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Bayard Rustin papers, 1942-1987

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Subject File, 1942-1987 (continued)
Interview with Rustin and others
(2 folders)
BOX 30 Manuals
Map of march area
Medical committee
Merchandise sales
Balance due
(6 folders)
Negro American Labor Council
(2 folders)
Organizational and regional support
Labor unions
Maryland committee
Philadelphia, Pa., division
BOX 31 Religious groups
West Coast mobilization, 1962-1965
Police assistance
Press releases
Questionnaire for marchers
Record album
Scroll of supporters' signatures See also Oversize
Songs and slogans
Speeches and statements
(3 folders)
Messages of support
BOX 32 Transportation plans
(2 folders)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom commemorations
Tenth anniversary, 1973
Twentieth anniversary, 1982-1983, undated
(4 folders)
Mboya, Tom, 1969-1970
Medal of Liberty award, 1986
Medical Committee for Civil Rights, 1963
Correspondence and memoranda, 1957-1986, undated
(2 folders)
Sheet music (written by Rustin), 1971
BOX 33 Mobilization in Support of the Poor People's Campaign, 1968
Aims and objectives
Articles and newspaper clippings
Contacts and coordinators
Mailings and handouts
Memoranda and notes
Press releases and statements
Requests for assistance and endorsements
Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont., 1958
Moratorium Committee on Federal Budget Cuts, 1981-1982, undated
(2 folders)
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1965-1985
(2 folders)
Muste, Abraham J., 1951-1957, 1967
National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, 1968
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
General, 1965-1974
West Chester, Pa., branch, annual awards banquet, 1980-1981
National Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy, 1966-1967, undated
New America, 1967-1979
New Left, 1965, undated
New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y., 1966
New York Friends Group, 1964-1965
New York Urban League, Frederick Douglass awards dinner, 1972
Nicaragua, 1985-1987
BOX 34 Nixon, Richard M., 1969-1973
Planned Parenthood, 1968-1971
Podhoretz, Norman, 1984-1985
Poland, solidarity movement, 1980-1983
(2 folders)
Police harassment of Blacks, Nathan Wright case, 1946-1947
Poor People's Corporation, 1965-1967
Powell, Adam Clayton, 1966-1967
(2 folders)
Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom, 1957
Preferential treatment of Blacks, 1963
Presidential elections
Black political participation, 1976
March on the Conventions Movement, 1960
Pro-Democratic Coalition in Central America, Chile and Paraguay missions, 1985-1987
Proportional representation, 1969
Provision Defense Committee, 1955
Randolph, A. Philip, 1969, 1979-1983
Reagan, Ronald, Bitburg, Germany, cemetery visit, 1985
Recruitment and Training Program, Inc., 1967, 1977
Rodino, Peter, 1984-1986
Rustin, Bayard
Ad-hoc Committee for Bayard Rustin, 1979-1980
Biographical material, 1974, 1987, undated
BOX 35 Birthday parties
Sixty-fifth, 1975
Seventieth, 1979-1980
(3 folders)
Seventy-fifth, 1987
Testimonial dinner
Correspondence, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Invitation list, 1970
Press releases, 1970
Program, 1970
Speeches, 1970
Saudi Arabia, arms sale, 1981
Segregation in parks, Baltimore, Md., 1948
Shalom Nursing Home, New York, N.Y., 1980
Sharon, Ariel, libel suit against Time Magazine, 1984
Sit-in demonstrations, Marshall, Tex., 1960
Social Democrats, USA
Democratic Challenge in Latin American Conference, 1981
General, 1980-1987
Socialist International Committee
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