| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Madeline McDowell Breckinridge Papers,
(continued) |
Speech and Article
(continued) |
"The Women of Kentucky vs. the Honorable
Harry G. Meyers of Covington, Now of the Legislature" |
"World Politics" |
Reply to editorial in Frankfort News,
Oct. 12, 1914
Untitled, undated
(2 folders) |
BOX 709-711 |
Miscellany, 1898-1920
Bills and receipts, biographical material, and miscellaneous items. |
Segregated by type of material and chronologically arranged within each
group. |
BOX 709 |
Bills and receipts |
(3 folders) |
BOX 710 |
1918-1920, undated
(5 folders) |
BOX 711 |
Biographical material |
Lists, notes |
(2 folders) |
1908, undated
Printed matter |
BOX 712-738 |
Robert J. Breckinridge Papers, 1807-1871
BOX 712 |
Diaries, 1836-1837, 1859-1861
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 712-713 |
Correspondence, 1821-1869
Letters sent and received in chronological arrangement. |
BOX 712 |
1830-1869, undated
(16 folders) |
BOX 713 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 714 |
Subject File, 1841-1855
Arranged alphabetically by subject title. |
BOX 714 |
Account books,
Annual returns of Kentucky
Militia |
Defense of Robert J. Breckinridge against
Robert Wickliffe |
(2 folders) |
Legal separation |
Minutes of the Presbytery |
Shelby estate |
Slaves |
BOX 715-729 |
Speech, Article, and Book File,
Speeches, articles, and the manuscript of one book. |
Arranged by type of manuscript and alphabetically arranged within each
group. |
BOX 715 |
Speeches |
"The Calling of the Church of
Christ" |
"Emancipation With
Colonization" |
"The Great Deliverance and the New
Career" |
"Presbyterian Government, Not a Hierarchy
but a Commonwealth" |
"Presbyterian Ordination" |
"Presbyterian Ordination, Not a Charm But
an Act of Government" |
"The Rule of Faith" |
"What Are the Advantages of Domestic
Slavery?" |
Nov. 13, 1831
Oct. 12, 1840
Nov. 9, 1840
Mar. 14, 1848
June 25, 1850
July 4, 1857
(2 folders) |
Introductory remarks, notes |
Review of speech by Robert J.
Breckinridge |
Lectures |
BOX 716 |
May 3, 1840
circa 1850, 1852
1853-1869, undated
(12 folders) |
Sermons |
BOX 717 |
1834-1855, undated, and untitled
(21 folders) |
Articles |
"The Acts of the Apostles" |
"Advantages of a Republican Form of
Government" |
"The American Bible Society's Committee on
Versions and Its New Bible" |
"The Anti-Christian Spirit of the Papal
Church" |
"An Autumn Night" |
"A Card" |
"The Causes and Results of the American
Revolution" |
"The Christian Pastor" |
(2 folders) |
BOX 718 |
"The Civil War: Its Nature and
End" |
"Essays, Practical and
Speculative" |
"Exposition of Psalm 1.5" |
"God Is in History" |
"Hughes-iana" |
"Improvement of the Human
Mind" |
"An Inquiry Into the Original Condition of
Mankind" |
"Latin Exegesis" |
"Moral Philosophy" |
"The Necessity of Government and Danger of
Precipitate Changes" |
"Old Age" |
"On Dignity of Character" |
"One of the Possible Futures of the United
States" |
"An Oration for Liberty" |
"Origin of Governments and Their Proper
Claim to Authority and Respect" |
"Our Country" |
"The Peace Panic--Its Authors and
Objects" |
"Popery in the Island of St.
Michael" |
"Prelatical Jesuitism" |
"Presbyterian Government" |
"The Province of Reason in Judging of
Religion" |
"Religious Excitement in the City of
Baltimore" |
"The Secession Conspiracy in Kentucky and
Its Overthrow; With the Relations of Both to the General
Revolt" |
BOX 719 |
"Sketch of the Life and Character of
Washington" |
"The Spread of Popery" |
"State of the French Papal
Clergy" |
"Struggles in Kentucky During Three Years
Succeeding the First Overthrow of the Secession Conspiracy in
1861" |
"Suggestions in Regard to the Board of
Publication of the Presbyterian" |
"This Is the Law of the House" |
"To the Citizens of Baltimore" |
(3 folders) |
Untitled, undated
(7 folders) |
BOX 720 |
Books |
Breckinridge's Works
The Knowledge of God
(5 folders) |
BOX 721-23 |
The Knowledge of God
(37 folders) |
BOX 724-29 |
Bound speeches and articles (23
vols.) |
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