The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Owen Wister papers, 1829-1966
General Correspondence, 1875-1936 (continued)
Tilton, Ralph See Container 18, Delineator
Towne, Charles Hanson See Container 22, Harper's Bazar
Townsend, R. D. See Container 31, Outlook
“T” miscellaneous
(1 folder)
BOX 37 (1 folder)
Unwin, T. Fisher
“U” miscellaneous
Vanderbilt, George
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
Van Tyne, Claude
Vielé, Herman Knickerbocker
Viereck, George Sylvester
The Vigilantes See also Container 22, Hagedorn, Hermann, Jr.
Von Appiano, Richard See also Container 3, Wister, Annis Furness
“V” miscellaneous
Wallace, Henry C.
Walpole, Hugh
Walters, Henry G.
Ward, Arthur S.
Ward, Samuel
Waring, Guy See also Container 9, Wister, Sarah Butler
Warren, Francis E.
Washington, Booker T.
Watterson, Henry
Weeks, Edward See Container 13, Atlantic Monthly
Wendell, Barrett
Wendell, Edith
West, George B.
BOX 38 1893-1934
Wharton, Edith
Wharton, Frances B.
Wharton, Henry
Wharton, Katharine J.
Wharton, R. J.
Wharton, Thomas
Whibley, Charles
White, Henry
White, J. William
White, William Allen
Whitlock, Brand
Whitney, Caspar See also Container 31, Outing Publishing Co.
Wickersham, George W.
Williams, Francis C.
Williams, Jesse Lynch
Williams, Ralph Vaughan
Williams, Talcott
Wilson, James Grant
Wilson, James H.
Wise, John S., Jr. See Container 77, Ulysses S. Grant
Woman's Home Companion
Wood, Leonard See also Container 76, A Straight Deal
World's Work
Wyndham-Quin, Windham Thomas, Lord Dunraven
BOX 39 “W” miscellaneous
Yerkes, Robert M.
Youth's Companion See also Container 24, Howe, Mark Antony DeWolfe, and Container 33, Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
BOX 40-48 Scrapbooks, 1892-1930
Scrapbooks containing correspondence, clippings, and other printed matter.
Arranged in two groups as "Babel" and miscellaneous scrapbooks. The Babel scrapbooks, so named and numbered by Wister, are arranged numerically. An index to items in volumes 1-6 is available for consultation in the Manuscript Division reading room. Miscellaneous scrapbooks are arranged chronologically.
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 22,325.
BOX 40 REEL 1 "Babel"
Vol. 1, "Notoriety," letters received and miscellaneous clippings, 1890-1930
BOX 41 REEL 1 Vol. 2, "Roosevelt medal and letters," letters received, 1894-1918, and clippings, 1929-1930
BOX 42 REEL 2 Vol. 3, untitled, letters received and miscellaneous clippings, 1895-1897
BOX 43 REEL 2 Vol. 4, untitled, letters received and miscellaneous clippings, 1897-1900
BOX 44 REEL 2 Vol. 5, miscellaneous clippings, 1911-1912
BOX 45 REEL 3 Vol. 6, When West Was West, letters received and clippings, 1928-1929
Vol. 7, "Therefore is the name of it called BABEL because the Lord did there confound the language of all the Earth. Gen. XI:9," letters received, clippings and printed matter, 1892-1894
BOX 46 REEL 3 Vol. 8, untitled, letters received and miscellaneous clippings, 1894-1895
BOX 47 REEL 4 Miscellaneous
BOX 48 REEL 3 1901, 1911, 1914
BOX 49-83 Speech, Article, and Book File, circa 1880-circa 1930
Manuscripts, typescripts, and printed copies of Wister's speeches, articles and short stories, poems, operas, plays, and books.
Grouped by format or genre and therein arranged alphabetically by title or subject. Untitled speeches are grouped by date, and the poems are unarranged.
BOX 49 Speeches
Chronological file
1882, Nov. 15
1886, June 15
1899, June 26
1901, June 5
Jan. 9
Dec. 18
June 17
June 26
Feb. 12
Nov. 14
1923, Mar.
Jan. 26
Feb. 21
July 4
1928, Nov. 24
1932, June
1933, Jan. 20
Alphabetical file
Alliance Francaise, introducing Guy Irvin and Jean Jules Jusserand
"America's Month"
BOX 50 Clemenceau, Georges
Coit, Henry A.
Coolidge, Charles
Cutler, Elliot
Furness, Horace Howard, memorial tribute
Greenough, Chester
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Howells, William Dean
Irwin, Agnes
Jusserand, Jean Jules
Lowell, Lawrence
Philadelphia, Pa.
Scheel, Fritz, memorial tribute
"The Seven Ages of Washington"
Sibley, Florence
"Superstition and the Doctor"
Twain, Mark
Washington, George, toast to the memory of
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