The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Urban League records, 1900-1988
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Part III: Executive Office, 1927-1986 (continued)
Regional Offices, 1969-1982 (continued)
Aug. 1970-May 1973
(7 folders)
BOX III:441 June 1973-Mar. 1982
(8 folders)
BOX III:441-443 To Be Equal Column, 1965-1982
Published articles, a distribution list, and a list of column titles.
Articles arranged chronologically.
BOX III:441 Columns
(5 folders)
BOX III:442 1971-1974
(7 folders)
BOX III:443 1976-1982, undated
(7 folders)
Distribution list, 1973
List of titles
BOX III:443-449 Part III: National Committee on Household Employment, 1964-1981
Correspondence, memoranda, awards, reports, printed matter, press releases, newsletters, speeches, and mailing lists.
Arranged alphabetically by name of individual, organization, topic, project title, or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX III:443 Affiliates
Bronx, N.Y., 1978, undated
California, 1977, undated
Canton, Ohio, 1976
Dallas, Tex., 1976-1978, undated
Detroit, Mich., 1973-1977
General, 1973-1979, undated
Los Angeles, Calif., circa 1971-1973, undated
Marin County, Calif., undated
Maryland, 1976-1978
Miami, Fla., 1976
Mississippi, undated
Nassau County, N.Y., 1976-1978
New Jersey, 1976
New York, N.Y., 1976, undated
Oakland-Berkeley, Calif., 1972-1975, undated
Pasadena-Altadena, Calif., 1973, undated
Pittsburg, Calif., 1972, undated
Sacramento, Calif., 1971
San Francisco, Calif., 1972-1975, undated
Santa Barbara, Calif., undated
BOX III:444 Topeka, Kans., 1976-1979
Tulsa, Okla., undated
Washington, D.C., 1976-1979, undated
Western Pennsylvania, undated
Western Regional Office, 1972-1975, undated
Youngstown, Ohio, 1975
Awards, 1977, undated
Bethlehem Community Center, Bethlehem, Pa., undated
The Bissell Guide to Housekeeping for Young Homemakers, 1967
Board of directors and Executive Committee, 1972-1978
Business opportunities project, 1978
Bylaws, 1975
California Industrial Welfare Commission, 1972-1975, undated
Cass, Melnea Agnes, 1978
Central ordering system, undated
Child care See Container III:446, Fair Labor Standards Act
Community improvement program, 1969
Charlotte, N.C., 1977
General, 1972-1975, undated
New York, N.Y., 1977
BOX III:445 St. Louis, Mo., 1975-1976, undated
Washington, D.C., 1977-1979, undated
(2 folders)
Consumer protection, undated
Correspondence, 1972-1979, undated
(3 folders)
Crime prevention, undated
Daily Made of Washington, Inc., undated
Economic recovery for blacks, 1976
"An Educational Program for Members of the National Committee on Household Employment," 1978
"The Energy Crisis and the Private Household Worker," circa 1974
BOX III:446 Fair Labor Standards Act, 1974-1979, undated
Finances, 1972-1979
Ford Foundation, 1972-1977
General information on household employment, 1976-1978, undated
General information on National Committee on Household Employment, 1971, 1978, undated
A Handbook on Household Service Firms, 1977-1979, undated
Handbook on Women Workers, 1969
Health insurance, undated
Household Employment News, 1979
Immigration, 1977-1978, undated
An International Survey of Part-time Employment, 1964
Labor law, 1971-1976
Lists, unidentified, undated
BOX III:447 "The Low Income Woman's International Women's Year Action Plan," 1978
A Marketing Survey on Maintenance Services, undated
Correspondence, 1973-1978
General, 1976, undated
Press lists, 1971-1979, undated
(5 folders)
BOX III:448 Press releases, circa 1975-1978, undated
Public service announcements, 1971-1979, undated
General, 1976-1979, undated
Group membership dues payment record, 1975-1978, undated
Mailing lists, 1975-1979, undated
Metro Makke Associates, undated
Minimum wage law of the District of Columbia, 1978
Miscellany, 1972-1974, undated
National Association of Minority Maintenance Industries, "Proposal for Funding," 1973
National Black United Fund, 1978
National Center for Community Action, 1975
National Council for Homemaker-Home Health Aide Services, 1976, undated
The NCHE Code of Standards for Household Employment, undated
BOX III:449 NCHE News, 1971-1978
Newspapers and magazine articles, 1966-1981, undated
Parrish, Dorothy T., undated
Party Aide Guide, 1969
Personnel, 1969, 1976, undated
"Phil Donahue Show," 1978-1979, undated
Poor peoples inaugural party, Washington, D.C., 1977
Program summary, undated
Science Research Associates, occupational brief, 1975
Spanish language National Committee on Household Employment forms and publications, 1973-1974, undated
Speak-out for Economic Justice: Poor Women in the Economy, symposium, Washington, D.C., 1975-1976
Surge Cooperative, Inc., 1973
Training program proposal, undated
White House, 1974-1978
Women Private Household Workers: A Statistical and Legislative Profile, 1978
Women's Coalition for the Third Century, 1978
Women's Equality Day celebration, 1976
Workshop for household employees proposal, 1977
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