The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part III: Executive Office, 1927-1986 (continued)
Administrative Division, 1934-1986 (continued)
Minutes of meetings
(2 folders)
BOX III:228 1975-1982
Miscellany, 1971-1983, undated
Press releases and clippings, 1977-1982
Reports, 1972-1982
(2 folders)
Resolutions, 1962-1982
Transcript of meeting, 1972
Executive Committee
Executive Office News Summary of the National Urban League, 1981-1982
BOX III:229 Executive office staff memoranda, 1972
Executive vice president
Budgets, 1981-1982
2 May 1980-19 Oct. 1981
(8 folders)
BOX III:230 20 Oct. 1981-5 Oct. 1982, undated
(4 folders)
Experimental housing allowance program, 1972-1975
Experimental school street academy project
30 Oct. 1967-29 June 1973
(2 folders)
BOX III:231 30 June 1973-17 July 1980
(5 folders)
BOX III:232 Facts on the Many Faces of Poverty, 1965
Faculty, career, and curriculum development program, 1975, undated
Fair housing, 1974-1980
Family planning, 1968-1979, undated
(5 folders)
Family Service Association of America, 1965
Federal construction programs, 1977
Federal Credit Union, National Urban League, 1980
Federal Thrust
Agriculture, 1971
Correspondence, 1971
Executive directors meeting with cabinet, 1970-1971
BOX III:233 Federal resources, 1971
Federally funded Urban League programs, 1971
Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 1971
Housing and urban development proposals, undated
Initial presentation to president and cabinet, 1971
Memoranda to National Urban League Board and field directors, 1970-1971
Mobilization proposals, 1970-1971
Office of Economic Opportunity, 1971
Press reports, 1970
Proposals, general, 1971
Reports on activities, 1971
BOX III:234 Research Department, 1970
Transportation Department, 1971
Washington Bureau, Washington, D.C., 1970-1971
White House correspondence, 1970
Federation of Southern Cooperatives, 1975
Field Foundation, 1970-1980
Field Services Department
Director, 1969-1971
Field Services Committee, 1972-1973
Newsletters, 1969
"Urban League: An Evaluation," 1969
Finances, 1969-1979
First National City Bank, New York, N.Y., 1972-1974
Food stamp nutrition education program, 1984
Food stamps, 1973
Ford Foundation
Jan. 1967-Sept. 1969
BOX III:235 Nov. 1969-Oct. 1971
(6 folders)
BOX III:236 Nov. 1971- Oct. 1979
(6 folders)
BOX III:237 Jan. 1980-Dec. 1982, undated
(2 folders)
Forest Hills, N.Y., controversy, 1972
Fund Department
Benefit party, 1976-1977, undated
Bloom, Gary M.
(5 folders)
BOX III:238 1982
(2 folders)
Contributions, 1972-1982, undated
(3 folders)
BOX III:239 1974-1982, undated
(4 folders)
Cultivation luncheons, 1972-1974
Equal Opportunity Day dinners
BOX III:240 1974-1982, undated
"Funding Local Urban League Programs," undated
Funding proposals, 1970-1971, 1981
Fund-raising bibliography, undated
Geographical index, 1981
Jesse Owens and Associates, 1979, undated
Miscellany, 1962, 1971-1982, undated
(2 folders)
BOX III:241 Survival Fund, 1970-1972
United Fund requests, 1973
Fund for an Open Society, 1975-1977
Fund-raising study, 1972
Gallery 62, headquarters building, National Urban League, 1978-1982, undated
(2 folders)
Gasoline fumes, 1977
General Counsel, 1974
General Electric Co., 1972, undated
General fund, 1970-1973, 1981-1982, undated
General Mills, 1972
BOX III:242 George Edmund Haynes fellowship program
Correspondence, 1979-1982
(3 folders)
General, 1979-1982, undated
(2 folders)
Ghetto tours, 1969
Government Affairs Department
BOX III:243 1973
Granger, Lester Blackwell, 1958, undated
Grantsmanship training program, 1975-1976, undated
Greendale, Alexander, 1976-1977, undated
Group W, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., 1977
Guaranteed student loan program, 1969
Guidelines for Community Action, undated
Gulf Oil Corp., 1974
Haitian refugees, 1978-1982
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