| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speech, Article, and Book File, circa 1880-circa 1930
(continued) |
"For Belgium, For Our King"
BOX 53 |
"For Him It Is Three Strikes and Out"
"The Founding of Harvard College"
"The Fragments That Remain"
"Francis Rawle"
"Fred Stone"
"From Moliére to America"
"The Game and the Nation"
"The General's Bluff"
"George W. Norris"
"The Gift Horse"
"Grandmother Stark"
"Guillermo Colesberry Purves"
"H. L. H." (Henry Lee Higginson) |
"Hank's Woman"
"Happy Teeth"
Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., "Report of the Committee Appointed by the Board of Overseers to Visit the Department of Music"
"Henrick Ibsen, the Dramatist"
"High Speed," correspondence |
"His Own Family"
"His Real Patient"
"Horace Howard Furness"
BOX 54 |
Horae Scholasticae, Wister's articles in |
"The Hour of Dedication"
"How I Was Taught the Game of Polo"
"How Lin McLean Went East"
"How One Bomb Was Made"
"How Ute Jack Was Taken"
"If We Elect Mr. Wilson"
"In a State of Sin"
"In Homage to Mark Twain"
"In Memory of Charles Sigourney Knox"
"In Memory of Richard H. Harte"
"In the Days of Our Innocence"
"James P. Hutchinson"
BOX 55 |
"The Jimmyjohn Boss"
"John Jay Chapman"
See also
Container 17, Cushing, Harvey
"Joyous Journey"
"The Keystone Crime"
"A Kinsman of Red Cloud"
Labor Unions |
"Land of the Free"
"La Tinaja Bonita"
Liberty Loan |
"Lin McLean's Honeymoon"
BOX 56 |
"Little Big-Horn Medicine"
"Little Old Scaffold"
"Lone Fountain"
1926 revision |
"Looking Out the Window"
"Lowell" (James Russell Lowell) |
"McKinley and Roosevelt"
"A Message From Philadelphia"
"Miss Agnes Irwin"
"Mr. James's Variant"
"The Mountain Sheep: His Ways"
See Container 70,
Musk-Ox, Bison, Sheep and Goat
"My First Editor" (Henry Mills Alden) |
"My Friendship With Roosevelt"
"My Maiden Effort"
"The New Music"
"Old Outfits in the Yellowstone Park"
"Once Around the Clock"
"The Open Air Education"
BOX 57 |
"Operatic Drinks"
"Orchestral Perfumes: A Trance"
"Our Country and the Scholar"
"Our English"
"Padre Ignazio," includes French translation, correspondence |
"The Passing of Anti-British Prejudice"
"The Passing of Ute Jack"
"The Patronage of High Bear"
Philadelphia, Pa. |
"The Pit, a Story of Chicago"
Porcellian Club |
"Portrait of a Period"
"The Promised Land"
"The Proper Thing"
"Quack-Novels and Democracy"
Text |
Correspondence |
BOX 58 |
Printed matter |
Red Cross |
"Reminiscence With Postcript"
"The Reprieve of Capitalist Clyve"
"Retrospect and Prospect"
"The Right Honorable the Strawberries"
"The Rocky Mountain Goat and His Country"
See Container 70,
Musk-Ox, Bison, Sheep and Goat
"Roosevelt and the 1912 Disaster"
"Roosevelt and the War"
Roosevetlt, Theodore (1858-1919), untitled
sketch |
"S. Weir Mitchell, Man of Letters"
(2 folders) |
BOX 59 |
(2 folders) |
"Safe in the Arms of Croesus"
Saint Paul's School, Concord,
N.H. |
Miscellany |
War Memorial |
"Salvation Gap"
"The Scab"
"Schicksalsende in Trockenknochen"
"Separ's Vigilante"
"The Serenade at Siskiyon"
"Shall We Let the Cukoos Crowd Us Out of Our Nest?"
"Sharon's Choice"
"The Singing Yankees"
"Song and the Man"
BOX 60 |
"Sophy Dallas Irwin"
"Specimen Jones"
"Stanwick's Business"
"Strictly Hereditary"
"Subjects Fit for Fiction"
"Sun Road"
"Superstition Trail;" also printed matter |
"The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania"
Tavern Club See also Container
52, "The Creed of a Charter Member"
"Theodore Roosevelt"
"Theodore Roosevelt," open letter, 1912
"Theodore Roosevelt: The Sportsman and the Man"
BOX 61 |
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