The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Breckinridge family papers, 1752-1965
Joseph Cabell Breckinridge Papers, 1844-1909 (continued)
Speech and Article File, circa 1888-1904 (continued)
Fragments of speeches
"Campaign and Battles of Trenton"
"Crass Army Legislation"
"The Propriety of College Military Instruction"
"Service Apprentices"
"Understand My Tactics or the Diamond Drill"
Untitled, undated
BOX 639-658 Financial Papers, 1844-1904
Account books, bills and receipts, cancelled checks, and check stubs.
Arranged by type of material and chronologically arranged within each group.
BOX 639 Account books, 1888-1896, 1898
(2 folders)
Bills and receipts
(6 folders)
BOX 640-651 1881-1902
(58 folders)
BOX 652 1902-1904, undated
(5 folders)
Cancelled checks
(6 folders)
BOX 653-655 1890-1902
(14 folders)
BOX 656 Check stubs
(6 folders)
BOX 657-658 1890-1903
(11 folders)
BOX 659-679 Miscellany, 1858-1908
Scrapbooks, biographical papers, printed matter, and miscellaneous items.
Arranged by type of material and chronologically arranged within each group.
BOX 659-669 Scrapbooks, 1875-1903
(12 v.)
BOX 670 Biographical papers, 1864-1903
Chronological file
(7 folders)
(8 folders)
BOX 672 1886-1891
(6 folders)
BOX 673 1892-1896
(7 folders)
BOX 674 1897-1899
(4 folders)
BOX 675 1899-1902
(5 folders)
BOX 676 1902
(6 folders)
BOX 677 1902-1908, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 678-679 Printed matter, 1881-1903, undated
(9 folders)
BOX 680-711 Madeline McDowell Breckinridge Papers, 1895-1921
BOX 680-692 Correspondence, 1895-1921
Letters sent and received in chronological arrangement.
BOX 680 1895-July 1911
(8 folders)
BOX 681 Aug. 1911-Dec. 1913
(7 folders)
BOX 682 Jan.-Sept. 1914
(9 folders)
BOX 683 Oct. 1914-Jan. 1915
(8 folders)
BOX 684 Jan.-May 1915
(10 folders)
BOX 685 May-Aug. 1915
(10 folders)
BOX 686 Aug. 20-Dec. 31, 1915
(10 folders)
1915 undated
BOX 687 Jan.-Apr. 1916
(10 folders)
BOX 688 Apr.-Dec. 1916
(14 folders)
1916 undated
BOX 689 Jan. 1917-July 1919
(10 folders)
BOX 690 July-Nov. 1919
(12 folders)
BOX 691 Dec. 1919-Feb. 1920
(11 folders)
BOX 692 Mar. 1920-Dec. 1921, undated
(8 folders)
BOX 693-706 Subject File, 1901-1921
Alphabetically arranged by subject title and chronologically arranged within each subject.
BOX 693 Associated Charities
(2 folders)
Civic League
1902-1921, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 694 Undated
(2 folders)
Juvenile Court
Miscellany, 1901-1920
BOX 695 1905-1918, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 696 Index cards
BOX 697 Federation of Women's Clubs, 1906-1921, undated
(4 folders)
Salvation Army
(2 folders)
BOX 698 (4 folders)
(5 folders)
BOX 699 1914-1918
(6 folders)
1919-1920, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 700 Women's suffrage
(2 folders)
BOX 701 1911-1914
(7 folders)
BOX 702 1914-1915 See also Oversize
(5 folders)
BOX 703 1915-1918 See also Oversize
(7 folders)
BOX 704 1918-1920
(8 folders)
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