| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
William Campbell Preston Breckinridge
Papers, 1851-1904
(continued) |
Correspondence, 1855-1904
(continued) |
Correspondence, 1855-1904
(continued) |
Letters sent and received, arranged chronologically. |
BOX 779 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 780 |
(14 folders) |
BOX 781 |
Jan.-Mar. 1884
(7 folders) |
BOX 782 |
Apr. 1884-1887
(11 folders) |
BOX 783 |
(6 folders) |
BOX 784 |
Jan.-Oct. 1892
(7 folders) |
BOX 785 |
Nov. 1892-Jan. 13, 1893
(7 folders) |
BOX 786 |
Jan. 14-July 1893
(6 folders) |
BOX 787 |
Aug.-Sept. 1893
(5 folders) |
BOX 788 |
Oct. 1893-Jan. 22, 1894
(7 folders) |
BOX 789 |
Jan. 23-Feb. 10, 1894
(6 folders) |
BOX 790 |
Feb. 21-Apr. 1894
(7 folders) |
BOX 791 |
May 1894-1898
(14 folders) |
BOX 792 |
1899-1904, undated
(6 folders) |
BOX 792-800 |
Subject File.
Subject file arranged alphabetically by subject heading. |
BOX 792 |
Abraham Buford, papers of |
Breckinridge Monument Association |
Democratic Committee of the 7th Congressional
District, petitions to |
Education |
BOX 793 |
Fayette County, Ky., convention,
Genealogy |
Legal case, Pollard v.
(2 folders) |
Legal cases |
(6 folders) |
BOX 794-799 |
Legal cases |
(51 folders) |
BOX 800 |
Legal cases, account books |
(2 folders) |
Petitions |
Watauga Land Co. |
BOX 801-804 |
Speech and Article File, 1853-1904
The speeches are arranged chronologically. There is one titled article; the
remaining articles are untitled and undated. |
BOX 801 |
Speeches |
May 16, 1868
June 11, 1872
Jan. 16, 1874
Nov. 1, 1875
June 12, 1878
Mar. 16, 1879
May 26, 1879
Oct. 2, 1879
Nov. 2, 1882
Mar. 3, 1886
Apr. 2, 1886
May 19, 1887
Aug. 27, 1887
June 28, 1888
July 7, 1888
July 16, 1888
Jan. 8, 1889
July 1, 1890
Aug. 4, 1890
July 29, 1891
Aug. 22, 1891
Aug. 27, 1894
May 8, 1904
Published speeches, 1868-1891
BOX 802 |
Notes for League of Nations speech,
(4 folders) |
BOX 803 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 804 |
(2 folders) |
Articles |
"Notes on the Red Cross in
America" |
Untitled, undated
BOX 804-813 |
Financial Papers, 1859-1904
An account book and bills and receipts arranged chronologically. |
BOX 804 |
Account book, 1886-1896
Bills and receipts |
(3 folders) |
BOX 805-812 |
(55 folders) |
BOX 813 |
1898-1904, undated
(4 folders) |
BOX 813-820 |
Miscellany, 1851-1904
Biographical papers, notebooks, political lists, scrapbooks, printed matter,
and other miscellaneous items. |
Grouped by type of material. |
BOX 813 |
Autograph book |
Biographical papers |
(2 folders) |
Calling cards, tickets, and
invitations |
(1 folder) |
BOX 814 |
(1 folder) |
Certificates |
Indentures, 1854-1896
Lists, menus, notes |
Notebooks |
(1 folder) |
BOX 815 |
(2 folders) |
Obituary, 1904
Political lists |
(2 folders) |
BOX 816 |
(2 folders) |
School notes, 1851
Scrapbooks |
(2 folders) |
(2 folders) |
BOX 817 |
1863-1894, undated
(4 folders) |
BOX 818-820 |
Printed matter |
(11 folders) |
BOX 821-827 |
Mary Desha Papers, 1892-1910
BOX 821 |
Correspondence, 1895-1909
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