The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Breckinridge family papers, 1752-1965
Madeline McDowell Breckinridge Papers, 1895-1921 (continued)
Speech and Article File (continued)
"The Making of an American by Naturalization and Education"
"Men's Sense of Justice"
"The Model School"
"A Mother's Sphere"
"Mrs. Grace W. Trout To Recount Victory in State of Illinois"
"Not so Bad As That"
"On the Passing of the Home"
"Other Bodies Doing Work Salvation Army Announced It Would Perform in Lexington"
"Our Liberties Threatened"
"Overhead Charges of Salvation Army Contrasted With Actual Relief Done"
"Plan Fight on Money to Army"
"Practical Training for Citizenship in our Common Schools"
"Propaganda Through Literature"
"Public Schools and Southern Development"
"Questions Are Put Up to Salvation Army Officers"
"Reasons for Granting School Suffrage to Kentucky Women"
BOX 708 "Recollections of Henry Clay"
"The Regeneration of Rural New England"
"The Right of the Young to Chaperonage and a Good Time"
"Rural Social Settlement in the Mountains of Kentucky"
"Salvation Army"
"Salvation Army Is After Money"
"Salvation Army Officer Declines To Answer Question Through Press"
"Salvation Army Captain Testifies He Hasn't Time To Investigate"
"Shall Fayette Close the Present Tuberculosis Sanatorium and Start in on a Plan of a Joint County Plan for Establishing a Sanatorium"
"Should the Law be Abrogated for the Benefit of the Salvation Army?"
"Should Women Have the School Suffrage, or Sit Upon School Boards?"
"The Soldiers of Salvation Army As Exemplified by Some Recruited Here"
"Some Reasons for Granting Suffrage to Women"
"Speakers and Money Needed in Missouri"
"Street Skating; a Substitute Suggested"
"Suffrage Aftermaths"
"A Suggestion for the Colored Parks of City"
"The TB Sanatorium and the Roads"
"Treaties With 20 Countries"
"Waiting List for TB Sanatorium"
"Wanted an Automobile"
"Was School Suffrage for Women a Failure in Lexington?"
"What Kentucky Women Are Doing for the State"
"What's Sauce for the Goose Is Sauce for the Gander"
"Why Money Is Needed for Woodland Park"
"Why Private Funds?"
"The Woman's Cause in Kentucky"
"Woman's Suffrage"
"The Women of Kentucky vs. the Honorable Harry G. Meyers of Covington, Now of the Legislature"
"World Politics"
Reply to editorial in Frankfort News, 1900
Oct. 12, 1914
Untitled, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 709-711 Miscellany, 1898-1920
Bills and receipts, biographical material, and miscellaneous items.
Segregated by type of material and chronologically arranged within each group.
BOX 709 Bills and receipts
(3 folders)
BOX 710 1918-1920, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 711 Biographical material
Lists, notes
(2 folders)
1908, undated
Printed matter
BOX 712-738 Robert J. Breckinridge Papers, 1807-1871
BOX 712 Diaries, 1836-1837, 1859-1861
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 712-713 Correspondence, 1821-1869
Letters sent and received in chronological arrangement.
BOX 712 1821-1829
1830-1869, undated
(16 folders)
BOX 713 Undated
(8 folders)
BOX 714 Subject File, 1841-1855
Arranged alphabetically by subject title.
BOX 714 Account books, 1841-1855
Annual returns of Kentucky Militia
Defense of Robert J. Breckinridge against Robert Wickliffe
(2 folders)
Legal separation
Minutes of the Presbytery
Shelby estate
BOX 715-729 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1831-1869
Speeches, articles, and the manuscript of one book.
Arranged by type of manuscript and alphabetically arranged within each group.
BOX 715 Speeches
"The Calling of the Church of Christ"
"Emancipation With Colonization"
"The Great Deliverance and the New Career"
"Presbyterian Government, Not a Hierarchy but a Commonwealth"
"Presbyterian Ordination"
"Presbyterian Ordination, Not a Charm But an Act of Government"
"The Rule of Faith"
"What Are the Advantages of Domestic Slavery?"
Nov. 13, 1831
Oct. 12, 1840
Nov. 9, 1840
Mar. 14, 1848
June 25, 1850
July 4, 1857
(2 folders)
Introductory remarks, notes
Review of speech by Robert J. Breckinridge
BOX 716 1840
May 3, 1840
circa 1850, 1852
1853-1869, undated
(12 folders)
BOX 717 1834-1855, undated, and untitled
(21 folders)
"The Acts of the Apostles"
"Advantages of a Republican Form of Government"
"The American Bible Society's Committee on Versions and Its New Bible"
"The Anti-Christian Spirit of the Papal Church"
"An Autumn Night"
"A Card"
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