| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Correspondence, 1875-1936
(continued) |
Wendell, Barrett |
Wendell, Edith |
West, George B. |
BOX 38 |
Wharton, Edith |
Wharton, Frances B. |
Wharton, Henry |
Wharton, Katharine J. |
Wharton, R. J. |
Wharton, Thomas |
Whibley, Charles |
White, Henry |
White, J. William |
White, William Allen |
Whitlock, Brand |
Whitney, Caspar See also Container 31,
Outing Publishing Co.
Wickersham, George W. |
Williams, Francis C. |
Williams, Jesse Lynch |
Williams, Ralph Vaughan |
Williams, Talcott |
Wilson, James Grant |
Wilson, James H. |
Wise, John S., Jr. See Container 77, Ulysses S. Grant
Woman's Home Companion
Wood, Leonard See also Container 76, A Straight Deal
World's Work
Wyndham-Quin, Windham Thomas, Lord
Dunraven |
BOX 39 |
“W” miscellaneous |
Yerkes, Robert M. |
Youth's Companion
See also Container 24,
Howe, Mark Antony DeWolfe, and Container 33, Roosevelt, Theodore
Unidentified |
BOX 40-48 |
Scrapbooks, 1892-1930
Scrapbooks containing correspondence, clippings, and other printed matter. |
Arranged in two groups as "Babel" and miscellaneous scrapbooks. The Babel scrapbooks, so named and numbered by Wister, are arranged numerically. An
index to items in volumes 1-6 is available for consultation in the Manuscript
Division reading room. Miscellaneous scrapbooks are arranged chronologically. |
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 22,325. |
BOX 40 REEL 1 |
Vol. 1, "Notoriety," letters received and miscellaneous clippings,
BOX 41 REEL 1 |
Vol. 2, "Roosevelt medal and letters," letters received, 1894-1918, and clippings,
BOX 42 REEL 2 |
Vol. 3, untitled, letters received and
miscellaneous clippings, 1895-1897
BOX 43 REEL 2 |
Vol. 4, untitled, letters received and
miscellaneous clippings, 1897-1900
BOX 44 REEL 2 |
Vol. 5, miscellaneous clippings,
BOX 45 REEL 3 |
Vol. 6, When West Was West, letters received and clippings, 1928-1929
Vol. 7, "Therefore is the name of it called BABEL because the Lord did there confound the language of all the Earth. Gen. XI:9," letters received, clippings and printed matter,
BOX 46 REEL 3 |
Vol. 8, untitled, letters received and
miscellaneous clippings, 1894-1895
BOX 47 REEL 4 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 48 REEL 3 |
1901, 1911, 1914
BOX 49-83 |
Speech, Article, and Book File, circa 1880-circa 1930
Manuscripts, typescripts, and printed copies of Wister's speeches, articles and
short stories, poems, operas, plays, and books. |
Grouped by format or genre and therein arranged alphabetically by title or
subject. Untitled speeches are grouped by date, and the poems are unarranged. |
BOX 49 |
Speeches |
Chronological file |
1882, Nov. 15
1886, June 15
1899, June 26
1901, June 5
Jan. 9
Dec. 18
June 17
June 26
Feb. 12
Nov. 14
1923, Mar.
Jan. 26
Feb. 21
July 4
1928, Nov. 24
1932, June
1933, Jan. 20
Alphabetical file |
Alliance Francaise, introducing Guy Irvin
and Jean Jules Jusserand |
"America's Month"
BOX 50 |
Clemenceau, Georges |
Coit, Henry A. |
Coolidge, Charles |
Cutler, Elliot |
Furness, Horace Howard, memorial
tribute |
Greenough, Chester |
Harvard University, Cambridge,
Mass. |
Howells, William Dean |
Irwin, Agnes |
Jusserand, Jean Jules |
Lowell, Lawrence |
Philadelphia, Pa. |
Scheel, Fritz, memorial
tribute |
"The Seven Ages of Washington"
Sibley, Florence |
"Superstition and the Doctor"
Twain, Mark |
Washington, George, toast to the memory
of |
Untitled and undated |
BOX 51 |
Articles and short stories |
"Absalom of Moulting Pelican"
"According to a Passenger"
"After Four Years"
"At the Sign of the Last Chance"
"The Bear Creek Barbecue"
"Before the Dude Came"
"Belinda the Bold"
Book reviews |
"A Boom in Tucson"
"The Bridge of Dread"
"Called Up"
"Can These Bones Live?"
"Capitalist Clyve"
"Captain Quid"
BOX 52 |
"The Case of the Quaker City"
"Catholicity in Musical Taste"
"Charles E. Ingersoll"
"Clayton Johns, 1884-1932"
"A Columbian Improvisation"
"Concerning 'Bad' Men"
"Concerning Children"
"The Creed of a Charter Member"
See also Container
60, Tavern Club
"Destiny at Drybone"
"Doctor Coit"
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