
BOX II:94 Final draft and print book, 1994, Mar.
BOX II:95 New England book show, 1995-1996
BOX II:95 Notes, 1993-1994
BOX II:95 Publisher correspondence, 1984-1997
(2 folders)
BOX II:95 Source material, 1967-1976
(2 folders)
BOX II:95 Speech reproduction permissions, 1990-1993
(2 folders)
BOX II:95 Nominator network and outreach
BOX II:95 Budget, 1985-1992
BOX II:95 Colonist admissions process, 1993-1995
BOX II:96 General, 1990-1993
(3 folders)
BOX II:96 Minorities, 1983-1988
(5 folders)
BOX II:97 Nominator list, 1988-1993
BOX II:97 Nominator responses, 1988-1992
(2 folders)
BOX II:97 Potential nominators, 1995
BOX II:97 Visual arts, 1992-1997
BOX II:97 Personnel
BOX II:97 Compensated time, 1992-1993
BOX II:97 Inherited staffing file, 1982-1986
BOX II:97 New Hampshire staff, 1995
BOX II:98 Policies, circa 1980-1993
(6 folders)
BOX II:98 Putnam, Tom, staffing memos, 1992-1994
BOX II:99 Staff meetings, 1995-1996
BOX II:99 Structure, 1986, 1994
BOX II:99 Young, Cheryl A., 1988-1996
BOX II:99 Studios
BOX II:99 Evelyn Nef Studio, 1991-1992
BOX II:99 Film Studio, 1977-1982, 1988, 1994-1995
(2 folders)
BOX II:99 Heinz Studio (Ice House), 1995-1996 See also Container II:OV 4, Progress Prints, Heinz Studio
(3 folders)
BOX II:99 Subject File
BOX II:99 Alliance of Artists Communities, 1993-1995
BOX II:99 Architecture program, 1995-1996
BOX II:99 Artist residency programs and artist communities survey, 1994
BOX II:99 Before and After screening, 1996
BOX II:99 Bourne bequest, 1994
BOX II:100 Bylaws, 1986-1993
(2 folders)
BOX II:100 Colonist clippings, 1992-1994
BOX II:100 Colonist forms and residency guidelines, 1988-1996
BOX II:100 Contacts, out of town, 1977, 1988-1990
BOX II:100 Development, 1987-1996
BOX II:100 Doris Duke Foundation, 1995
BOX II:100 Fellows' suggestions for colony, 1989-1994 See also Container II:211-212, Thank you notes and feedback
BOX II:100 Glorious Gloria Parker vs. Oscar Hijuelos, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, National Endowment for the Arts, New York Found. for the Arts, Ingram Merrill Found., MacDowell Colony, American Academy and Inst. of Arts and Letters, and Corp. Yaddo, 1990
BOX II:100 Kendall, George, 1987-1991
BOX II:100 Klein, Lothar, 1990
BOX II:101 Library of Congress, 1991-1992
BOX II:101 Lists of colonists, 1993-1996, undated
BOX II:101 Lower House, 1995
BOX II:101 MacDowell Colony 80th birthday celebration, 1988
BOX II:101 National Endowment for the Arts challenge grant, 1993
BOX II:101 New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts, 1995-1996
BOX II:101 New York benefit publisher appeal, 1991
BOX II:101 New Hampshire friends and supporters, 1990-1991
BOX II:101 Notes, 1988-1995, undated
BOX II:101 The Philanthropic Initiative, 1990
BOX II:101 Publicity, 1991-1996
BOX II:101 Putnam, Tom, memos, 1992-1995
BOX II:101 Schooley, Dolores, library walkway, 1988-1989
BOX II:101 Speeches, 1992-1996, undated
BOX II:101 Staff calendar, 1990
BOX II:101 Struble, John, 1995-1996
BOX II:101 Surf Point Foundation, 1995
BOX II:101 Taylor, Frederieke S., 1986-1989
BOX II:102 Cushman, Trevor, 1983-1984 See also Container II:OV 4, Exhibit poster
(2 folders)
BOX II:102 Davison, Elsa Jean: Seventy-fifth Anniversary Committee, 1981-1982
BOX II:102 Development Committee
BOX II:102 Boston, 1978-1985
BOX II:102 Campaign organization charts, 1988-1989
BOX II:102 Fellows Sub-Committee, 1978-1979
BOX II:102 General, 1975-1982
(2 folders)
BOX II:102 MacDowell Colony Associates, 1980
BOX II:103 New Hampshire, 1984-1988
(2 folders)
BOX II:103 New England, 1983-1986
(2 folders)
BOX II:103 Resolution granting authority regarding gifts and grants, 1981
BOX II:103 Englander, Nancy: Development, 1977-1980
(2 folders)
BOX II:103 Kelly, Dona Lee
BOX II:103 Annual giving data, 2003-2010
BOX II:103 Campaign for the Second Century See also Containers II:123-124, same heading
BOX II:103 Alofsin architecture fellowship, 2009-2010
BOX II:103 Events, 2008-2010
BOX II:104 Hillcrest dinner series, 2009-2010
BOX II:104 Interdisciplinary Art Studio, 2009 See also Containers II:157-158, Interdisciplinary Studio Campaign
BOX II:104 Planning materials, 2009-2010
BOX II:104 Foundations, 2008-2010
BOX II:104 Long-range development strategy, 2003-2008
BOX II:104 MacDowell Colony National Council, 2011
BOX II:104 New Hampshire foundations, 2005-2009
BOX II:104 Peterborough, New Hampshire, 2006, undated
BOX II:104 Press, 2006-2009
BOX II:104 Stylesheet and copyediting protocol, 2008, 2010
BOX II:104 Lewis, Tim
BOX II:104 Annual appeal mailing, 1999
BOX II:104 Annual report, 1996
BOX II:104 Artist's Circle, 1998-1999
BOX II:105 Board meeting, 1998, Aug.
BOX II:105 Colony renovations
BOX II:105 Heinz Studio, 1997-1998
BOX II:105 Lower House, 1997-1999
BOX II:105 Mixter Studio, 1995
BOX II:105 New Jersey Studio, 1997-2000 See also Container II:OV 4, Elevations and floorplan, New Jersey Studio
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