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Stanley Edgar Hyman papers, 1932-1978

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Literary File, 1932-1978 (continued)
Howe, Henry F., Prologue to New England; and Grace Lee Nute, Caesers of the Wilderness
Joyce, James, Letters of James Joyce
Kawabata, Yasunari, Snow Country and Thousand Cranes
Keller, Gottfried, Green Henry
Keller, Werner, The Bible as History in Pictures
La Farge, Oliver, The Door in the Wall
Lawrence, D. H., The Complete Poems
Liebling, A. J., The Most of A. J. Liebling
Mailer, Norman, An American Dream
Malamud, Bernard
Idiots First
A New Life
Mallory, Thomas, Le Morte D'Arthur
Mandel, Siegfried and Wolf Wirgin, The History of Coins and Symbols in Ancient Israel See same series, Wirgin, Wolf
Markfield, Wallace, To an Early Grave
Martin, Jay, Nathanael West
Masters, Edgar Lee, Spoon River Anthology
Miller, Henry, Tropic of Cancer
BOX 40 Mitchell, Joseph, Joe Gould's Secret
Montherlant, Henry de, The Bachelors and Selected Essays
Moore, Marianne, A Marianne Moore Reader
Morris, Desmond, The Naked Ape
Murdoch, Iris, An Unofficial Rose
Mwase, George Simeon, Strike a Blow and Die
Nabokov, Vladimir
The Gift
The New English Bible: New Testament
The New English Bible: Old Testament
Nute, Grace Lee, Caesers of the Wilderness See same series, Howe, Henry F.
O'Connor, Flannery, Everything That Rises Must Converge
O'Faolain, Sean, I Remember! I Remember
Oliver, Paul, Blues Fell This Morning
Ousmane, Sembene, God's Bits of Wood
Pavese, Cesare
The House on the Hill
The Selected Works of Cesare Pavese
Percy, Walker, The Moviegoer
Porter, Katherine Anne, Ship of Fools
Powell, Anthony, A Dance to the Music of Time
Powers, J. F., Morte D'Urban
Purdy, James, Cabot Wright Begins
Pynchon, Thomas, V.
Ransom, John Crowe, Selected Poems
Reik, Theodor, Myth and Guilt
Roth, Philip
Goodbye, Columbus
Portnoy's Complaint
Salinger, J. D., Raise High the Roofbeams Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction
Shane, Alex M., The Life and Works of Evgenij Zamjatin
Silone, Ignazio, The Fox and the Camellias
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Satan in Goray
Short Friday and Other Stories
Sologub, Fyodor, The Petty Demon
Steinbeck, John, The Winter of Our Discontent
Svavo, Italo, A Life
Tanizaki, Junichiro, Seven Japanese Tales
Trilling, Diana, Claremont Essays
Tyler, Parker, Chaplin: Last of the Clowns
Updike, John
The Centaur
Pigeon Feathers
Warren, Robert Penn
World Enough and Time
Warshow, Robert, The Immediate Experience
Weltfish, Gene, The Lost Universe
White, William Allen, editor, Defense for America
Williamson, Henry, Hustler!
Wimsatt, William and Cleanth Brooks, Literary Criticism See also same series, Brooks, Cleanth
Wirgin, Wolf and Siegfried Mandel, The History of Coins and Symbols in Ancient Israel
Wouk, Herman, Youngblood Hawke
BOX 41 Speeches and lectures
Classroom lectures
Approaches to Shakespeare, 1969-1970, undated
Art seminar, undated
(2 folders)
Course descriptions and syllabi, 1956-1968, undated
Form in the novel, 1960-1963, undated
Introduction to poetry, undated
Language and literature, 1945, 1953-1968, undated
Methods of literary criticism, 1945, undated
Myth, ritual and literature
Ballads, 1953, undated
Bible, 1954, 1962-1964, undated
Blues, 1957-1968, undated
BOX 42 Child ballads, undated
Folk literature and folklore, 1953-1959, undated
Miscellany, 1952-1970, undated
Poetry and criticism, undated
Principals of literary criticism, 1966-1970, undated
Correspondence, 1949-1970, undated
(3 folders)
Miscellany, 1947-1969, undated
Notes, undated
Other lectures
"Psychoanalysis and Tragedy," Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt., 18 Mar. 1955
"Shakespeare and Psychiatry," undated
"Some Trends in the Novel," Harvard Summer School Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 3 Aug. 1953
BOX 43-45 Subject File, 1940-1970
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings, notes, drafts, financial papers, printed matter, and miscellaneous items and enclosures.
Organized alphabetically by subject or type of material and arranged chronologically therein.
BOX 43 Advisory Commission on Brandeis University Creative Arts Awards, 1967-1968, undated
Bennington College, Bennington, Vt.
Administration, 1944-1970, undated
Bloustein, Edward J., 1965-1969
Brockway, Thomas P. and Jean, 1949-1967, undated
Committee to Explore the Future of Bennington College
Correspondence and memoranda, 1959-1961, undated
Minutes of meetings, Jan.-Nov. 1960
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1960-1962, undated
Final report, Apr. 1961
Miscellany, 1960-1961, undated
Committee to Recommend a President, Feb.-June 1957
BOX 44 Continuing Education Program, 1956-1957, undated
General, 1950-1970, undated
Students, 1965-1970, undated
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