| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Writings File, 1928-1960
(continued) |
"Continuous Rings and Their
Arithmetics" |
"On Rings of Operators
II" |
BOX 22 |
"Quantum Mechanics of Infinite
Systems" |
"Some Matrix-Inequalities and
Metrisation of Matrix-Space" |
"Über ein Ökonomisches
Gleichungssystem und eine Verallgemeinerung des Brouwerschen
Fixpunktsatzes" |
1938, "On Infinite Direct
Products" |
"Discussion of De Sitter's Space and
of Dirac's Equation in It" |
"Minimally Almost Periodic
Groups" |
"On Rings of Operators
III" |
"Distribution of the Ratio of the
Mean Square Successive Difference to the Variance" |
"Fourier Integrals and Metric
Geometry" |
"Approximate Properties of Matrices
of High Finite Order" |
"Further Remark Concerning the
Distribution of the Ratio of the Mean Square Successive to the
Variance" |
"Statistics of the Gravitational
Field Arising From a Random Distribution of Stars" |
1943, "On Rings of Operators IV" |
(2 folders) |
"On the Principles of Large Scale
Computing Machines" |
"Symmetric Solutions of Some General
N-Person Games" |
BOX 23 |
"Discussion of a Maximum
Problem" |
"The Mathematician" |
"Coding Scheme for the
Poiseuille-Flow Stability Problem" |
(2 folders) |
"First Report on the Numerical
Calculation of Flow Problems" |
(2 folders) |
"Second Report on the Numerical
Calculation of Flow Problems" |
(3 folders) |
1949, "On Rings of Operators: Reduction
Theory" |
1950, "Statistical Treatment of Values of
First 2000 Decimal Digits of e and pi Calculated on the
"Description of the Conformal
Mapping Method for the Integration of Partial Differential Equation
Systems with 1+2 Independent Variables" |
"Eine Spektraltheorie für allgemeine
Operatoren eines unitären Raumes" |
"Remarks Concerning Various Forms of
the 'Relaxation Method'" |
BOX 24 |
1952, "Digital Computations in
Hydromechanics" |
"Certain Zero-Sum Two-Person Game
Equivalent to the Optimal Assignment Problem" |
"Notes on the
Photon-Disequilibrium-Amplification Scheme" |
"Two Variants of Poker" |
"Non-Linear Capacitance or
Inductance Switching, Amplifying and Memory Organs" |
(5 folders) |
"Numerical Method to Determine
Optimum Strategy" |
BOX 25 |
"Blast Wave Calculation" |
"Can We Survive
Technology?" |
Fermi, Enrico |
"On the Permutability of
Self-Adjoint Operators" |
"Probabilistic Logics and the
Synthesis of Reliable Organisms from Unreliable
Components" |
"An Inequality Concerning Rational
Functions of Non-Hermitean Matrices" |
"Comparison of Two
Cells" |
"Discussion of the Cylinder
Symmetrical Geometry of Points and Trajectories" |
"Fourier Transformation Method for
Two-Dimensional (Baratropic) Meteorological Prediction" |
"Measure in Functional
Spaces" |
"Non-Isomorphism of Certain
Continuous Rings" |
"Numerical Method for Determination
of the Value and the Best Strategies of a Zero-Sum Two-Person Game
with Large Numbers of Strategies" |
"On Generalized Matrix-Algebras with
a Unique Trace" |
"On Relativistic Gas-Degeneracy and
the Collapsed Configuration of Stars" |
"Point-Source Model" |
"Point-Source-Solution, Assuming a
Degeneracy of the Semi-Relativistic Type, p=Kp 4/3, Over the Entire
Star" |
BOX 26 |
"Reliable Organizations of
Unreliable Elements" |
"Representation of Certain Linear
Groups by Unitary Operators in Hilbert Space" |
"Study of a Numerical Solution to a
Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamical Problem" |
By others |
General, 1952-1955, undated
Weyl, Hermann,
Book file |
"Continuous Geometries with a Transition
Probability," 1937
(5 folders) |
BOX 27 |
Functional Operators, 1950
(2 folders) |
"Invariant Measures," 1940-1941
(4 folders) |
"Lattice Abeliam Groups," circa 1940
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, publication correspondence, 1948-1954
(1 folder) |
BOX 28 |
(1 folder) |
"Theory of Automata,"
(2 folders) |
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 1943
Chapter files |
Nos. 1-8 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 29 |
Nos. 9-12 |
(4 folders) |
General correspondence |
Notes |
(4 folders) |
Reviews |
BOX 30 |
(2 folders) |
Miscellaneous |
Aeronautics publication program,
Princeton, N.J., 1950-1951
Continuous geometries, 1935-1937
(4 folders) |
BOX 31 |
(4 folders) |
Mathematical Reviews, 1948
Notes |
(5 folders) |
(6 folders) |
BOX 32 |
(15 folders) |
Petroleum company writings, 1948-1959,
Philosophical Society of Washington, D.C.,
Princeton University Press, 1948-1957
BOX 33 |
Publications, list of, 1955-1960,
Reviews, 1937
Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1954
Reports |
"Preliminary Discussion of the Logical
Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument" |
reapportionment |
"Planning and Coding of Problems for an
Electronic Computing Instrument" |
(3 folders) |
1949, "Recent Theories of Turbulence" |
1953, "An Analysis of the Linear Displacement of Oil by
Gas-Driven Solvent" |
Undated, shock waves
(incomplete) |
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